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Last active October 4, 2024 20:58
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  • Save tpoechtrager/766140c49a711a2177820ea42556de3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tpoechtrager/766140c49a711a2177820ea42556de3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Original code by Miononno
* Enhanced by unknown @
console.log("Loading ZTE Script v" + "2024-08-31-#1");
siginfo =
"wan_active_band,wan_active_channel,wan_lte_ca,wan_apn,wan_ipaddr," +
"cell_id,dns_mode,prefer_dns_manual,standby_dns_manual,network_type," +
"network_provider_fullname," +
"rmcc,rmnc," +
"ip_passthrough_enabled," +
"bandwidth," +
"tx_power," +
"rscp_1,ecio_1,rscp_2,ecio_2,rscp_3,ecio_3,rscp_4,ecio_4," +
"ngbr_cell_info," +
"lte_multi_ca_scell_info,lte_multi_ca_scell_sig_info," +
"lte_band,lte_rsrp,lte_rsrq," +
"lte_rsrq,lte_rssi,lte_rsrp,lte_snr," +
"lte_ca_pcell_band,lte_ca_pcell_freq,lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth," +
"lte_ca_scell_band,lte_ca_scell_bandwidth," +
"lte_rsrp_1,lte_rsrp_2,lte_rsrp_3,lte_rsrp_4," +
"lte_snr_1,lte_snr_2,lte_snr_3,lte_snr_4," +
"lte_pci,lte_pci_lock,lte_earfcn_lock," +
"5g_rx0_rsrp,5g_rx1_rsrp,Z5g_rsrp,Z5g_rsrq,Z5g_SINR," +
"nr5g_cell_id,nr5g_pci," +
"nr5g_action_channel,nr5g_action_band," +
"nr5g_action_nsa_band," +
"nr_ca_pcell_band,nr_ca_pcell_freq," +
"nr_multi_ca_scell_info," +
"nr5g_sa_band_lock,nr5g_nsa_band_lock," +
is_mc888 = false;
is_mc889 = false;
logged_in_as_developer = false;
function dump_variable(v)
for (property in v)
console.log(property + ":" + JSON.stringify(v[property]));
catch { }
function var2html(prefix, v)
for (index in v)
var items = v[index];
for (item_index in items)
$("#" + prefix + "_" + index + "_" + item_index).html(items[item_index]);
function test_cmd(cmd)
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: cmd,
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
window.cookies = window.cookies ||
get: function(name)
var b = document.cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + name + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)');
return b ? b.pop() : null;
delete: function(name)
document.cookie = '{0}=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'
.replace('{0}', name);
set: function(name, value)
document.cookie =
'{0}={1};expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT;path=/;SameSite=Lax'
.replace('{0}', name)
.replace('{1}', value);
function show_logout_and_shutdown_buttons()
document.getElementById("logout").childNodes.forEach(el => {
wait_for_log_in_done = false;
function wait_for_log_in()
if (wait_for_log_in_done) return;
wait_for_log_in_done = true;
show_logout_and_shutdown_buttons_i = 0;
show_logout_and_shutdown_buttons_timer_id = window.setInterval(function() {
if (++show_logout_and_shutdown_buttons_i >= 6)
}, 500);
window.setInterval(get_status, 1000);
window.setInterval(prevent_automatic_logout, 60000);
if (typeof show_log_in_info_once === "undefined")
console.log("Contents of script will show once you are logged in!");
show_log_in_info_once = true;
function init()
wait_for_log_in_timer_id = window.setInterval(wait_for_log_in, 250);
function perform_automatic_login_or_init()
if (have_admin_password_hash())
console.log("Already logged in ...");
console.log("Logging in ...");
perform_login(function() {
console.log("... logged in");
hash_fix_i = 0;
hash_fix_timer_id = window.setInterval(function() {
window.location.hash = "home";
if (++hash_fix_i >= 10) window.clearInterval(hash_fix_timer_id);
}, 100);
else init();
* Wait until inner version string is available.
prepare_2_done = false;
function prepare_2()
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "wa_inner_version"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
if (a.wa_inner_version == "" || prepare_2_done) return;
prepare_2_done = true;
is_mc888 = a.wa_inner_version.indexOf("MC888") > -1;
is_mc889 = a.wa_inner_version.indexOf("MC889") > -1;
if (is_mc888 || is_mc889) hash = SHA256;
else hash = hex_md5;
* Wait until SHA256() is available.
function prepare_1()
if (typeof SHA256 === "undefined")
prepare_2_timer_id = window.setInterval(prepare_2, 250);
function make_hidden_settings_visible()
alert("This option makes hidden device settings visible.\n" +
"Hidden settings are marked with a '[hidden option]' suffix");
window.setInterval(function() {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('*')).forEach(el => {
// $(el).hide();
// $(el).show();
if($("#ipv4_section").length > 0) {
$('#ipv4_section .row').css('display', 'block');
if (el.classList.contains("hide")) {
el.innerHTML += " [hidden option]";
function have_admin_password_hash()
return cookies.get("admin_password_hash") !== null;
function perform_login(successCallback, developer_login = false, save_password_hash = false)
var password_hash = "";
if (have_admin_password_hash())
password_hash = cookies.get("admin_password_hash");
if (password_hash == "")
var password = prompt("Router Password");
if (password == null || password == "")
password_hash = SHA256(password);
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD,LD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD);
