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Last active August 23, 2017 12:54
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Function that calculates a correct swivel target position for a IKHI solver
-- Function that calculates a correct swivel target position for a IKHI solver
-- The returned position will not produce any kind of pop-up when setting the swivel target of an IKHI solver
-- NOTE: All the bones MUST be on the same plane
function GetSwivelTargetPosition boneA boneB boneC pvDst:1.0 createLoc:false =
boneAPos = boneA.position
boneBPos = boneB.position
boneCPos = boneC.position
-- Get initial vectors
abVec = boneBPos - boneAPos
acVec = boneCPos - boneAPos
-- Calculate projection length
ab_ac_dot = dot abVec acVec
proj = (ab_ac_dot as float)/((length acVec) as float)
-- Calculate projected vector by normalizing acVec and multiplying
--that normalized vector by the projection length
acVecN = normalize acVec
projVec = acVecN * proj
-- Get the vector from the projected vector to the boneB position
bProjVec = boneBPos - (boneApos + projVec)
-- Calculate final swivel target position
bProjVec *= pvDst
finalPos = bProjVec + boneB.position
if createLoc == true then
testPHlp = CreatePointHelper [0,0,0] 15.0 false false false true
testPHlp.position = finalPos
return testPHlp
return finalPos
/*boneA = getNodeByName "upperArmBone001"
boneB = getNodeByName "lowerArmBone001"
boneC = getNodeByName "wristArmBone001"
swivelCtrl = getNodeByName "swivelCtrl"
swivelCtrl.position = (GetSwivelTargetPosition boneA boneB boneC)*/
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