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Last active December 15, 2015 10:19
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  • Save tpokorra/5244642 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tpokorra/5244642 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
preparing Kolab for multi domain operation; for more details see
$hosted_domain = isset($argv[1])?$argv[1]:"";
$ldappassword = isset($argv[2])?$argv[2]:"";
$hosted_domain_root_dn="dc=".implode(",dc=",explode(".", $hosted_domain));
# Do we have all infos to continue?
if($hosted_domain=="" || $hosted_domain_root_dn=="" || $ldappassword == "") {
die("Usage: ".$argv[0]." <hosted domain> <ldappasswd>\n".
"e.g. ".$argv[0]." secret\n");
# attach code from template to /etc/kolab/kolab.conf
$conf = file_get_contents("domain.kolab.conf.tpl");
$conf = str_replace('{$hosted_domain}', $hosted_domain, $conf);
$conf = str_replace('{$hosted_domain_root_dn}', $hosted_domain_root_dn, $conf);
file_put_contents("/etc/kolab/kolab.conf", $conf, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
system("service httpd reload");
# add a admin user for this domain
$ds=ldap_connect("localhost") or die("Couldn't connect to LDAP server!");
ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_bind($ds, "cn=Directory Manager", "$ldappassword");
$info = array();
$info["ou"] = "ou=people,$hosted_domain_root_dn";
$info["objectclass"] = array();
$info["objectclass"][] = "top";
$info["objectclass"][] = "kolabinetorgperson";
$info["objectclass"][] = "inetorgperson";
$info["objectclass"][] = "mailrecipient";
$info["objectclass"][] = "person";
$info["uid"] = "admin";
$info["cn"] = "Admin";
$info["sn"] = "Admin";
$info["givenname"] = "Admin";
$info["displayName"] = "Admin";
$info["mail"] = "admin@$hosted_domain";
$info["nsroledn"] = "cn=kolab-admin,$hosted_domain_root_dn";
ldap_add($ds, "uid=admin,ou=People,$hosted_domain_root_dn", $info);
# add the domain admin to cn=Directory Administrators, of the domain
$hosteddomain_da_dn = "cn=Directory Administrators,".$hosted_domain_root_dn;
$info = array();
$info["uniquemember"] = array();
$info["uniquemember"][] = "cn=Directory Manager";
$info["uniquemember"][] = "uid=admin,ou=People,$hosted_domain_root_dn";
ldap_modify($ds, $hosteddomain_da_dn, $info);
# allow the admin to see the domain in cn=kolab,cn=config
$info = array();
$info["aci"] = array();
$info["aci"][] = "(targetattr =\"*\")(version 3.0;acl \"uid=admin,ou=People,$hosted_domain_root_dn\";allow (read,search) (userdn=\"ldap:///uid=admin,ou=People,$hosted_domain_root_dn\");)";
ldap_modify($ds, $associateddomain_dn, $info);
base_dn = {$hosted_domain_root_dn}
primary_mail = %(givenname)s.%(surname)s@%(domain)s
autocreate_folders = {
'Archive': {
'quota': 0
'Calendar': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "event.default",
'/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "event",
'Configuration': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "configuration.default",
'/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "configuration.default",
'Drafts': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "mail.drafts",
'Contacts': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "contact.default",
'/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "contact",
'Journal': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "journal.default",
'/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "journal",
'Notes': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': 'note.default',
'/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type': 'note',
'Sent': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "mail.sentitems",
'Spam': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "mail.junkemail",
'Tasks': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "task.default",
'/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "task",
'Trash': {
'annotations': {
'/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type': "mail.wastebasket",
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "call $0 <ldap password for cn=Directory Manager>"
exit 1
#Removing Canonification from Cyrus IMAP
# TODO: could preserve canonification:
sed -r -i -e 's/^auth_mech/#auth_mech/g' /etc/imapd.conf
sed -r -i -e 's/^pts_module/#pts_module/g' /etc/imapd.conf
sed -r -i -e 's/^ldap_/#ldap_/g' /etc/imapd.conf
service cyrus-imapd restart
#Update Postfix LDAP Lookup Tables
