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Last active May 24, 2019 20:22
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"url": "",
"userName": "jlevy",
"repoName": "the-art-of-command-line",
"desc": "Master the command line, in one page",
"numCommits": 1184,
"numIssues": 72,
"numPRs": 47,
"numProjects": 0,
"numWatchers": 1548,
"numStars": 45972,
"languages": []
"url": "",
"userName": "jackfrued",
"repoName": "Python-100-Days",
"desc": "Python - 100天从新手到大师",
"numCommits": 206,
"numIssues": 66,
"numPRs": 12,
"numProjects": 0,
"numWatchers": 2001,
"numStars": 33135,
"languages": [
"language": "Jupyter Notebook",
"percent": 38
"language": "HTML",
"percent": 25.8
"language": "Python",
"percent": 19.4
"language": "JavaScript",
"percent": 9.9
"language": "CSS",
"percent": 6.9
"url": "",
"userName": "MisterBooo",
"repoName": "LeetCodeAnimation",
"desc": "Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)",
"numCommits": 60,
"numIssues": 0,
"numPRs": 0,
"numProjects": 0,
"numWatchers": 1250,
"numStars": 27221,
"languages": [
"language": "Java",
"percent": 100
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