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Created September 15, 2012 19:27
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Relations, Graphs and Trees
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- Manipulate graphs for metadata generation
-- WARNING: everything in here is REALLY REALLY REALLY SLOW
module Snail
( Rel(..)
, fromList, toList
, allR, differenceR, unionR, composeR, transitiveR
, transClosure
, UG(..)
, DAG(..)
, transReduction
, transOrientation, transOrientation'
, minimumCompletion
, partitionDAG
, Tree(..)
, sources, anchor )
import Data.List hiding (partition)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
-- Binary relations -----------------------------------------------------------
type Rel a = a -> a -> Bool
type Dom a = [a]
toList :: Dom a -> Rel a -> [(a, a)]
toList dom r = [ (x, y) | x <- dom, y <- dom, r x y ]
fromList :: Eq a => [(a, a)] -> Rel a
fromList s = \x y -> (x,y) `elem` s
allR :: Eq a => Rel a
allR = (/=)
differenceR :: Rel a -> Rel a -> Rel a
differenceR f g = \x y -> f x y && not (g x y)
unionR :: Rel a -> Rel a -> Rel a
unionR f g = \x y -> f x y || g x y
composeR :: Dom a -> Rel a -> Rel a -> Rel a
composeR dom f g = \x y -> or [ f x z && g z y | z <- dom ]
transitiveR :: Dom a -> Rel a -> Bool
transitiveR dom r
= and [ not (r x y && r y z && not (r x z))
| x <- dom, y <- dom, z <- dom ]
-- | Find the transitive closure of a binary relation
-- using Floyd-Warshall algorithm
transClosure :: (Eq a) => Dom a -> Rel a -> Rel a
transClosure dom r = fromList $ step dom $ toList dom r
where step [] es = es
step (_:xs) es = step xs
$ nub (es ++ [(a, d) | (a, b) <- es, (c, d) <- es, b == c])
-- | Find the transitive reduction of a finite binary relation
transReduction :: Eq a => Dom a -> Rel a -> Rel a
transReduction dom rel
= let composeR' = composeR dom
in rel `differenceR` (rel `composeR'` transClosure dom rel)
-- Graphs ---------------------------------------------------------------------
newtype UG a = UG (Dom a, Rel a)
newtype DAG a = DAG (Dom a, Rel a)
instance Show a => Show (UG a) where
show (UG (d,r)) = "UG (" ++ (show d) ++ ", " ++ (show $ toList d r) ++ ")"
instance Show a => Show (DAG a) where
show (DAG (d,r)) = "DAG (" ++ (show d) ++ ", " ++ (show $ toList d r) ++ ")"
-- | Find the transitive orientation of an undirected graph if one exists
-- using exponential-time bruteforce.
-- TODO implement O(n) algorithm
transOrientation :: Eq a => UG a -> Maybe (DAG a)
transOrientation (UG (d,g))
= case toList d g of
[] -> Just (DAG (d,g))
-> let -- Treat G as a directed graph. For all subsets S of A (set of arcs),
-- reverse the direction of all arcs in S and check if the result
-- is transitive.
combo k = filter ((k==) . length) $ subsequences edges
choices = concatMap combo [1..length d]
choose c = g `differenceR` fromList c
`unionR` fromList (map swap c)
in liftM DAG $ liftM (d,) $ find (transitiveR d) $ map choose choices
-- | Find the best transitive orientation possible, adding edges if necessary
transOrientation' :: (Show a, Eq a) => UG a -> DAG a
transOrientation' = fromJust . transOrientation . minimumCompletion
-- | Compute the minimum comparability completion of an undirected graph
-- (i.e. the minimum set of added edges to make the graph
-- transitively orientable)
-- using exponential-time bruteforce (this is NP hard).
-- probably DP-able
minimumCompletion :: (Show a, Eq a) => UG a -> UG a
minimumCompletion (UG (d,g))
= let
-- Let U be the set of all possible fill edges. For all subsets
-- S of U, add S to G and see if the result is trans-orientable.
u = toList d $ allR `differenceR` g
combo k = filter ((k==) . length) $ subsequences u
choices = concatMap combo [0..length u]
choose c = g `unionR` fromList c
-- There always exists a comparability completion for an undirected graph
-- in the worst case it's the complete version of the graph.
-- the result is minimum thanks to how `subsequences` and
-- list comprehensions work.
in fromMaybe (error "minimumCompletion: no completion found!")