# support subdomains too, search_base = dc=%3,dc=%2,dc=%1
# see
rm -f /etc/postfix/ldap/*
for f in `find /etc/postfix/ldap/ -type f -name "*.cf" ! -name ""`;
cp $f $f3
sed -r -i -e 's/^search_base = .*$/search_base = dc=%2,dc=%1/g' $f
sed -r -i -e 's/^search_base = .*$/search_base = dc=%3,dc=%2,dc=%1/g' $f3
sed -r -i -e 's#^transport_maps = .*$#transport_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/' /etc/postfix/
sed -r -i -e 's#^virtual_alias_maps = .*$#virtual_alias_maps = $alias_maps, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/' /etc/postfix/
sed -r -i -e 's#^local_recipient_maps = .*$#local_recipient_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/' /etc/postfix/
service postfix restart
# withdraw permissions for all users from the default domain, which is used to manage the domain admins
management_domain=`cat /etc/kolab/kolab.conf | grep primary_domain`
cat > ./ldapparam.txt <<END
dn: associateddomain=$management_domain,cn=kolab,cn=config
changetype: modify
delete: aci
ldapmodify -x -h localhost -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w $DirectoryManagerPwd -f ./ldapparam.txt
#Configuring Roundcube
patch /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/kolab_auth/kolab_auth.php kolab_auth.php.patch
#sed -r -i -e "s#'ou=People,.*'#'ou=People,'.\$domain_base_dn#g" /etc/roundcubemail/
#sed -r -i -e "s#'ou=Groups,.*'#'dc=Groups,'.\$domain_base_dn#g" /etc/roundcubemail/
#sed -r -i -e "s#'ou=People,.*'#'ou=People,'.\$domain_base_dn#g" /etc/roundcubemail/
#sed -r -i -e "s#'ou=Groups,.*'#'dc=Groups,'.\$domain_base_dn#g" /etc/roundcubemail/
#sed -r -i -e 's#<\?php.*$#<?php if (file_exists(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . "/" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/" . basename(__FILE__))) include_once(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . "/" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/" . basename(__FILE__));#g' /etc/roundcubemail/
#Configuring syncroton for Active Sync
patch /usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/plugins/kolab_auth/kolab_auth.php syncroton_kolab_auth.php.patch
#Patch WebAdmin for supporting multiple domains per domain admin
cd /usr/share/kolab-webadmin
patch -p0 -i $scriptDir/patchMultiDomainAdmins.patch
cd $scriptDir
--- kolab_auth.php.orig 2013-03-26 15:36:56.388999054 +0100
+++ kolab_auth.php 2013-03-26 16:03:38.886999756 +0100
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
static $ldap;
private $data = array();
+ static $base_dn="";
public function init()
@@ -274,6 +275,9 @@
$pass = $args['pass'];
$loginas = trim(rcube_utils::get_input_value('_loginas', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST));
+ $domain=substr($user,strpos($user, '@') + 1);
+ self::$base_dn="dc=".implode(",dc=",explode(".", $domain));
if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
$args['abort'] = true;
return $args;
@@ -458,6 +462,10 @@
public static function ldap()
+ if (self::$base_dn == "") {
+ return null;
+ }
if (self::$ldap) {
return self::$ldap;
@@ -485,6 +493,9 @@
return null;
+ $addressbook['base_dn'] = "ou=People,".self::$base_dn;
+ $addressbook['groups']['base_dn'] = "ou=Groups,".self::$base_dn;
self::$ldap = new kolab_auth_ldap_backend(
diff -uNr orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/api/kolab_api_service_domain_types.php /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/api/kolab_api_service_domain_types.php
--- orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/api/kolab_api_service_domain_types.php 2013-04-16 15:50:26.894544164 +0200
+++ /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/api/kolab_api_service_domain_types.php 2013-05-06 12:48:11.922998781 +0200
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
'associateddomain' => array(
'type' => 'list',
+ 'domainadmin' => array(
+ 'type' => 'list',
+ 'optional' => 'true',
+ ),
'inetdomainbasedn' => array(
'optional' => 'true',
diff -uNr orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/Auth/LDAP.php /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/Auth/LDAP.php
--- orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/Auth/LDAP.php 2013-04-16 15:50:26.893544183 +0200
+++ /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/Auth/LDAP.php 2013-05-07 08:26:33.442981366 +0200
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
// Causes nesting levels to be too deep...?
