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tpokorra/BOT.php Secret

Last active December 15, 2015 22:09
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phpIrcBot based on code from (GPL). used for OpenPetra IRC Chat, 3 day logger
PHPIrc_bot - (c) 2006 Thorben Gartmann - type "less $PATH_TO_PHPIrc_bot/GPL" for more info.
PHPIrc_bot - an IRC bot writen in PHP
Copyright (C) 2006 Thorben Gartmann
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
class IRC_Bot {
public $server;
public $port = 6667;
public $nickname = "PHPIrc_Bot";
public $username = "PHPIrc_Bot";
public $hostname = "HOST";
public $servername = "SERVER";
public $realname = "Botti der Bot";
public $irc;
private $hooks = array();
private $privmsg_hooks = array();
function run() {
$this->irc = IRC::factory($this->server,
while (true) {
$input = $this->irc->get();
function add_hook($command, $function) {
$this->hooks[] = array("command" => $command, "function" => $function);
function add_privmsg_hook($command, $function, $channel = "*") {
$this->privmsg_hooks[] = array("command" => $command, "function" => $function, "channel" => $channel);
function do_hooks($input) {
foreach ($this->hooks AS $hook) {
if ($hook["command"] == $input["command"]) {
if ($input["command"] == "PRIVMSG") {
foreach ($this->privmsg_hooks AS $hook) {
$string = $hook["channel"] . " :" . $hook["command"];
$string2 = strstr($input["params"], ":");
if ($hook["channel"] != "*" &&
substr($input["params"], 0, strlen($string)) == $string) {
substr($input["params"], strlen($string) + 1),
} elseif (substr($string2, 0, strlen($hook["command"]) + 1) == ":" . $hook["command"]) {
$params_pos = @strpos($input["params"], $hook["command"]) + strlen($hook["command"]) + 1;
$params = substr($input["params"], $params_pos);
$channel = substr($input["params"], 0, strpos($input["params"], " "));
$bot->add_hook("JOIN", "php4youBot_hello");
function php4youBot_hello($object, $command, $params, $prefix) {
global $owner;
global $c;
global $channel;
$nick = IRC::get_nick($prefix);
# $object->privmsg($channel, ":Welcome to this channel, $nick! Type \"" . $c . "info\" to know more about this channel and the 3 day logging.");
$bot->add_privmsg_hook($c . "info", "php4youBot_info");
function php4youBot_info($object, $params, $prefix, $channel) {
global $info;
if (trim($params) == "") {
$i = 1;
foreach ($info AS $key=>$value) {
$object->privmsg($channel, ":" . chr(3) . $i . "##" . chr(3) . chr(2) . $key . chr(2) . ": " . $value);
} elseif (trim($params) == "short") {
$text = "";
foreach ($info AS $key=>$value) {
$text .= $key . " ";
$object->privmsg($channel, ":" . $text);
} elseif (isset($info[trim($params)])) {
$object->privmsg($channel, ":" . chr(3) . rand(0, 15) . "##" . chr(3) . chr(2) . $params . chr(2) . ": " . $info[$params]);
} else {
$object->privmsg($channel, ":" . chr(21) . "\"$params\"" . chr(21) . ": 404 - Not found");
$bot->add_hook("422", "php4youBot_init");
$bot->add_hook("376", "php4youBot_init");
function php4youBot_init($object, $command, $params, $prefix) {
global $channel;
global $c;
$object->away(":logging the past 3 days to; Help command: " . $c . "info");
#admin_notice("Online Status: 1");
$bot->add_hook("PRIVMSG", "php4youBot_msglog");
$bot->add_hook("JOIN", "php4youBot_msglog");
$bot->add_hook("PART", "php4youBot_msglog");
$bot->add_hook("NICK", "php4youBot_msglog");
$bot->add_hook("QUIT", "php4youBot_msglog");
function php4youBot_msglog($object, $command, $params, $prefix) {
global $log_format;
$nick = IRC::get_nick($prefix);
$dest = substr($params, 0, strpos($params, " "));
$msg = trim(substr($params, strpos($params, " :") + 1));
if ($msg[0] == ":") $msg = substr($msg, 1);
# echo gmdate($log_format)." command: ".$command. " params: ". trim($params). " prefix: ". $prefix. "\n";
$line = "<tr><td nowrap='nowrap'>".gmdate("d.m.Y H:i")."</td>";
$nickhtml = "<a title=\"$prefix\">$nick</a>";
if ($command == "NICK") $line .= "<td align=right>*</td><td style=\"color:lime\">$nickhtml is now known as: $msg</td>";
if ($command == "JOIN") $line .= "<td align=right>*</td><td style=\"color:lime\">$nickhtml entered the channel</td>";
if ($command == "PART") $line .= "<td align=right>*</td><td style=\"color:gray\">$nickhtml has left the channel: $msg</td>";
if ($command == "QUIT") $line .= "<td align=right>*</td><td style=\"color:gray\">$nickhtml has quit: $msg</td>";
