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Testing Metavault V2 on Kovan

Use the documented contract addresses from the metavault repo.

Each token has a faucet function which can be called by anyone in order to obtain funds (there's no need to ask for tokens).

For example, DAI:

  • Navigate to the Write Contract page of the token on Etherscan
  • Connect your web3-enabled wallet to the site
  • Expand the faucet function

yAxis Metavault Review

Below is my code review of the yAxis Metavault V1 and associated contracts. This is not an audit nor an endorsement of the yAxis project. Overall I'm extremely impressed with the quality of the code.


Reviews like this can easily tilt towards a negative tone. So to start, I'd like to point out the positive aspects of the project.

  • Significant portions of the code is borrowed from, including the concept of controllers and strategies. This is good because these patterns and code already have millions of value locked in them.
  • Code is easy to read and follow, which makes it easy to review.
transferAndCall /
Last active October 7, 2020 19:45
Get information on the yaLINK vault

yaLINK Vault Info


virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install web3