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
isTest: "false",
goformId: developer_login ? "DEVELOPER_OPTION_LOGIN" : "LOGIN",
password: SHA256(password_hash + a.LD),
AD: ad
success: function(a)
var j = JSON.parse(a);
if ("0" == j.result)
if (save_password_hash) cookies.set("admin_password_hash", password_hash);
if (successCallback) successCallback();
var reason = "";
switch (j.result)
case "1":
reason = "Try again later";
case "3":
reason = "Wrong Password";
if (have_admin_password_hash())
console.log("Wrong password. Removing stored password hash ...");
default: reason = "Unknown";
alert((developer_login ? "Developer login" : "Login") + " failed! Reason: " + reason + ".");
error: err
function prevent_automatic_logout()
type: "GET",
url: "/tmpl/network/apn_setting.html?v=" + Math.round(+new Date() / 1000)
function enable_automatic_login()
var res = confirm("You can make this script log in for you\n" +
"once you paste it into the developer console.\n\n" +
"The password will be stored in a cookie as an SHA256 hash.\n\n" +
if (!res)
perform_login(function() {
alert("Successfully saved password as hash!");
}, false, true);
function check_log_in(logged_in_callback, not_logged_in_callback = null)
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
// multi_data is required here otherwise
// a false "ok" might be returned by the
// router if a session in another browser
// is running.
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "loginfo"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
if (a.loginfo.toLowerCase() == "ok")
if (logged_in_callback)
if (not_logged_in_callback)
error: err
class LteCaCellInfo
constructor(pci, band, earfcn, bandwidth, rssi, rsrp1, rsrp2, rsrp3, rsrp4, rsrq, sinr1, sinr2, sinr3, sinr4)
this.pci = pci; = band;
this.earfcn = earfcn;
this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
this.rssi = rssi;
this.rsrp1 = rsrp1;
this.rsrp2 = rsrp2;
this.rsrp3 = rsrp3;
this.rsrp4 = rsrp4;
this.rsrq = rsrq;
this.sinr1 = sinr1;
this.sinr2 = sinr2;
this.sinr3 = sinr3;
this.sinr4 = sinr4;
function parse_lte_cell_info()
//Object { lte_multi_ca_scell_sig_info: "-44.0,-3.0,19.5,0,2;", lte_multi_ca_scell_info: "1,XX,2,3,1525,15.0" }
// lte_multi_ca_scell_info
// 0: CaIndex
// 1: PCI
// 2: ??
// 3: Band
// 4: Earfcn
// 5: Bandwidth
// lte_multi_ca_scell_sig_info
// 0: RSRP, -44 invalid
// 1: RSRQ
// 2: SINR
// 3: ??
// 4: ??
if (!is_lte)
return [];
var lte_cells = [];
var lte_main_band =
(lte_ca_pcell_band != "" ? lte_ca_pcell_band : lte_band);
if (lte_main_band == "")
lte_main_band = "??";
lte_cells.push(new LteCaCellInfo(
parseInt(lte_pci, 16),
"B" + lte_main_band,
lte_ca_pcell_freq == "" ? wan_active_channel : lte_ca_pcell_freq,
(lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth != "" ? lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth : bandwidth).replace("MHz", "").replace(".0", ""),
// Only MC888 seems to have lte_multi_ca_scell_sig_info so far.
// MC889 doesn't have it.
var scell_infos = lte_multi_ca_scell_info.split(";").filter(n => n);
var scell_sig_infos = lte_multi_ca_scell_sig_info.split(";").filter(n => n);
for (var i = 0; i < scell_infos.length; i++)
if (scell_infos[i] == "")
var scell_info = scell_infos[i].split(",");
var have_scell_sig_info = scell_sig_infos.length > i;
var scell_sig_info = have_scell_sig_info ? scell_sig_infos[i].split(",") : undefined;
if (scell_info.length < 6)
if (have_scell_sig_info && scell_sig_info.length < 3)
lte_cells.push(new LteCaCellInfo(
parseInt(scell_info[1], 16), // PCI
"B" + scell_info[3], // Band
scell_info[4], // Earfcn
scell_info[5].replace(".0", ""), // Bandwidth
"", // RSSI
(have_scell_sig_info ? scell_sig_info[0] : "").replace("-44.0", "?????"), // RSRP
have_scell_sig_info ? scell_sig_info[1] : "", // RSRQ
have_scell_sig_info ? scell_sig_info[2] : "", // SINR
return lte_cells;
class NrCaCellInfo
constructor(pci, band, arfcn, bandwidth, rsrp1, rsrp2, rsrq, sinr)
this.pci = pci; = band;
this.arfcn = arfcn;
this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
this.rsrp1 = rsrp1;
this.rsrp2 = rsrp2;
this.rsrq = rsrq;
this.sinr = sinr;
this.unchanged_updates = 0;
this.info_text = "";
function parse_nr_cell_info()
if (!is_5g)
return [];
if (is_5g_nsa && !is_5g_nsa_active)
// Base station is capable of 5G NSA
// but we don't have any receipton of the NSA band.
return [];
* There's apparently no better fix for this.
* The API does not reset its memory correctly after switching from
* 5G CA to 5G without CA.
var is_ca = nr_ca_pcell_freq == "" || nr5g_action_channel == nr_ca_pcell_freq;
if (_5g_rx0_rsrp == "")
_5g_rx0_rsrp = Z5g_rsrp;
var nr_cells = [];
var allowed_nr_bands =
(is_5g_nsa ? nr5g_nsa_band_lock : nr5g_sa_band_lock).split(",");
if (!is_ca) {
var nr_band =
(is_5g_nsa ? "n" + nr5g_action_nsa_band : nr5g_action_band);
if (nr_band == "n" || nr_band == "n-1")
nr_band = "n??";
nr_cells.push(new NrCaCellInfo(
parseInt(nr5g_pci, 16),
is_5g_nsa ? "" : bandwidth.replace("MHz", ""),
Z5g_SINR.replace("-20.0", "?????").replace("-3276.8", "?????")
previous_nr_cells = nr_cells;
return nr_cells;
var pcc_band = nr_ca_pcell_band != ""
? nr_ca_pcell_band
: (nr5g_action_band != ""
? (nr5g_action_band[0] == 'n' || nr5g_action_band[0] == 'N'
