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Created December 8, 2010 00:10
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Marc Thiessen's Washington Post op-ed regarding Wikileaks: A Breakdown And Analysis
Marc Thiessen's Washington Post op-ed regarding Wikileaks: A Breakdown And Analysis
Graf 1:
Former Grateful Dead songwriter Jon Perry Barlow, reprising his 1996 "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace", tweeted: "The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is Wikileaks. You are the troops". Therefore: Wikileaks is a military conflict.
Graf 2:
Just like on 9/11, the opening of the Global War on Terror, America has been attacked in a new and unexpected way.
Graf 3:
The reader is asked to consider the fact that Julian Assange has threatened not just war, but with "the cyber equivalent of thermonuclear war".
Graf 4:
America's next step is clear: it's time to rally a "coalition of the willing". Unanswered question: "will Morocco again provide monkeys?"
Graf 5:
Straightforwardly lucid recitation of facts; Lieberman, Amazon, Paypal.
Graf 6:
Sovereign nations should be encouraged to stop allowing their private companies to host Wikileaks.
The op-ed grows flabby. Is Thiessen having second-act problems?
Graf 7:
No he is not. "You are either with us, or you are with WikiLeaks". Should another country refuse to "shut WikiLeaks down on their territory", then "action should be taken to drive WikiLeaks from those safe havens." Docile prior grafs a pacing device, setting the reader up for the US invasion of Sweden.
Graf 8:
The times may make the man, or the man may make the times, but either way, these times got Marc Thiessen to translate elitespeak in the pages of the Washington Post: "a patriotic hacker who goes by the name th3j35t3r (the Jester) to attack WikiLeaks himself, repeatedly taking down its Web site." Contest: design a th3j35t3r memorial for the national mall.
Graf 9:
One guy with a laptop disrupted WikiLeaks. Imagine what the "1,100 cyber-warriors at U.S. Cyber Command could do". Or don't; Thiessen did the work for you: a "flood of attacks creates the perfect cover for the United States to deliver the coup de grace to WikiLeaks secretly, with no fingerprints, if it chose to do so." Well, no fingerprints until now. Thanks a lot, Marc.
Graf 10:
"Imagine the impact on WikiLeaks's ability to distribute additional classified information if its systems were suddenly and mysteriously infected by a worm that would fry the computer of anyone who downloaded the documents."
Graf 11:
Hillary Clinton is right - WikiLeaks has attacked America. The only question is: Will America return fire?
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