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Created December 16, 2019 18:38
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Typed clownface
// Ugly implementation and not exactly like in the examples. but similar
import { Literal, NamedNode } from 'rdf-js'
import Clownface from 'clownface/lib/Clownface'
import rdf from 'rdf-ext'
import { TypedClownfaceEntity } from './TypedClownfaceEntity'
const trueLiteral: Literal = rdf.literal(true)
type PropRef = string | NamedNode
type TypedEntityConstructor = new (...args: any[]) => TypedClownfaceEntity
interface AccessorOptions {
path?: PropRef | PropRef[];
as?: 'term' | TypedEntityConstructor;
array?: boolean;
interface LiteralAccessorOption extends AccessorOptions {
type?: typeof Boolean;
function predicate (cf: Clownface, termOrString: PropRef) {
if (typeof termOrString === 'string') {
return cf.namedNode(termOrString)
} else {
return cf.node(termOrString)
function getNode (cf: Clownface, path: Clownface[]) {
return path
.reduce((node, prop) => {
return node.out(prop)
}, cf)
function getPredicate (cf: any, name: PropertyKey): NamedNode {
return (cf.constructor).__ns[name.toString()]
function getPath (protoOrDescriptor: any, cf: Clownface, path: PropRef | PropRef[], name: PropertyKey) {
return (path ? Array.isArray(path) ? path : [ path ] : [ getPredicate(protoOrDescriptor, name) ])
.map(termOrString => predicate(cf, termOrString))
export function property (options: AccessorOptions = {}) {
const Type = || 'term'
return (protoOrDescriptor: any, name?: PropertyKey): any => {
Object.defineProperty(protoOrDescriptor, name, {
get (this: Clownface): any {
const node = getNode(this, getPath(protoOrDescriptor, this, options.path, name))
const values = => {
if (Type === 'term') {
return term.term
return new Type(term)
if (options.array === true) {
return values
if (values.length > 1) {
throw new Error(`Multiple terms found where 0..1 was expected`)
return values[0]
set (this: Clownface, value: any) {
const path = getPath(protoOrDescriptor, this, options.path, name)
let node: Clownface
node = path.length === 1 ? this : getNode(this, path.slice(path.length - 1))
const lastPredicate = path[path.length - 1]
.addOut(lastPredicate, value)
export function literal (options: LiteralAccessorOption = {}) {
return (protoOrDescriptor: any, name?: PropertyKey): any => {
Object.defineProperty(protoOrDescriptor, name, {
get (this: Clownface): any {
const node = getNode(this, getPath(protoOrDescriptor, this, options.path, name))
if (options.type === Boolean) {
return trueLiteral.equals(node.term)
return node.value
set (this: Clownface, value: any) {
const path = getPath(protoOrDescriptor, this, options.path, name)
let node: Clownface
node = path.length === 1 ? this : getNode(this, path.slice(path.length - 1))
const lastPredicate = path[path.length - 1]
.addOut(lastPredicate, value)
export function namespace (ns: any) {
return (classOrDescriptor: any) => {
classOrDescriptor.__ns = ns
import Clownface from 'clownface/lib/Clownface'
import { namespace, literal, property } from './typedClownface'
import ns from '@rdfjs/namespace'
class Table extends Clownface {
// path - one or more predicates to traverse
// as - constructor to wrap the node with (another subclass of Clownface)
// array - how to handle multiple objects
// equivalent to
// this.out(dataCube.source)
// .out(dataCube.column)
// .map(cf => new Column(cf))
@property({ path: [ dataCube.source, dataCube.column ], as: Column, array: true })
public readonly columns: Column[]
// class decorator which acts like JSON-LD @base
class Column extends Clownface {
// without path param, uses JS prop name for predicate
// equivalent to
// this.out(this.namedNode('')).value
public name: string
// type param defines built-in cast of the literal value
@literal({ path: csvw.suppressOutput, type: Boolean })
public suppressed: boolean
import $rdf = require('rdf-ext')
import clownface = require('clownface')
import { Table } from './types'
import ns from '@rdfjs/namespace'
import { prefixes } from '@zazuko/rdf-vocabularies'
const rdf = ns(prefixes.rdf)
const table = new Table({ dataset: $rdf.dataset(), term: $rdf.namedNode('' })
// an entity is still a clownface object
const types = table.out(rdf.type).terms
// access columns like they were native objects
table.columns.forEach((column, i) => {
// setters also work = `Column ${i}`
column.suppressed = true
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