? nr5g_action_band.substr(1)
: nr5g_action_band)
: "??");
var pcc_freq = nr_ca_pcell_freq != ""
? nr_ca_pcell_freq
: (nr5g_action_channel != ""
? nr5g_action_channel
: "??");
nr_cells.push(new NrCaCellInfo(
parseInt(nr5g_pci, 16),
"n" + pcc_band,
bandwidth == "" ? "" : bandwidth.replace("MHz", ""),
Z5g_SINR.replace("-20.0", "?????").replace("-3276.8", "?????")
nr_multi_ca_scell_info.split(";").forEach(cell => {
if (cell == "")
// 0,XX,1,n75,292330,30MHz,0,-73.3,-10.5,17.5;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
var cell_data = cell.split(",");
if (cell_data.length < 10)
var nr_band = cell_data[3].replace("n", "");
* Try to detect false data. See comment above.
if (allowed_nr_bands.indexOf(nr_band) == -1)
nr_cells.push(new NrCaCellInfo(
cell_data[1], // PCI
cell_data[3], // Band
cell_data[4], // Arfcn
cell_data[5].replace("MHz", ""),
cell_data[7], // RSRP
cell_data[8], // RSRQ
cell_data[9].replace("0.0", "?????") // SINR
* Try to detect false data. See comment above.
* Only do this for SCells.
if (false && typeof previous_nr_cells !== "undefined" && nr_cells.length == previous_nr_cells.length)
for (var i = 1; i < nr_cells.length; i++)
if (nr_cells[i].rsrp1 == previous_nr_cells[i].rsrp1 &&
nr_cells[i].sinr == previous_nr_cells[i].sinr)
nr_cells[i].unchanged_updates = previous_nr_cells[i].unchanged_updates + 1;
if (nr_cells[i].unchanged_updates >= 30)
nr_cells[i].info_text = "[Data might be invalid]";
previous_nr_cells = nr_cells;
return nr_cells;
function get_band_info(cells)
var bands = "";
cells.forEach(cell => {
var info =;
if (cell.bandwidth != "") info += "(" + cell.bandwidth + "MHz)";
bands += bands ? " + " : "";
bands += info;
return bands;
function get_status()
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: siginfo,
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
for (signal = a, vars = siginfo.split(','), e = 0; e < vars.length; e++)
v = vars[e];
window[(!isNaN(v[0]) ? "_" : "" ) + v] = a[v];
is_umts = (network_type == "HSPA" || network_type == "HSDPA" || network_type == "HSUPA" || network_type == "HSPA+" || network_type == "DC-HSPA+" ||
network_type == "UMTS" || network_type == "CDMA" || network_type == "CDMA_EVDO" || network_type == "EVDO_EHRPD" || network_type == "TDSCDMA");
// MC801 = EN-DC, MC801A = ENDC
is_lte = (network_type == "LTE" || network_type == "ENDC" || network_type == "EN-DC" || network_type == "LTE-NSA");
is_lte_plus = (wan_lte_ca && (wan_lte_ca == "ca_activated" || wan_lte_ca == "ca_deactivated"));
is_5g_sa = (network_type == "SA");
is_5g_nsa = (network_type == "ENDC" || network_type == "EN-DC" || network_type == "LTE-NSA");
is_5g_nsa_active = is_5g_nsa && network_type != "LTE-NSA";
is_5g = is_5g_sa || is_5g_nsa;
if (is_umts) $("#umts_signal_container").show();
else $("#umts_signal_container").hide();
if (is_lte_plus) $("#lte_ca_active_tr").show();
else $("#lte_ca_active_tr").hide();
if (network_provider_fullname != "") $("#provider").show();
else $("#provider").hide();
if (cell_id) $("#cell").show();
else $("#cell").hide();
if (is_5g && nr5g_cell_id) $("#5g_cell").show();
else $("#5g_cell").hide();
if (tx_power != "" && is_lte && !is_5g_nsa /* Prevent showing an outdated value from an LTE session */)
tx_power += " dBm (" + Math.pow(10, tx_power/10.0).toFixed(3) + " mW)";
else $("#txp").hide();
$("#ca_active").html(wan_lte_ca && wan_lte_ca == "ca_activated" ? "&#10003;" : "&#10005;");
* LTE Cell Info
var lte_cells = parse_lte_cell_info();
var2html("__lte_signal", lte_cells);
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var cell_num = i + 1;
if (is_lte && lte_cells.length > i)
var lte_cell = lte_cells[i];
if (lte_cell.rsrp1 != "")
$("#lte_" + cell_num + "_rsrp").show();
$("#lte_" + cell_num + "_sinr").show();
$("#lte_" + cell_num + "_rsrq").show();
$("#lte_" + cell_num + "_rsrp").hide();
$("#lte_" + cell_num + "_sinr").hide();
$("#lte_" + cell_num + "_rsrq").hide();
$("#lte_" + cell_num).show();
else $("#lte_" + cell_num).hide();
var lte_bands = get_band_info(lte_cells);
* LTE Cell Info End
* NR Cell Info
var nr_cells = parse_nr_cell_info();
var2html("__nr_signal", nr_cells);
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
if (is_5g && nr_cells.length >= i) $("#5g_" + i).show();
else $("#5g_" + i).hide();
if (nr_cells.length > 0)
if (nr_cells[0].rsrp2 != "") $("#5g_1_rsrp2").show();
else $("#5g_1_rsrp2").hide();
// Not available with NSA
if (nr_cells[0].bandwidth != "") $("#5g_1_bandwidth").show();
else $("#5g_1_bandwidth").hide();
var nr_bands = get_band_info(nr_cells);
* NR Cell Info End
* Band info
var bandinfo = lte_bands;
if (nr_bands != "")
if (bandinfo != "") bandinfo += " + ";
bandinfo += nr_bands;
if (bandinfo != "")
else $("#bandinfo").hide();
* Band info end
if (is_umts && lte_ca_pcell_band)
$("#umts_signal_table_main_band").html(" (" + lte_ca_pcell_band + ")");
if (ngbr_cell_info)
if (is_lte)
var ngbr_cells = ngbr_cell_info.split(";");
if (ngbr_cells.length > 0)
var html = "<table class='ngbr_cell_table'>";
for (var i = 0; i < ngbr_cells.length; i++)
var cell = ngbr_cells[i];
var [freq, pci, rsrq, rsrp, rssi] = cell.split(",");
html += "<tr><td>"+ pci + ":</td><td>RSRP: " + rsrp + " dBm&nbsp;</td><td>RSRQ: " + rsrq + " dB</td></tr>";