if (strpos($msg, ":") > 0 && strpos(substr($msg, 0, strpos($msg, ":")), " ")===false) $msg = "<font style=\"color:red; font-weight:bold\">".substr($msg, 0, strpos($msg, ":"))."</font>".substr($msg, strpos($msg, ":"));
if ($command == "PRIVMSG") $line .= "<td style=\"color:blue\" align=right>$nickhtml</td><td>$msg</td>";
$line .= "</tr>\n";
$logfilepath = "irclogs/";
$file = $logfilepath."logfile_".gmdate("Y-m-d").".html";
if (!file_exists($file))
$oldfile = $logfilepath."logfile_".gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime('-3 day')).".html";
if (file_exists($oldfile))
echo "deleting old file $oldfile\n";
file_put_contents($file, "<table>\n", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($file, $line, FILE_APPEND);
if [ "`ps xaf | grep openpetralogbot | grep -v grep`" == "" ]
cd /home/timotheusp/irc/phpircbot
php openpetralogbot.php&
PHPIRC-bot - an IRC bot writen in PHP
Copyright (C) 2006 Thorben Gartmann
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
class IRC {
public $server;
public $port;
public $nickname;
public $username;
public $hosthostname;
public $servername;
public $realname;
private $stack = array();
private $handle;
public $errno;
public $errstr;
static function factory($server,
$port = 6667,
$nick = "phpirc",
$user = "phpirc",
$host = "host",
$servername = "server",
$realname = "php irc") {
// New IRC Object
$irc = new IRC;
// Save data
$irc->server = $server;
$irc->port = $port;
$irc->nickname = $nick;
$irc->username = $user;
$irc->hostname = $host;
$irc->servername = $servername;
$irc->realname = $realname;
// Connect to $server with $port
// Register
$irc->pass(md5(rand(1, 1000)));
$irc->user($user, $host, $servername, ":" . $realname);
// Return the object
return $irc;
function connect() {
// Connect
$this->handle = fsockopen($this->server, $this->port, $this->errno, $this->errstr);
// Check if connection is okay.
if (!is_resource($this->handle)) {
die("error with connection");
return 1;
function __call($command, $params) {
// Generate data
$data = strtoupper($command) . " " . implode(" ", $params) . "\n";
// Send data
fwrite($this->handle, $data);
function get() {
if (empty($this->stack)) {
// Get data
stream_set_timeout($this->handle, 60*5); //60*5 seconds read timeout, we are waiting for a PING
if (strlen($data = fread($this->handle, 100000)) == 0)
die ("we expected a PING");
// Split data
$data = explode("\n", $data);
unset($data[count($data) - 1]);
$this->stack = $data;
$line = array_shift($this->stack);
echo $line . "\n";
return self::analyse($line, $this);
function action($dest, $text) {
$this->privmsg($dest, ":" . chr(1) . "ACTION " . $text . chr(1));
static function analyse($data, $object) {
// Check if data is empty
if ($data == "") {
return 0;
// Get prefix
if (substr($data, 0, 1) == ":") {
$retval["prefix"] = substr($data, 1, strpos($data, " "));
$data = substr($data, strpos($data, " ") + 1);
// Get command
$retval["command"] = substr($data, 0, strpos($data, " "));
$retval["command"] = strtoupper($retval["command"]);
// Get params
$retval["params"] = substr($data, strpos($data, " ") + 1);
// Response to pings
if ($retval["command"] == "PING") {
return $retval;
static function get_nick($prefix) {
$nick = substr($prefix, 0, strpos($prefix, "!"));
$nick = str_replace(":", "", $nick);
return $nick;
PHPIrc_bot - an IRC bot writen in PHP
Copyright (C) 2006 Thorben Gartmann
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
$bot = new IRC_Bot;
// Config for the bot
$bot->server = "";
$bot->port = "6667";
$bot->nickname = "OP3DayLogBot";
$bot->realname = "See for log";
$nick = $bot->nickname;
$channel = "#openpetra";
$c = "$";
// Some config for hooks
$owner = "timotheusp";
$quitmsg = "bot is leaving";
$log_format = "d.m. H:i";
$info["owner"] = $owner;
$info["website"] = "";
$info["channel"] = "#openpetra @";
$info["version"] = "PHPIrc_bot 0.2";
#$info["commands"] = $c . "coffee, " . $c . "info, " . $c . "echo, " . $c . "mypenis, " . $c . "html";
#$info["admin_commands"] = "$c" . "quit, ". $c . "rejoin, " . $c . "nick, " . $c . "php, " . $c . "mode [nick]";
$info["notice"] = "You can download the logs of the past 3 days at";
$dir = "bot_functions/";
$dirh = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($dirh)) {
if (substr($file, -4) == ".php") {
include_once($dir . $file);
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