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Last active April 29, 2021 20:56
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Hexagons for map-making in the Traveller RPG
% x=3*(minimum size)/2
% x=\sqrt{3/4}*(minimum size)/2
% some styles
regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=6,
minimum size=\hexdia,
inner sep=0mm,
outer sep=0mm,
\foreach \i in {0,...,5}
\foreach \j in {0,...,5} {
\node[box] at (2*\i,2*\j) {};
\node (\a,\b) at (2*\i,2*\j) [] { };
\node [color=gray] at (\a,\b) {\a,\b};
\node (\a,\b) at (2*\i+1,2*\j+1) [] {};
\node [color=gray] at (\a,\b) {\a,\b };
\node[box] at (2*\i+1,2*\j+1) {};
\node [
% x=3*(minimum size)/2
% x=\sqrt{3/4}*(minimum size)/2
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=\x,y=-\y, ]
% some styles
regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=6,
minimum size=\hexdia,
inner sep=0mm,
outer sep=0mm,
\def\north{Pax Rulin}
\foreach \i in {0,...,3}
\foreach \j in {0,...,9} {
\node[box] at (2*\i,2*\j) {};
\node (\nodename) at (2*\i,2*\j) [] { };
\node [color=gray] at (\a,\b-0.7) {\small \texttt \nodename};
\node (\nodename) at (2*\i+1,2*\j+1) {};
\node [color=gray] at (\a,\b-0.7) {\small \texttt \nodename};
\node[box] at (2*\i+1,2*\j+1) {};
\draw [ultra thick] (-0.695,-1) rectangle (7.695,20);
\node at (3.5, 20.6) [text centered] {\textsf{\south}};
\node at (3.5, -1.6) [text centered] {\textsf{\north}};
\node at (-1, 9) [text centered, rotate=90] {\textsf{\west}};
\node at (8, 9) [text centered, rotate=-90] {\textsf{\east}};
% Third Imperium
\foreach\sector in {2411, 2312, 2211,2212,2213,2313,2412,2413} {
\node [box, fill=red, opacity=0.4] at (\sector) {};
\node [circle, fill=blue] at (#1) {};
\ifthenelse{\equal{#8}{}}{}{ \draw [ultra thick, color=#8] (#1) ellipse (.8cm and .8cm) };
\node [above = .7 of #1] {\tiny \texttt{#2}};
\node [right= .07 of #1] {\tiny {#4}};
\node [below= .8 of #1] {\small {#5}};
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{G}}{\node [above right= .07 of #1] {\tiny {#6}}}{};
\ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{T}}{\node [above left= .07 of #1] { {$\star$}};}{}
\node [above = 1 of #1] {\small \textsc{#3}};
\node [circle, draw=black] at (#1) {};
\ifthenelse{\equal{#8}{}}{}{ \draw [ultra thick, color=#8] (#1) ellipse (.8cm and .8cm) };
\node [above = .7 of #1] {\tiny \texttt{#2}};
\node [right= .07 of #1] {\tiny {#4}};
\node [below= .8 of #1] {\small {#5}};
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{G}}{\node [above right= .07 of #1] {\tiny {#6}}}{};
\ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{T}}{\node [above left= .07 of #1] { {$\star$}};}{}
\node [above = 1 of #1] {\small \textsc{#3}};
\waterplanet{1818}{C9D6778-9}{Number One}{NaHu}{C}{G}{}{};
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