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Created May 18, 2012 15:22
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Metapop model using networkx
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Patches = 100 # Number of patches
P_ext = 0.01 # Probability of extinction (e)
P_col = 0.014 # Probability of colonization (c)
P_init = 0.02 # Probability that a patch will be occupied at the beginning
Distance = 1.4 # An arbitrary parameter to determine which patches are connected
class patch:
def __init__(self,status=0,pos=(0,0)):
self.status = status
self.pos = pos
def __str__(self):
G = nx.Graph()
for i in xrange(Patches):
Stat = 1 if np.random.uniform() < P_init else 0
Pos = (np.random.uniform()*10-5,np.random.uniform()*10-5)
for p1 in G.nodes():
for p2 in G.nodes():
Dist = np.sqrt((p1.pos[1]-p2.pos[1])**2+(p1.pos[0]-p2.pos[0])**2)
if Dist <= Distance:
pos = {}
for n in G.nodes():
pos[n] = n.pos
occup = [n.status for n in G]
Time = [0]
Occupancy = [np.sum([n.status for n in G])/float(Patches)]
for timestep in xrange(2000):
## Check for extinctions
for n in G.nodes():
if (n.status == 1 and np.random.uniform() < P_ext):
n.status = 0
## Check for invasions
for n in G.nodes():
if n.status == 1:
neighb = G[n] # That's it, a list of the neighbors
for nei in neighb:
if nei.status == 0:
if np.random.uniform() < P_col:
nei.status = 1
Occupancy.append(np.sum([n.status for n in G])/float(Patches))
nx.draw(G,node_color=[n.status for n in G],with_labels=False,,pos=pos,vmin=0,vmax=1)
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