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Created April 25, 2014 07:06
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C# version of RSLPS game for Challenge #159
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
namespace RSLPS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Game.GameMode CurrentMode = Game.GameMode.Learning;
string aiChoice = "";
Console.WriteLine("\"Learning AI\" Game Mode is selected by default.");
Console.WriteLine("Press \"R\" to choose back to \"Random AI\" mode");
Console.Write("or any other key to continue: ");
aiChoice = Console.ReadLine();
switch (aiChoice.ToUpper())
case "R":
CurrentMode = Game.GameMode.Random;
Console.WriteLine("\"Random AI\" Mode Selected!");
Console.WriteLine("\"Learning AI\" Mode Selected!");
Console.WriteLine("╔========= Wellcome =========╗");
Console.WriteLine("║ Please select a weapon: ║");
Console.WriteLine("║ 1. Rock (R) ║");
Console.WriteLine("║ 2. Paper (P) ║");
Console.WriteLine("║ 3. Scissors(Sc) ║");
Console.WriteLine("║ 4. Lizard (Li) ║");
Console.WriteLine("║ 5. Spock (Sp) ║");
Console.WriteLine("║ or type \"Q\" to quit! ║");
string input = "";
Weapon userChoice = null;
while (input.ToUpper() != "Q")
Console.WriteLine(" =============> Round {0} <=============", Game.TotalGames + 1);
Console.Write("Type your choice: ");
input = Console.ReadLine();
switch (input.ToUpper()) //Switch on Key enum
case "0":
case "Q":
case "QUIT":
case "EXIT":
input = "Q";
case "1":
case "R":
case "RO":
case "ROCK":
userChoice = new Weapon(Game.HandWeapons.Rock);
case "3":
case "SC":
case "SCISSORS":
userChoice = new Weapon(Game.HandWeapons.Scissors);
case "4":
case "L":
case "LI":
case "LIZARD":
userChoice = new Weapon(Game.HandWeapons.Lizard);
case "2":
case "P":
case "PA":
case "PAPER":
userChoice = new Weapon(Game.HandWeapons.Paper);
case "5":
case "SP":
case "SPOCK":
userChoice = new Weapon(Game.HandWeapons.Spock);
userChoice = null;
Console.WriteLine("*** Invalid choice. You can only type: R, SC, L, P and SP here! ***");
if (userChoice != null) BeginRound(userChoice, CurrentMode);
private static void BeginRound(Weapon userChoice, Game.GameMode CurrentMode)
Round newRound = new Round(userChoice);
string winner = "";
switch (newRound.RoundResult)
case Game.Results.ComputerWin:
winner = string.Format("{0} {2} {1}. You Lost!", newRound.ComputerWeapon.Name, userChoice.Name, newRound.WeaponCry);
case Game.Results.HumanWin:
winner = string.Format("{1} {2} {0}. You Win!", newRound.ComputerWeapon.Name, userChoice.Name, newRound.WeaponCry);
case Game.Results.Tie:
winner = string.Format("The game is a tie. Let's go again!");
string PlayerPick = string.Format("Player Picks {0}", userChoice.Name);
string ComputerPick = string.Format("Computer Picks {0}", newRound.ComputerWeapon.Name);
string TotalGamesPlayed = string.Format("Total Games played: {0}.", Game.TotalGames);
string ComputerWins = string.Format("Computer Wins: {0} ({1:0.00}%).", Game.ComputerWins, ((decimal)Game.ComputerWins / (decimal)Game.TotalGames) * 100);
string HumanWins = string.Format("Human Wins: {0} ({1:0.00}%).", Game.HumanWins, ((float)Game.HumanWins / (float)Game.TotalGames) * 100);
string Ties = string.Format("Ties: {0} ({1:0.00}%).", Game.Ties, ((decimal)Game.Ties / (decimal)Game.TotalGames) * 100);
Console.WriteLine(" >>>>> Round Results <<<<<");
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} and {1}.", PlayerPick, ComputerPick));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Game Mode: {0} AI", CurrentMode.ToString()));
Console.WriteLine(" >>>>> Some Stats <<<<<");
public static class Game
public static int ComputerWins = 0;
public static int HumanWins = 0;
public static int Ties = 0;
public static int TotalGames = 0;
public enum GameMode
Learning, Random
public enum HandWeapons
Rock, Scissors, Lizard, Paper, Spock
public enum WinningActions
cut, covers, crushes, poisons, smashes, decapitate, eats, disproves, vaporizes, tie
public enum Results
ComputerWin, HumanWin, Tie
#region Decision Table
public static List<Decision> PossibleOutcomes = new List<Decision>()
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.crushes},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.covers},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.crushes},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.poisons},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.smashes},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.decapitate},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.eats},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.disproves},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.vaporizes},
new Decision { HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock, AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors
, MatchResult = Game.Results.HumanWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.crushes},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.crushes},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.covers},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.crushes},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.poisons},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.smashes},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.decapitate},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.eats},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.disproves},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.ComputerWin, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.vaporizes},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors
, MatchResult = Game.Results.Tie, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.crushes},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Scissors
, MatchResult = Game.Results.Tie, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.tie},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Lizard
, MatchResult = Game.Results.Tie, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.tie},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Paper
, MatchResult = Game.Results.Tie, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.tie},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Spock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.Tie, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.tie},
new Decision { AIWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock, HumanWeapon = Game.HandWeapons.Rock
, MatchResult = Game.Results.Tie, TimesPlayed = 0, WeaponCry = Game.WinningActions.tie}
class Round
public Weapon HumanWeapon { get; set; }
public Weapon ComputerWeapon { get; private set; }
public Game.Results RoundResult { get; private set; }
public Game.WinningActions WeaponCry { get; private set; }
Random random = new Random();
Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Game.HandWeapons));
public Round(Weapon userChoice)
this.HumanWeapon = userChoice;
this.ComputerWeapon = LearningAI();
Decision matchOutcome = AIDecision(userChoice);
this.WeaponCry = matchOutcome.WeaponCry;
this.RoundResult = matchOutcome.MatchResult;
private Weapon RandomAI()
return new Weapon((Game.HandWeapons)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length)));
private Weapon LearningAI()
Dictionary<string, int> t = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var item in (Game.HandWeapons[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Game.HandWeapons)))
t.Add(String.Format("{0}", item.ToString()), Game.PossibleOutcomes.Where(x => x.HumanWeapon == item).Sum(x => x.TimesPlayed));
var MaxKeys = t.Where(a => a.Value == t.Values.Max()).Select(x => x.Key.ToString()).ToArray().First();
var d = Game.PossibleOutcomes.Find(item => item.HumanWeapon == (Game.HandWeapons)Enum.Parse(typeof(Game.HandWeapons), MaxKeys) && item.MatchResult == Game.Results.ComputerWin);
return new Weapon(d.AIWeapon);
private Decision AIDecision(Weapon userChoice)
return Game.PossibleOutcomes.Find(item => item.HumanWeapon == userChoice.Name && item.AIWeapon == this.ComputerWeapon.Name);
public class Decision
public Game.HandWeapons HumanWeapon { get; set; }
public Game.HandWeapons AIWeapon { get; set; }
public Game.Results MatchResult { get; set; }
public Game.WinningActions WeaponCry { get; set; }
public int TimesPlayed { get; set; }
class Weapon
public Weapon(Game.HandWeapons value)
Name = value;
public Game.HandWeapons Name { get; set; }
public Game.WinningActions Cry { get; set; }
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