html += "</table>";
ngbr_cell_info = html;
ngbr_cell_info = ngbr_cell_info.replace(";", "<br>");
if (wan_ipaddr) $("#wanipinfo").show();
else $("#wanipinfo").hide();
if (pm_sensor_ambient || pm_sensor_mdm || pm_sensor_5g || pm_sensor_pa1 || wifi_chip_temp)
var temp = "";
if (pm_sensor_ambient && pm_sensor_ambient > -40) temp += (temp ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : "") + "A:&nbsp;" + pm_sensor_ambient + "°c";
if (pm_sensor_mdm && pm_sensor_mdm > -40) temp += (temp ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : "") + "M:&nbsp;" + pm_sensor_mdm + "°c";
if (pm_sensor_5g && pm_sensor_5g > -40) temp += (temp ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : "") + "5G:&nbsp;" + pm_sensor_mdm + "°c";
if (pm_sensor_pa1 && pm_sensor_pa1 > -40) temp += (temp ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : "") + "P:&nbsp;" + pm_sensor_pa1 + "°c";
if (wifi_chip_temp && wifi_chip_temp > -40) temp += (temp ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : "") + "W:&nbsp;" + wifi_chip_temp + "°c";
else $("#temperature").hide();
for (e = 0; e < vars.length; e++)
v = vars[e];
v = (!isNaN(v[0]) ? "_" : "" ) + v;
$("#" + v).html(window[v]);
function err(a, e, n)
alert("Communication Error"), console.log(a), console.log(e), console.log(n)
function set_net_mode(mode = null)
var modes = [
mode = mode || prompt("Enter one of\n" + modes.join(", "), "WL_AND_5G");
if (!mode) return;
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD);
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
isTest: "false",
BearerPreference: mode,
AD: ad
success: function(a)
j = JSON.parse(a);
if ("success" != j.result)
alert("Setting mode to '" + mode + "' failed");
error: err
function lte_cell_lock(reset = false) {
var lockParameters;
if (reset) {
lockParameters = ["0", "0"];
} else {
var defaultPciEarfcn = parseInt(lte_pci, 16) + "," + wan_active_channel;
var cellLockDetails = prompt("Please input PCI,EARFCN, separated by ',' char (example 116,3350). "+
"Leave default for lock on current main band.", defaultPciEarfcn);
if (cellLockDetails === null || cellLockDetails.trim() === "") {
var inputValues = cellLockDetails.split(",");
var pciIsValid = !isNaN(inputValues[0]) && Number.isInteger(parseFloat(inputValues[0]));
var earfcnIsValid = !isNaN(inputValues[1]) && Number.isInteger(parseFloat(inputValues[1]));
if (!pciIsValid || !earfcnIsValid) {
alert("Invalid input. Please ensure all values are correctly formatted.");
lockParameters = inputValues;
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
data: {
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a) {
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD);
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
data: {
isTest: "false",
goformId: "LTE_LOCK_CELL_SET",
lte_pci_lock: lockParameters[0],
lte_earfcn_lock: lockParameters[1],
AD: ad
success: function(a) {
var response = JSON.parse(a);
if (response.result === "success") {
var rebootMessage =
"You have to reboot your Router in order " +
(reset ? "to remove the cell lock" : "for the cell lock to be active") + ".\n\nReboot now?";
if (confirm(rebootMessage)) {
} else {
error: function(err) {
alert("An error occurred while attempting to lock the cell.");
function nr_cell_lock(reset = false) {
var cellLockDetails;
if (reset) {
cellLockDetails = "0,0,0,0";
} else {
var nrCellInfo = parse_nr_cell_info();
var defaultCellDetails = "";
if (nrCellInfo.length > 0) {
var primaryNrCell = nrCellInfo[0];
defaultCellDetails = primaryNrCell.pci + ',' + primaryNrCell.arfcn + ',' +'n', '') + ',' + "30";
cellLockDetails = prompt("Please input PCI,ARFCN,BAND,SCS separated by ',' char (example 202,639936,78,30). " +
"Leave default for locking the current NR primary band. You may need to adjust the SCS.", defaultCellDetails);
if (cellLockDetails === null || cellLockDetails.trim() === "") {
} else {
var inputValues = cellLockDetails.split(",");
var pciIsValid = !isNaN(inputValues[0]) && Number.isInteger(parseFloat(inputValues[0]));
var arfcnIsValid = !isNaN(inputValues[1]) && Number.isInteger(parseFloat(inputValues[1]));
var bandIsValid = !isNaN(inputValues[2]) && Number.isInteger(parseFloat(inputValues[2]));
var scsIsValid = ["15", "30", "60", "120", "240"].includes(inputValues[3]);
if (!pciIsValid || !arfcnIsValid || !bandIsValid || !scsIsValid) {
alert("Invalid input. Please ensure all values are correctly formatted.");
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
data: {
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a) {
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD);
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
data: {
isTest: "false",
goformId: "NR5G_LOCK_CELL_SET",
nr5g_cell_lock: cellLockDetails,
AD: ad
success: function(a) {
var response = JSON.parse(a);
if (response.result === "success") {
var rebootMessage =
"You have to reboot your Router in order " +
(reset ? "to remove the cell lock" : "for the cell lock to be active")+ ".\n\nReboot now?";
if (confirm(rebootMessage)) {
} else {
error: function(err) {
alert("An error occurred while attempting to lock the cell.");
function lte_band_selection(a = null, nested_attempt_with_dev_login = false)