//$this->config_set('config_get_hook', array($this, "_config_get"));
- $this->config_set("debug", true);
+ $this->config_set("debug", false);
$this->config_set("log_hook", array($this, "_log"));
//$this->config_set("vlv", false);
@@ -132,6 +132,18 @@
$_SESSION['user']->user_bind_dn = $result;
$_SESSION['user']->user_bind_pw = $password;
+ # if the user does not have access to the default domain, set another domain
+ $domains = $this->list_domains();
+ $domain = "";
+ foreach ($domains['list'] as $key => $value) {
+ $domain = $value['associateddomain'];
+ if ($domain == $this->domain) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $_SESSION['user']->set_domain($domain);
return $result;
@@ -143,7 +155,7 @@
if ($domain_info === false) {
$this->_domain_add_new($parent_domain, $prepopulate);
+#TODO store domain admin?
return $this->_domain_add_alias($domain, $parent_domain);
else {
@@ -151,6 +163,93 @@
+ private function ChangeDomainReadCapability($user, $domain, $action='add')
+ {
+ if (($tmpconn = ldap_connect($this->_ldap_server)) === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ldap_bind($tmpconn, $_SESSION['user']->user_bind_dn, $_SESSION['user']->user_bind_pw) === false) {
+ ldap_close($tmpconn);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $associateddomain_dn="associateddomain=$domain,cn=kolab,cn=config";
+ $info = array();
+ $info["aci"] = array();
+ if (!(($sr = ldap_read($tmpconn, $associateddomain_dn, "(aci=*)", array('aci'))) === false)) {
+ $entry = ldap_get_entries($tmpconn, $sr);
+ if ($entry['count'] > 0) {
+ for ($count = 0; $count < $entry[0]['aci']['count']; $count++) {
+ if (strpos($entry[0]['aci'][$count], $user) === false) {
+ $info['aci'][] = $entry[0]['aci'][$count];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($action == 'add') {
+ $info["aci"][] = "(targetattr =\"*\")(version 3.0;acl \"$user\";allow (read,search) (userdn=\"ldap:///$user\");)";
+ }
+ if (ldap_modify($tmpconn, $associateddomain_dn, $info) === false) {
+ ldap_close($tmpconn);
+ return false;
+ }
+ ldap_close($tmpconn);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function domain_admin_save($domain, $domain_dn, $attributes) {
+ $currentdomain_dn = $this->_standard_root_dn($domain[$domain_dn]["associateddomain"]);
+ $currentdomain_da_dn = "cn=Directory Administrators,".$currentdomain_dn;
+ $domain_admins_result = $this->_search($currentdomain_dn, "cn=Directory Administrators*", array("uniqueMember"));
+ if ($domain_admins_result != null && count($domain_admins_result) > 0) {
+ $domain_admins = $domain_admins_result->entries(true);
+ }
+ if (empty($domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"])) {
+ $domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"] = Array();
+ }
+ if (!is_array($domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"])) {
+ $domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"] =
+ (array)($domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"]);
+ }
+ $info = array();
+ $info["uniquemember"] = array();
+ for ($count = 0; $count < count($attributes["domainadmin"]); $count++) {
+ $info["uniquemember"][] = $attributes["domainadmin"][$count];
+ if (!in_array($attributes["domainadmin"][$count], $domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"])) {
+ # add read permission to associateddomain in cn=kolab,cn=config
+ $this->ChangeDomainReadCapability($attributes["domainadmin"][$count], $domain[$domain_dn]["associateddomain"], 'add');
+ }
+ }
+ # check for removed admins: remove also read permission from associateddomain in cn=kolab,cn=config
+ foreach ($domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"] as $oldadmin) {
+ if (!in_array($oldadmin, $attributes["domainadmin"])) {
+ if ($oldadmin == "cn=Directory Manager") {
+ # make sure that Directory Manager is still in the list
+ $info["uniquemember"][] = "cn=Directory Manager";
+ } else {
+ # drop read permission to associateddomain in cn=kolab,cn=config
+ $this->ChangeDomainReadCapability($oldadmin, $domain[$domain_dn]["associateddomain"], 'remove');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $result = $this->modify_entry($currentdomain_da_dn, $domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn], $info);
+ if (!$result) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
public function domain_edit($domain, $attributes, $typeid = null)
$domain = $this->domain_info($domain, array_keys($attributes));
@@ -161,6 +260,12 @@
$domain_dn = key($domain);
+ # using isset, because if the array is empty, then we want to drop the domain admins.
