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superseb /
Last active March 19, 2023 14:02
Minio using Let's Encrypt certbot obtained certificates
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 fqdn email"
exit 1
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt certbot/certbot certonly --standalone --agree-tos --reinstall --force-renewal --non-interactive --text --rsa-key-size 4096 --email $2 --domains $1
mkdir -p /root/.minio/certs
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$1/fullchain.pem /root/.minio/certs/public.crt
movd /
Created June 6, 2019 11:02
Set up msmtp to send emails emails from Ubuntu/Debian Servers

Setting up email with SMTP on Ubuntu/Debian Servers

I used to sift trough my shell history and bookmarks every time I set up a new testing server in order to be able to send mails. So this should help...

Be aware don't use ssmtp anymore. It's unmaintained and has been removed from Debian and Ubuntu will most definitely follow suit.

Install msmtp

mrpeardotnet /
Created December 17, 2019 18:03
Proxmox PVE Host Config Backup Script

Proxmox PVE Host Config Backup Script

This script can be used to backup essential configuration files from the Proxmox Virtual Enivronment (PVE) host.

The script will create backups using tar with specified backup prefix and date and time stamp in the file name. Script will also delete backups that are older then number of days specified.

Create backup script file

To create backup script that will be executed every day we can create backup script in /etc/cron.daily/ folder. We need to make it writeable by root (creator) only, but readable and executable by everyone:

touch /etc/cron.daily/pvehost-backup
tradenet / Sendy Nginx Config
Created February 26, 2024 20:04 — forked from amanjuman/Sendy Nginx Config
Sendy Nginx Config for PHP8.1 FPM
sudo su
//Setup Hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname subdomain.domain.tld
## Basic
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove -y && sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
//Setup SWAP
sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile;
ls -lh /swapfile;