$ liftM UG
$ find (isJust . transOrientation . UG) $ map ((d,) . choose) choices
-- Trees ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | An inverted tree (with edges going from child to parent)
newtype Tree a = Tree (Dom a, Rel a)
instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
show (Tree (d,r)) = "tree (" ++ (show d) ++ ", " ++ (show $ toList d r) ++ ")"
-- | A relation is an (inverted) tree if each node has at most one outgoing arc
isTree :: Dom a -> Rel a -> Bool
isTree dom r
= let neighbours x = filter (r x) dom
in all ((<=1) . length . neighbours) dom
sources :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [a]
sources x (Tree (d, r)) = [y | y <- d, r y x]
-- | Partition a DAG into the minimum set of (directed) trees
-- once again with bruteforce (this is also NP hard).
-- There always exists a partition, in the worst case
-- all nodes are disjoint
partitionDAG :: Eq a => DAG a -> [Tree a]
partitionDAG (DAG (d,g))
= let edgesFor nodes = [ (x,y) | x <- nodes, y <- nodes, g x y ]
mkGraph nodes = (nodes, fromList $ edgesFor nodes)
in map Tree $ fromMaybe (error "partitionDAG: no partition found!")
$ find (all $ uncurry isTree)
$ map (map mkGraph)
$ sortBy (comparing length)
$ partitionings d
type SubList a = [a]
type Partitioning a = [SubList a]
-- | Generate all possible partitions of a list
-- by nondeterministically decide which sublist to add an element to.
partitionings :: Eq a => [a] -> [Partitioning a]
partitionings [] = [[]]
partitionings (x:xs) = concatMap (nondetPut x) $ partitionings xs
where nondetPut :: a -> Partitioning a -> [Partitioning a]
nondetPut y [] = [ [[y]] ]
nondetPut y (l:ls) = let putHere = (y:l):ls
putLater = map (l:) $ nondetPut y ls
in putHere:putLater
-- | Enroot a tree with the given root
anchor :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
anchor root (Tree (d,g))
= let leaves = filter (null . flip filter d . g) d
arcs = map (, root) leaves
in Tree (root:d, g `unionR` fromList arcs)
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, FlexibleInstances #-}
module QCGraph where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative
import Test.QuickCheck
import Snail
instance Arbitrary (UG Int) where
arbitrary = sized $ \s ->
let dom = [0..s `min` magicLimit]
domG = elements dom
in UG . (dom,) . curry . flip elem
<$> nub . filter (uncurry (/=))
<$> listOf (lexicoOrder <$> tupleOf domG domG)
-- Unacceptable performance for anything bigger than 5 =(
magicLimit = 3
rootStart = 42
tupleOf :: Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen (a,b)
tupleOf a b = (,) <$> a <*> b
lexicoOrder :: Ord a => (a, a) -> (a, a)
lexicoOrder (a , b) | a < b = (a , b)
| otherwise = (b , a)
-- R+ must: smallest set that contains R and is transitive
-- TODO: find fast way to check "smallest" part
prop_trans_closure_correct :: UG Int -> Bool
prop_trans_closure_correct (UG (d, r))
= let r' = toList d r
clo = toList d $ transClosure d r
superset s z = null [ (x,y) | x <- d, y <- d
, (x,y) `elem` z
, not $ (x,y) `elem` s ]
transitive s = transitiveR d $ fromList s
in clo `superset` r'
&& transitive clo
-- There must always be a transitive orientation if we allow adding edges
-- since the worst case is a complete graph.
prop_orientation_total :: UG Int -> Bool
prop_orientation_total = isJust . transOrientation . minimumCompletion
-- The alias trees generated in the end must not imply some two things
-- are distinct while they alias in the original DDC alias graph.
prop_alias_safety :: UG Int -> Bool
prop_alias_safety g@(UG (d, aliasDDC))
= null [ (x,y) | x <- d, y <- d
, aliasDDC x y
, not $ aliasLLVM x y ]
where trees = snd $ mapAccumL (\r t -> (r+1, anchor r t)) rootStart
$ partitionDAG $ transOrientation' g
ascendants :: Int -> Tree Int -> [Int]
ascendants x (Tree (ns, t))
= let clo = transClosure ns t
in filter (clo x) ns
descendants :: Int -> Tree Int -> [Int]
descendants x t@(Tree (ns, _))
= [ y | y <- ns, x `elem` ascendants y t ]
aliasLLVM x y
= isNothing (find (\(Tree (ns,t)) -> x `elem` ns && y `elem` ns) trees)
|| any (\t -> y `elem` ((ascendants x t) ++ (descendants x t))) trees
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