+ if (isset($attributes["domainadmin"])) {
+ $this->domain_admin_save($domain, $domain_dn, $attributes);
+ unset($attributes["domainadmin"]);
+ }
// We should start throwing stuff over the fence here.
return $this->modify_entry($domain_dn, $domain[$domain_dn], $attributes);
@@ -195,6 +300,7 @@
$this->_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Auth::LDAP::domain_info() uses _search()");
$result = $this->_search($domain_base_dn, $domain_filter, $attributes);
$result = $result->entries(true);
+ $domain_dn = key($result);
} else {
$this->_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Auth::LDAP::domain_info() uses _read()");
$result = $this->_read($domain_dn, $attributes);
@@ -204,6 +310,25 @@
return false;
+ $currentdomain_dn = $this->_standard_root_dn($result[$domain_dn]["associateddomain"]);
+ $currentdomain_da_dn = "cn=Directory Administrators,".$currentdomain_dn;
+ $domain_admins_result = $this->_search($currentdomain_dn, "cn=Directory Administrators*", array("uniqueMember"));
+ if ($domain_admins_result != null && count($domain_admins_result) > 0) {
+ $domain_admins = $domain_admins_result->entries(true);
+ }
+ // read domain admins from LDAP, uniqueMembers of Directory Administrators of domain
+ $result[$domain_dn]["domainadmin"] = array();
+ if (is_array($domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"])) {
+ foreach ($domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"] as $domainadmin) {
+ $result[$domain_dn]["domainadmin"][] = $domainadmin;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $result[$domain_dn]["domainadmin"][] = $domain_admins[$currentdomain_da_dn]["uniquemember"];
+ }
$this->_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Auth::LDAP::domain_info() result: " . var_export($result, true));
return $result;
diff -uNr orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/client/kolab_client_task_domain.php /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/client/kolab_client_task_domain.php
--- orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/client/kolab_client_task_domain.php 2013-04-16 15:50:26.895544147 +0200
+++ /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/client/kolab_client_task_domain.php 2013-05-06 12:48:11.925998781 +0200
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@
$sections = array(
'system' => 'domain.system',
'other' => 'domain.other',
+ 'admins' => 'domain.admins',
// field-to-section map and fields order
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@
'type_id' => 'system',
'type_id_name' => 'system',
'associateddomain' => 'system',
+ 'domainadmin' => 'admins',
//console("domain_form() \$data", $data);
diff -uNr orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/kolab_api_service.php /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/kolab_api_service.php
--- orig/kolab-webadmin/lib/kolab_api_service.php 2013-04-16 15:50:26.893544183 +0200
+++ /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/kolab_api_service.php 2013-05-06 12:48:11.931998781 +0200
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@
'associateddomain' => array(
'type' => 'list'
+ 'domainadmin' => array(
+ 'type' => 'list'
+ ),
'fields' => array(
'objectclass' => array(
--- kolab_auth.php.orig 2013-04-15 12:07:43.000000000 +0200
+++ kolab_auth.php 2013-04-15 11:10:27.605569812 +0200
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
private $ldap;
private $data = array();
+ private $base_dn="";
public function init()
@@ -258,6 +259,10 @@
+ $user=$args['user'];
+ $domain=substr($user,strpos($user, '@') + 1);
+ $this->base_dn="dc=".implode(",dc=",explode(".", $domain));
if (!$this->init_ldap()) {
$args['abort'] = true;
return $args;
@@ -437,6 +442,10 @@
private function init_ldap()
+ if ($this->base_dn == "") {
+ return null;
+ }
if ($this->ldap) {
return $this->ldap->ready;
@@ -453,6 +462,10 @@
if (empty($addressbook)) {
return false;
+ // for supporting multiple domains
+ $addressbook['base_dn'] = "ou=People,".$this->base_dn;
+ $addressbook['groups']['base_dn'] = "ou=Groups,".$this->base_dn;
$this->ldap = new kolab_auth_ldap_backend(
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urkle commented Sep 8, 2013

ooh.. you don't need either of the kolab_auth patches... instead just tweak the roundcube configuration files.. to use %dc for the management domain for the base_dn attributes in, and

Note you'll also need to do this for (password_ldap_basedn, and passwd_ldap_search_base) but you'll have to tweak the ldap.php in the password/drivers to call $this->substitute_vars() around them..

well. mostly.. they seem to not universally apply the %dc replace,... fixing..

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urkle commented Sep 9, 2013

OK.. have a fork of this gist with my tweaks. my tweaks get password changing in Roundcube working and get the global address book working.

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