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Forked from codedot/ics2tc.awk
Last active September 13, 2021 23:52
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Awk script that converts iCalendar .ics files to pipe "|" separated values for further processing
# Adapted from [codedot/ics2tc.awk](
# Parse ics to pipe seperated values for further processing
# pass in vars (-v from=remove entries before this date) (-v source=add string so i know source from multiple ics's)
function parse(dt) {
Y = substr(dt, 1, 4);
M = substr(dt, 5, 2);
D = substr(dt, 7, 2);
h = substr(dt, 10, 2);
m = substr(dt, 12, 2);
s = substr(dt, 14, 2);
return Y "-" M "-" D " " h ":" m;
dtstart = "";
dtend = "";
summary = "";
description = "";
location = "";
sub(/\r$/, "");
sub(/^DTSTART:/, "");
dtstart = parse($0);
/^DTEND:/ {
sub(/\r$/, "");
sub(/^DTEND:/, "");
dtend = parse($0);
sub(/\r$/, "");
sub(/^SUMMARY:/, "");
gsub(/ */, " ");
summary = $0;
sub(/\r$/, "");
sub(/^DESCRIPTION:/, "");
gsub(/ */, " ");
gsub(/\\n/, " ");
gsub(/\\/, "");
gsub(/%nbsp;/, "");
description = $0;
sub(/\r$/, "");
sub(/^LOCATION:/, "");
gsub(/ */, " ");
gsub(/\\n/, " ");
gsub(/\\/, "");
location = $0;
if (dtstart>=from && dtend && summary) {
print dtstart "|" dtend "|" source " / " summary "|" description "|" location "\n";
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