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Last active August 7, 2018 19:39
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Dashing UnifiVideo Widget Widget for UnifiVideo NVR

This method uses API Key access so I suggest you setup a guest account with API access but limited (Visible and View Feed) access. Then login as the guest user, enable API access, and generate a new key. Copy the key for use.

Switch to the Devices tab and open the Configure dialog for the cam. On the Details tab, right-click the thumbnail view and Copy the image URL to the clipboard. It will look similar to the following if pasted to an address bar or text editor:

The guid after /camera/ is what you want to use in the unifivideo.rb file.

You can setup as many cameras as you want, just keep adding settings.

class Dashing.unifivideo extends Dashing.Widget
ready: ->
onData: (data) ->
<h4 class="title" data-bind="title"></h4>
<img class="image_container" data-bind-src="image | prepend '/assets'" data-bind-width="width"/>
<p data-bind="time"></p>
require 'net/http'
@fetchNewImageEvery = '2s'
@imageDir = "assets/images/unifivideo/"
@nvrHost = "" #IP of your NVR UnifiVideo host
@nvrPort = "7080" #http port of NVR
@nvrApiKey = "" #your NVR API Key
@nvrCameraUrl = "/api/2.0/snapshot/camera/%s?width=%d&force=true&apiKey=%s"
@camera1Guid = ""
@camera1Width = 400
@camera2Guid = ""
@camera2Width = 400
def fetch_image(guid, width)
fileA = sprintf("%s%s_A.jpg",@imageDir, guid[0..8])
fileB = sprintf("%s%s_B.jpg",@imageDir, guid[0..8])
newFile = fileA
if File::exists?(fileA) && !File::exists?(fileB)
newFile = fileB
elsif File::exists?(fileB) && !File::exists?(fileA)
newFile = fileA
elsif File::exists?(fileA) && File::exists?(fileB)
if File::mtime(fileA) > File::mtime(fileB)
newFile = fileB
newFile = fileA
camUrl = sprintf(@nvrCameraUrl, guid, width, @nvrApiKey)
Net::HTTP.start(@nvrHost, @nvrPort) do |http|
req =
response = http.request(req)
open(newFile, "wb") do |file|
def make_web_friendly(file)
"/" + File.basename(File.dirname(file)) + "/" + File.basename(file)
SCHEDULER.every @fetchNewImageEvery, first_in: 0 do
newFile1 = fetch_image(@camera1Guid, @camera1Width)
newFile2 = fetch_image(@camera2Guid, @camera2Width)
if not File.exists?(newFile1 && newFile2)
warn "Failed to Get Camera Image"
send_event('camera1', image: make_web_friendly(newFile1), time:"%H:%M:%S"))
send_event('camera2', image: make_web_friendly(newFile2), time:"%H:%M:%S"))
$background-color: #00a0df;
$title-color: rgba(255,255,255, 1);
$moreinfo-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
.widget-unifivideo {
padding: 0;
background-color: $background-color;
.title {
color: $title-color;
.image-container {
display: none;
margin-bottom: 15px;
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slowbiz commented Aug 14, 2015

It took me a little while to figure out how to format the dashboard configuration to display the image correctly. Now that I have it setup, is there a method for refreshing the image?

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I'm able to see the clock at the base of the image refresh but the image and the timestamp in the image doesn't refresh. I can see that the .jpg file is updating though. any help?

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I can see the images being saved and stored but they're not being displayed on my dashing dashboard, is there something I might be missing?

<li data-row="8" data-col="3" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="3">
    <div data-id="camera1" data-view="unifivideo" data-title="CAM1" style="background-color:#4b4b4b;"></div>

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peelman commented Nov 23, 2015

I've made a series of improvements over on my fork, if anybody is interested:

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MikeYEG commented Mar 13, 2017

Ran into this issue, pretty sure it's related to browser caching of images with same name. StackOverflow:(

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Our Unifi system uses https, and I'm not quite advanced enough to make sense of what parts of the .rb file I would need to update to utilize https. Anyone have an idea of how I might incorporate https into this .rb file?

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