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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Save tranma/515ddc0d5fab825fbcb2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pipe that echoes stdin while ignoring any input it has seen before, but timeouts if user is taking too long, and offers a chance to try again
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Time.Clock
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified Pipes.Lift as P
newtype Log = Log [String]
deriving Show
data Crumb = Seen Log
deriving Show
data Err = Timeout Crumb | Other String
deriving Show
instance Error Err where
noMsg = Other "hm"
newtype Fix f = Mu { out :: f (Fix f) }
data ResultF a m r = ResultF { resume :: Producer a m r }
newtype Result a m = Result { result :: Fix (ResultF a m) }
impatientStdin :: [String] -> Producer String (StateT (UTCTime, Log) (ErrorT Err IO)) ()
impatientStdin blacklist = for P.stdinLn $ \x -> do
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
(s,l) <- lift get
if t > addUTCTime 3 s
then liftIO (putStrLn "timeout!") >> throwError (Timeout $ Seen l)
else if x `elem` blacklist
then return ()
else yield x >> lift get >>= \(_, Log seen) -> lift $ put $ (t, Log (x:seen))
hm :: [String] -> Result String (ErrorT Err IO)
hm blacklist = Result $ Mu $ ResultF $ P.catchError
(do t <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
(_, Log l) <- P.execStateP (t, Log []) $ impatientStdin blacklist
resume $ out $ result $ hm (blacklist ++ l))
-- return the rest so user can try again:
(\(Timeout (Seen (Log l))) -> lift $ return $ result $ hm (blacklist ++ l))
-- automatically try again:
--(\(Timeout (Seen (Log l))) -> resume $ out $ result $ hm (blacklist ++ l))
--main = undefined
main = do
t <- getCurrentTime
x <- runErrorT $ runEffect $ for (resume $ out $ result $ hm []) (liftIO . print . ("got "++))
case x of Left _ -> putStrLn "unrecoverable error"
Right rest -> do putStrLn "try only one more time"
runErrorT $ runEffect $ for (resume $ out rest)
(liftIO . print . ("second chance, got "++))
putStrLn "that's it"
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