a = a || prompt("Please input LTE bands number, separated by + char (example 1+3+20). If you want to use every supported band, write 'AUTO'.", "AUTO");
var had_admin_password_hash = have_admin_password_hash();
if (null != (a = a && a.toLowerCase()) && "" !== a)
var e = a.split("+");
var n = 0;
var all_bands = "0xA3E2AB0908DF";
if ("AUTO" === a.toUpperCase())
n = all_bands;
for (var l = 0; l < e.length; l++) n += Math.pow(2, parseInt(e[l]) - 1);
n = n.toString(16);
n = "0x" + (Math.pow(10, 11 - n.length) + n + "").substr(1);
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD), $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
isTest: "false",
goformId: "BAND_SELECT",
is_gw_band: 0,
gw_band_mask: 0,
is_lte_band: 1,
lte_band_mask: n,
AD: ad
success: function(a)
var j = JSON.parse(a);
if ("success" == j.result)
if (nested_attempt_with_dev_login)
if (!had_admin_password_hash)
alert("Successfully performed LTE band lock with developer login ...");
if (!nested_attempt_with_dev_login && !logged_in_as_developer)
if (!had_admin_password_hash)
alert("LTE band locking failed.\n\n" +
"Your device model may require to log in as developer\n" +
"in order to be able to lock LTE bands.");
function() {
logged_in_as_developer = true;
lte_band_selection(a, true);
}, true);
alert("LTE band locking with developer login still failed.\nThere might be something else wrong.");
error: err
function nr_band_selection(a)
var e;
var a = a || prompt("Please input 5G bands number, separated by + char (example 3+78). If you want to use every supported band, write 'AUTO'.", "AUTO");
null != a && "" !== a && (e = a.split("+").join(","));
"AUTO" === a.toUpperCase() && (e = "1,2,3,5,7,8,20,28,38,41,50,51,66,70,71,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84");
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD), $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
isTest: "false",
nr5g_band_mask: e,
AD: ad
success: function(a)
error: err
function bridge_mode(enable)
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD), $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
isTest: "false",
opMode: (enable ? "LTE_BRIDGE" : "PPP"),
ethernet_port_specified: "1",
AD: ad
success: function(a)
alert("Successfully " + (enable ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " bridge mode! Rebooting ..." +
(enable ? "\n\nIf your device has multiple LAN port then the lower one\nis the WAN/bridge port!" : ""));
error: err
function reboot(force = false)
if (!force && !confirm("Reboot Router?"))
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
ad = hash(hash(a.wa_inner_version + a.cr_version) + a.RD), $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
isTest: "false",
goformId: "REBOOT_DEVICE",
AD: ad
success: function(a)
if (!force) alert("Rebooting ...");
error: err
function version_info()
type: "GET",
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
cmd: "hardware_version,web_version,wa_inner_version,cr_version,RD",
multi_data: "1"
dataType: "json",
success: function(a)
v = "HW version: " + a.hardware_version + "\nWEB version: " + a.web_version + "\nWA INNER version: " + a.wa_inner_version;
function inject_main_container_if_missing() {
// Newer models like the MC888 Ultra don't have a main container anymore.
// Inject a fake one to get the script working.
if (!$("#mainContainer").length) {
<div id="mainContainer" align="center">
#mainContainer table {
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: left;
#mainContainer a {
color: #007bff;
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
#mainContainer a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
function inject_html()
$(".color_background_blue").css("background-color", "#456");
.clear {
clear: both;
li span {
margin-left: 5px;
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/*float: left;*/
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 10px;
line-height: 2em;
margin: 5px;
.f ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.f ul li {
display: inline;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-left: 5px;
.p {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
width: auto;
height: 20px;
.v {
height: 100%25;
border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
.sb {
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
display: inline-block;
margin: 10px 0 10px 10px;
.v {
padding-left: 20px;
.mod_border {
border-radius: 5px;
border-style: hidden;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #999;
.mod_container {
width: 940px;
border: 4px solid #40adf5;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 5px;
font-family: Verdana;
font-size: 13px;
.inner_mod_container {
width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
.mod_table {
all: revert;
border-collapse: collapse;
border-radius: 5px;
border-style: hidden;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #999;
.mod_table td {
border: 3px solid #999;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 20px;
.ngbr_cell_table {
all: revert;
border: none;
.ngbr_cell_table td {
all: revert;
border: none;
.signal_table {
width: 100%;
.signal_table td {
width: 75px;
.cellinfo_table {
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;
