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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Highest Peaks of EU States

A bar chart of the highest points of each EU member state. Note: I've ignored peaks that aren't on the European continent.

Source: Wikipedia.

state peak height
Austria Großglockner 3798
Belgium Signal de Botrange 694
Bulgaria Musala 2925
Croatia Dinara 1831
Cyprus Mount Olympus 1952
Czech Republic Sněžka 1602
Denmark Møllehøj 171
Estonia Suur Munamägi 318
Finland Halti 1324
France Mont Blanc 4810
Germany Zugspitze 2962
Greece Mount Olympus 2919
Hungary Kékes 1014
Ireland Carrauntoohil 1041
Italy Mont Blanc 4810
Latvia Gaizinkalns 313
Lithuania Aukštojas Hill 294
Luxembourg Kneiff 560
Malta Ta' Dmejrek 253
Netherlands Vaalserberg 321
Poland Mount Rysy 2499
Portugal Mount Pico 2351
Romania Moldoveanu Peak 2544
Slovakia Gerlachovský štít 2655
Slovenia Triglav 2864
Spain Mulhacén 3479
Sweden Kebnekaise 2104
United Kingdom Ben Nevis 1344
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// Note the bits under this are all inside this!
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var commaSep = d3.format(',');
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