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Forked from loganhasson/
Last active November 23, 2016 17:41
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  • Save tracypholmes/9146a13a220dc4466082c7a2988383db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tracypholmes/9146a13a220dc4466082c7a2988383db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Basic Ubuntu Setup

Permissions and Packages

Note: Need a user with sudo access

  1. sudo groupadd npm
  2. sudo usermod -a -G npm,staff $USER
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. sudo apt-get upgrade
  5. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (this one is optional)
  6. sudo apt-get -y install curl postgresql libpq-dev default-jre build-essential phantomjs nodejs
  7. sudo apt-get -y install ack-grep vim libgnome2-bin (these are optional)
  8. curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  9. sudo apt-get install nodejs
  10. sudo chown root:staff /usr/bin
  11. sudo chmod 0775 /usr/bin
  12. sudo chown -R root:npm /usr/lib/node_modules
  13. sudo chmod 0755 /usr/lib/node_modules
  14. touch ~/.netrc && chmod 0600 ~/.netrc
  15. gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
  16. \curl -sSL | bash
  17. source /home/[your directory here]/.rvm/scripts/rvm (replace [your directory here] with your home directory)
  18. rvm install 2.3.3
  19. rvm use 2.3.3 --default
  20. echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > $HOME/.gemrc
  21. gem update --system 2.6.7
  22. gem install learn-co
  23. gem install phantomjs
  24. gem install pg
  25. gem install sqlite3
  26. gem install bundler
  27. gem install rails
  28. gem install pry
  29. npm install -g protractor
  30. ls -al ~/.ssh (This will check for existing SSH keys. If you already have a key but aren't sure if it's on GitHub, goto #32)
  31. ssh-keygen (ONLY DO THIS IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE A GENERATED SSH KEY: just press return for everything, and don't enter a passphrase)
  32. cat ~/.ssh/, copy output, and add as ssh key on github
  33. learn whoami and enter oauth token when asked (from<github_username>)

Software Installs

  1. Install Chrome
  2. Install Atom
  3. Install Slack
  4. Install TeamViewer

Optional Dotfiles

  1. curl "" -o "$HOME/.irbrc"
  2. curl "" -o "$HOME/.gitignore"
  3. curl "" -o "$HOME/.bash_profile" (this will overwrite existing bash profile, so back up if you want to)
  4. curl "" -o "$HOME/.gitconfig" then nano $HOME/.gitconfig and edit what needs to be edited (github username and github email in a few places)
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