.spacing {
padding: 10px;
.spacing_small {
padding: 5px;
.spacing_links {
padding: 1px;
.links_container {
font-size: 14px;
text-align: left;
<div class="mod_container">
<div class="spacing_small"></div>
<div class="inner_mod_container">
<!-- LTE Primary -->
<div id="lte_1">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='4' style='text-align:center'>LTE (<span id="__lte_signal_0_band"></span>)</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_sinr1"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_rsrp2"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_sinr2"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_rsrp3"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_sinr3"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_rsrp4"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_sinr4"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_rsrq"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_0_rssi"></span> dBm</td>
<tr id="lte_1_earfcn">
<td colspan='2'>EARFCN:</td>
<td colspan='2'><span id="__lte_signal_0_earfcn"></span></td>
<td colspan='2'>PCI:</td>
<td colspan='2'><span id="__lte_signal_0_pci"></span></td>
<td colspan='2'>BW:</td>
<td colspan='2'><span id="__lte_signal_0_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="lte_2">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>LTE (<span id="__lte_signal_1_band"></span>)</td>
<tr id="lte_2_rsrp">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_1_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<tr id="lte_2_sinr">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_1_sinr1"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="lte_2_rsrq">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_1_rsrq"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="lte_2_earfcn">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_1_earfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_1_pci"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_1_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="lte_3">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>LTE (<span id="__lte_signal_2_band"></span>)</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_2_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_2_sinr1"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_2_rsrq"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="lte_3_earfcn">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_2_earfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_2_pci"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_2_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="lte_4">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>LTE (<span id="__lte_signal_3_band"></span>)</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_3_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_3_sinr1"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_3_rsrq"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="lte_4_earfcn">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_3_earfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_3_pci"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_3_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="lte_5">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>LTE (<span id="__lte_signal_4_band"></span>)</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_4_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_4_sinr1"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_4_rsrq"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="lte_5_earfcn">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_4_earfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_4_pci"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_4_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="lte_6">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>LTE (<span id="__lte_signal_5_band"></span>)</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_5_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_5_sinr1"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_5_rsrq"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="lte_6_earfcn">
<td><span id="__lte_signal_5_earfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_5_pci"></span></td>
<td><span id="__lte_signal_5_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="umts_signal_container">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='4' style='text-align:center'>UMTS<span id="umts_signal_table_main_band"></span></td>
<td><span id="rscp_1"></span> dBm</td>
<td>-<span id="ecio_1"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="rscp_2"></span> dBm</td>
<td>-<span id="ecio_2"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="rscp_3"></span> dBm</td>
<td>-<span id="ecio_3"></span> dB</td>
<td><span id="rscp_4"></span> dBm</td>
<td>-<span id="ecio_4"></span> dB</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<!-- NR Primary -->
<div id="5g_1">
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>
5G (<span id="__nr_signal_0_band"></span>)
<span id="__nr_signal_0_info_text"></span>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_0_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<tr id="5g_1_rsrp2">
