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Created December 8, 2017 10:01
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Write a function for retrieving the total number of substring palindromes.
For example the input is 'abba' then the possible palindromes= a, b, b, a, bb, abba
So the result is 6.
-- Bruteforce:
-- check every contiguous subsequence.
-- imaging placing ( ) around each subsequence.
-- for n choices of ( there are n-1 choices of )
-- so O(n!).
-- Memoization:
-- if A[i..j] is a palindrome then
-- A[i-1..j+1] is if A[i-1] == A[j+1]
-- A[i-1..j] is if A[i-1] == A[j]
-- A[i..j+1] is if A[i] == A[j+1]
-- for every A[k] it's O(1) to check each possible
-- subsequence extending to either side. So it's O(n)
-- overall.
-- do this for each A[k] => O(n^2)
subpalindromes :: [Char] -> Int
subpalindromes str =
xs =
Vector.fromList str
n =
Vector.length xs - 1
-- construct table centered around k
-- [ 0 .. k-i..k..k+i .. n ]
-- for k-i >= 0 and k+i <= n, i <= k and i <= n-k
table k =
m =
min k (n-k)
eq i =
if arr Array.! (i-1) then
xs Vector.! (k-i) == xs Vector.! (k+i) ||
xs Vector.! k == xs Vector.! (k+i) ||
xs Vector.! (k-i) == xs Vector.! k
arr =
Array.array (0,m) $
(0, True) : [ (i, eq i)| i <- [1..m] ]
Array.elems arr
List.sum .
fmap (List.length . List.filter (== True) . table) $
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