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Created December 10, 2012 18:54
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Batch file for Pelican since make doesn't work on Windows
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set _PELICAN=$pelican
set _PELICANOPTS=$pelicanopts
set _BASEDIR=%cd%
set _INPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%/content
set _OUTPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%/output
set _cmmd=tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq python.exe" /FO CSV /NH
echo DevServer already running...killing...
GOTO :killpydevserver
call :startpydevserver
start %_PELICAN% --debug --autoreload -r %_INPUTDIR% -o %_OUTPUTDIR% -s %_CONFFILE% %_PELICANOPTS%
taskkill /F /T /IM pelican.exe
start python -m SimpleHTTPServer
set o=
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=," %%G IN ('%_cmmd%') DO (
set /a o+=1
set _srvpid=%%G
echo %_srvpid:~1,-1% > %_BASEDIR%\
call :startpelican
FOR /F %%a in ('type "%_BASEDIR%\"') DO (
echo Killing DevServer running at PID = %%a
taskkill /PID %%a
del %_BASEDIR%\
call :killpelican
@echo off
set _PELICAN=$pelican
set _PELICANOPTS=$pelicanopts
set _BASEDIR=%cd%
set _INPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%\content
set _OUTPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%\output
set _FTP_HOST=$ftp_host
set _FTP_USER=$ftp_user
set _FTP_TARGET_DIR=$ftp_target_dir
set _SSH_HOST=$ssh_host
set _SSH_PORT=$ssh_port
set _SSH_USER=$ssh_user
set _SSH_TARGET_DIR=$ssh_target_dir
set _DROPBOX_DIR=$dropbox_dir
set _DEF=%1
set _UPLOAD=%2
IF "%_DEF%"=="html" (
GOTO :html
IF "%_DEF%"=="clean" (
GOTO :clean
IF "%_DEF%"=="regenerate" (
GOTO :regenerate
IF "%_DEF%"=="publish" (
GOTO :publish
IF "%_DEF%"=="serve" (
GOTO :serve
IF "%_DEF%"=="devserver" (
GOTO :devserver
IF "%_DEF%"=="upload" (
GOTO :upload
IF "%_DEF%"=="help" (
GOTO :help
echo No or incorrect argument given, please review your input or type
echo 'pmake help' for help.
GOTO :end
echo Batch file for a pelican Web site
echo Usage:
echo pmake COMMAND(S)
echo Commands:
echo html (re)generate the web site
echo clean remove the generated files
echo regenerate regenerate files upon modification
echo publish generate using production settings
echo serve serve site at http://localhost:8000
echo devserver start/restart
echo upload ssh upload the web site via SSH
echo upload rsync upload the web site via rsync+ssh
echo upload dropbox upload the web site via Dropbox
echo upload ftp upload the web site via FTP
echo upload github upload the web site via gh-pages
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican to generate HTML output
echo Done
GOTO :end
echo Cleaning Output directory (deleting everything)
rmdir /S %_OUTPUTDIR%
mkdir %_OUTPUTDIR%
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and regenerating upon file changes
echo Press Ctrl-C to end, Y or N on batch job, either will work.
GOTO :end
echo Press Ctrl-C to end the server.
echo Then Y or N to end the batch job. Both will end it.
cd %_OUTPUTDIR% && python -m SimpleHTTPServer
GOTO :end
call %_BASEDIR%/devserver.cmd
GOTO :end
echo Generating production ready HTML
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="ssh" (
GOTO :ssh
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="rsync" (
GOTO :rsync
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="dropbox" (
GOTO :dropbox
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="ftp" (
GOTO :ftp
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="github" (
GOTO :github
echo No upload location given. Please provide a destination/protocol.
echo You can use 'pmake help' to see the available options.
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output through SSH
call :publish
echo You must have WinSCP in your PATH variable. /console /command "open scp://%_SSH_USER%@%_SSH_HOST%:%_SSH_PORT%" "option batch on" "option confirm off" "cd %_SSH_TARGET_DIR%" "put %_OUTPUTDIR%\*" "exit"
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output through Rsync
call :publish
echo You must have Rsync in your PATH variable.
echo Current best Windows Rsync version located at:
rsync.exe -e "ssh -p %_SSH_PORT%" -P -rvz --delete "/cygdrive/c%_RSYNC_OUTPUT:~2%/*" %_SSH_USER%@%_SSH_HOST%:%_SSH_TARGET_DIR%
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output to Dropbox
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output through FTP
call :publish
echo You must have WinSCP in your PATH variable. /console /command "open ftp://%_FTP_USER%@%_FTP_HOST%" "option batch on" "option confirm off" "cd %_FTP_TARGET_DIR%" "put %_OUTPUTDIR\*" "exit"
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output to Github
call :publish
ghp-import %_OUTPUTDIR%
git push origin gh-pages
Copy link

Ok, this old, but still in use.
You should (for the FTP command), replace "put %_OUTPUTDIR\*" by "put %_OUTPUTDIR%\*"

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