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Created January 29, 2013 20:22
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import scalaz._
import scalaz.effect._
import scalaz.effect.Effect._
import scalaz.effect.IO._
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
import ST._
object StTest extends App {
// ST actions must be parameterized by their thread "S", which always remains free
def a[S]: ST[S, Int] = returnST(66).map(_ + 1)
// In order to run an action, you need to construct a Forall, which is awkward.
// Note that it fixes the return type.
val forall = new Forall[({ type λ[σ] = ST[σ, Int] })#λ] { def apply[S] = a }
// We can abstract out the lambda type if we want to
type ForallST[A] = Forall[({ type λ[σ] = ST[σ, A] })#λ]
val forall2 = new ForallST[Int] { def apply[S] = a }
// They should be equivalent (N.B. might crash presentation compiler but does work)
implicitly[Forall[({ type λ[σ] = ST[σ, Int] })#λ] =:= ForallST[Int]]
// this is pure
// this is in IO (no forall required)
val z = for {
n <- IO(1)
v <- newVar[RealWorld](20)
_ <- v |= 4
_ <- v.mod(_ * 2)
x <- a // calling a pure ST action from IO
y <-
_ <- putStrLn("x was " + x)
} yield (n, x, y)
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