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Created May 31, 2024 08:04
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using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
using namespace System.Collections
class CommandInfoTransform : ArgumentTransformationAttribute {
[object] Transform([EngineIntrinsics] $engineIntrinsics, [object] $inputObject) {
if ($inputObject -is [CommandInfo]) {
return $inputObject
try {
$gcm = Get-Command "$inputObject" | Select-Object -First 1
return $gcm
catch {
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Edit-VSCode -ParameterName Command -ScriptBlock {
[String] $commandName,
[String] $parameterName,
[String] $wordToComplete,
[CommandAst] $commandAst,
[IDictionary] $fakeBoundParameters
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($wordToComplete)) {
$wordToComplete = '*'
return [CompletionCompleters]::CompleteCommand($wordToComplete)
function Edit-VSCode {
Edit a command in VSCode.
CommandName or CommandInfo to edit.
Editor to use, defaults to $env:editor
Edit-VSCode Edit-VSCode
Edit-VSCode Edit-VSCode -Editor code
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory, Position = 0)]
[CommandInfo] $Command,
[ArgumentCompletions('code', 'code-insiders')]
[String] $Editor = $env:editor
if ($Command -is [AliasInfo]) {
$Command = $Command.ResolvedCommand
if ($Command -is [CmdletInfo] -or $Command -is [ApplicationInfo]) {
<# Exception #> [PSNotSupportedException]::new('Editing {0} not supported' -f $Command.CommandType),
<# errorId #> 'TypeNotSupported',
<# ErrorCategory #> [ErrorCategory]::InvalidType,
<# targetObject #> $Command
$code = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($Editor, 'Application')
if (-Not $code) {
<# Exception #> [CommandNotFoundException]::new('Editor Not Found: {0}' -f $Editor),
<# errorId #> 'EditorNotFound',
<# ErrorCategory #> [ErrorCategory]::NotInstalled,
<# targetObject #> $Editor
if (-Not $Command.ScriptBlock.File) {
<# Exception #> [ItemNotFoundException]::new('File not found'),
<# errorId #> 'FileNotFound',
<# ErrorCategory #> [ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound,
<# targetObject #> $Command
$Arguments = @(
'{0}:{1}:{2}' -f $Command.ScriptBlock.File,
& $code $Arguments
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