<td><span id="__nr_signal_0_rsrp2"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_0_sinr"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="5g_1_arfcn">
<td><span id="__nr_signal_0_arfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_0_pci"></span></td>
<tr id="5g_1_bandwidth">
<td><span id="__nr_signal_0_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="5g_2">
<!-- NR Scell1 -->
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>
5G (<span id="__nr_signal_1_band"></span>)
<span id="__nr_signal_1_info_text"></span>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_1_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_1_sinr"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="5g_2_arfcn">
<td><span id="__nr_signal_1_arfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_1_pci"></span></td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_1_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div id="5g_3">
<!-- NR Scell2 -->
<table class="mod_table signal_table">
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>
5G (<span id="__nr_signal_2_band"></span>)
<span id="__nr_signal_2_info_text"></span>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_2_rsrp1"></span> dBm</td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_2_sinr"></span> dB</td>
<tr id="5g_3_arfcn">
<td><span id="__nr_signal_2_arfcn"></span></td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_2_pci"></span></td>
<td><span id="__nr_signal_2_bandwidth"></span> MHz</td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<table class="mod_table cellinfo_table">
<tr id="provider">
<td><span id="network_provider_fullname"></span></td>
<tr id="cell">
<td><span id="cell_id"></span></td>
<tr id="5g_cell">
<td>5G CELL:</td>
<td><span id="nr5g_cell_id"></span></td>
<tr id="ngbr_cells">
<td><span id="ngbr_cell_info"></span></td>
<tr id="txp">
<td>TX POWER:</td>
<td><span id="tx_power"></span></td>
<td><span id="network_type"></span></td>
<tr id="bandinfo">
<span id="__bandinfo">
<tr id="lte_ca_active_tr">
<td>LTE CA ACTIVE:</td>
<td><span id="ca_active"></span></td>
<tr id="wanipinfo">
<td>WAN IP:</td>
<td><span id="wan_ipaddr"></span></td>
<tr id="temperature">
<td id="temps"></td>
<div class="spacing"></div>
<div class="inner_mod_container mod_border links_container">
<a onclick="set_net_mode()">Network Mode</a>
<a onclick="set_net_mode('WL_AND_5G')">Auto</a> |
<a onclick="set_net_mode('Only_5G')">5G SA</a> |
<a onclick="set_net_mode('LTE_AND_5G')">5G NSA</a> |
<a onclick="set_net_mode('4G_AND_5G')">5G SA/NSA/LTE</a> |
<a onclick="set_net_mode('Only_LTE')">LTE</a> |
<a onclick="set_net_mode('Only_WCDMA')">3G</a> |
<a onclick="set_net_mode('Only_GSM')">2G</a>
<div class="spacing_links"></div>
<div id="lte_band_selection">
<a onclick="lte_band_selection()">LTE Bands</a>
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('AUTO')">Auto</a> |
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('1')">B1</a> |
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('3')">B3</a> |
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('7')">B7</a> |
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('8')">B8</a> |
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('20')">B20</a> |
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('1+3')">B1+B3</a> |
<a onclick="lte_band_selection('1+3+7')">B1+B3+B7</a>
<div class="spacing_links"></div>
<a onclick="nr_band_selection()">5G Bands</a>
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('AUTO')">Auto</a> |
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('1')">N1</a> |
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('3')">N3</a> |
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('7')">N7</a> |
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('28')">N28</a> |
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('28,75')">N28+N75</a> |
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('78')">N78</a> |
<a onclick="nr_band_selection('78,28,75')">N78+N28+N75</a>
<div class="spacing_links"></div>
<a onclick="bridge_mode(true)">Enable bridge mode</a> | <a onclick="bridge_mode(false)">Disable bridge mode</a>
<div class="spacing_links"></div>
<a onclick="make_hidden_settings_visible()">Show hidden device settings</a>
<div class="spacing_links"></div>
<a onclick="enable_automatic_login()">Enable Automatic Login</a> | <a onclick="version_info()">Version Info</a>
<div class="spacing_links"></div>
<a onclick="lte_cell_lock()">LTE Cell Lock</a> <span id="lte_cell_lock"></span> |
<a onclick="lte_cell_lock(true)">Remove LTE Cell Lock</a> <span id="undo_lte_cell_lock"></span> ||
<a onclick="nr_cell_lock()">5G Cell Lock</a> <span id="nr_cell_lock"></span> |
<a onclick="nr_cell_lock(true)">Remove 5G Cell Lock</a> <span id="undo_nr_cell_lock"></span>
<div class="spacing_links"></div>
<a onclick="reboot()">Reboot Router</a>
<div class="spacing_small"></div>
<div class="spacing"></div>
prepare_1_timer_id = window.setInterval(prepare_1, 250);
$("#change").prop("disabled", !1);
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) $("#5g_" + i).hide();
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) $("#lte_" + i).hide();
Copy link

