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Created October 18, 2018 09:22
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test_angularJS component
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
I tested on :
@author Thitipong Samranvanich
@since 2018-10-18
@require angulraJS
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
First Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"><br>
Last Name: <input type="text" ng-model="lastName"><br>
Full Name: {{firstName + " " + lastName}}
<r1 users="users"
</div> <!-- end of controller -->
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.users = [{id:1,name:"tu1"},
$scope.test2 = "test2";
function r1Controller($scope,$element ){
var ctr = this;
ctr.color = "red"
ctr.count = 0
ctr.doTest = function(){
ctr.getTest = function(){
return "getTEST()";
ctr.getTest2 = function(msg){
return "getTEST2("+ msg + ")";
ctr.onrowclick = function(id){
alert("clicked " + id )
ctr.onmouseover = function(user){
user.over = "true"
user.bgcolor = "yellow"
ctr.onmouseout = function(user){
user.over = "false"
user.bgcolor = "white"
template: '<font color=red>{{"r1"}} {{1+2}} {{$scope}}'
+'<br> getTest()={{$ctrl.getTest()}}'
+'<br> getTest2()={{$ctrl.getTest2("Hello")}}</font>'
+ '<br>users= <!--font color=blue>{{$ctrl.users}} </font-->'
+ '<li ng-repeat="user in $ctrl.users" '
+ ' style="background-color:{{user.bgcolor}};cursor:pointer;" '
+ ' ng-click="$ctrl.count = $ctrl.count+1" '
+ ' ng-mouseover="$ctrl.onmouseover(user)" '
+ ' ng-mouseout="$ctrl.onmouseout(user)" '
+ '</font>'
+ '<br>color= {{$ctrl.color}} '
+ '<br>count = {{$ctrl.count}} '
,controller: r1Controller
,bindings: {
users: '<' // display user
,rowclick: '&'
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