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Last active February 18, 2021 20:12
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Data Understanding (1-6)
#1. Industry data belongs to; 2. Observations and variables count: ; 3. Data types
#4. Levels: ; 5. Any negatives (when ecommerce data); 6 Find Nulls
#1 Industry data belongs to:
#2 Observations & Variable Count
library(skimr); skim(df99)
library(psych); describe(df99)
#3. Find datatypes
df99 %>%
dplyr::select(where(is.factor)) %>%
find_datatype = function(df){
sapply(df, FUN=function(col) class(col))
find_keys <- function(df){
# get count of distincts per each column
df_distincts <- sapply(df, n_distinct)
# make tibble with of above distincts and colnames
full_count <- data.frame(colnames(df), tibble(df_distincts))
colnames(full_count) <- c('field','cnt')
# is a column's unique count the same as the df row count
full_count$all_unique <- (full_count$cnt == nrow(df))
full_count <- full_count[,c(1,3,2)]
df_uniques <- find_keys(df99)
#4.b Find Non-numeric Uniques
find_unique = function(df){
sapply(df, FUN=function(col) if(class(col)=="character"||class(col)=="integer") sort(unique(col)) else{class(col)})
#4.c Find All Uniques & Coerce to factor
#4.c.1 Selected variables
find_all_unique = function(df){
sapply(df, FUN=function(col) sort(unique(col)) )
#get names of df
#build a vector for re-use
cols_in_question <- c("Survived","Sex","SibSp","Embarked")
#covert to factors
df99[cols_in_question] <- lapply(df99[cols_in_question], factor)
#4.c.2 Convert all characters to factors [optional]
mutate_if(is.character, factor)
sapply(df99, class)
#6 Find Nulls
#def count_missing:
count_missing = function(df){
sapply(df, FUN=function(col) sum(
#apply count_missing func to df
nacounts <- count_missing(df99)
hasNA = which(nacounts > 0)
#see results
#99 Optional Rename
#reassign name
{new_name} <- df99
#remove generic name
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