Nevarro commented May 11, 2024

Thanks for the great script. I have been trying to enable bridge mode to make everything work with an external IP via my FritzBox. Is bridge mode available via USB or just via LAN? I have been using the Telekom Schnellstart 3 (a rebranded Huawei LTE router) via USB bridge mode and hoped that the ZTE MU5001 would work like that, too.

It shows a different IP- and WAN-Adress, so I guess it should be working!? Bridge mode with my Huawei LTE router always showed a 3x.xx.x.xx IP-adress in my FritzBox when using it in bridge mode compared to a IP. After activating bridge mode in my ZTE router the same happened, but I still can't reach my services from outside.

(gerne auch als Antwort auf Deutsch)

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Thanks for the great script. I have been trying to enable bridge mode to make everything work with an external IP via my FritzBox. Is bridge mode available via USB or just via LAN? I have been using the Telekom Schnellstart 3 (a rebranded Huawei LTE router) via USB bridge mode and hoped that the ZTE MU5001 would work like that, too.

It shows a different IP- and WAN-Adress, so I guess it should be working!? Bridge mode with my Huawei LTE router always showed a 3x.xx.x.xx IP-adress in my FritzBox when using it in bridge mode compared to a IP. After activating bridge mode in my ZTE router the same happened, but I still can't reach my services from outside.

(gerne auch als Antwort auf Deutsch)

Hi, how did you activate the bridge mode on the ZTE Mu5001 router? I can't find this option.

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Nevarro commented Sep 3, 2024

@Nico1788 After using the script, there a bridge option somewhere. I sold the router and therefore, I can't check again, sorry.

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Nico1788 commented Sep 3, 2024

After using the script, there a bridge option somewhere. I sold the router and therefore, I can't check again, sorry.

thanks for the answer, the problem is how do I start this script, I tried to add it to the chrome web page as a favorite by adding at the beginning of the javascript script: ftb(); but once I'm on the main page of the zte and starting the script it does nothing. how did you start this script? thanks in advance

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Nico1788 commented Sep 3, 2024

@Nevarro ok I figured out how to start this wonderful script, in the chrome console, wow how many beautiful settings, I found the bridge mode and activated it successfully :)

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