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Last active December 12, 2015 08:18
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Inversions exercise from fayimora
import System.{ currentTimeMillis => now }
object Inv extends App {
// An int set that knows how many members are greater than a given number.
sealed trait GSet {
def ngt(n: Int): Int // number greater than `n`
def +(n: Int): GSet
// A leaf node, which is empty
case object GNil extends GSet {
def ngt(n: Int) = 0
def +(n: Int) = GCons(n, GNil, GNil, 1, 0)
// Cons nodes contain a value, a frequency count for that value, left and right subtrees,
// and (the magic optimization) a count of the size of the right subtree.
case class GCons(value: Int, left: GSet, right: GSet, count: Int, gt: Int) extends GSet {
def ngt(n: Int) =
if (n < value) count + left.ngt(n) + gt
else if (n > value) right.ngt(n)
else gt
def +(n: Int) =
if (n < value) copy(left = left + n)
else if (n > value) copy(right = right + n, gt = gt + 1)
else copy(count = count + 1)
// Helper to time a computation
def time[A](a: => A): (A, Long) = {
val start = now
val r = a
(r, now - start)
// Find inversions
def invs(ns: List[Int]) =
((GNil: GSet, 0L) /: ns) { case ((t, c), n) => (t + n, c + t.ngt(n)) }._2
// A test. You can find IntegerArray.txt at:
val ns = Source.fromFile("IntegerArray.txt")
println("Read %d ints.".format(ns.length))
println(" " + 2407905288L + " // expected")
println("More runs (ms):")
println((1 to 10).map(_ => time(invs(ns))._2).mkString(" "))
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