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Forked from joshnuss/
Created April 12, 2023 01:01
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Prisma snippets

Prisma Snippets

For ViM and VSCode.


  • model<tab>: defines a model
  • field<tab>: defines a field
  • index<tab>: defines an index
  • unique<tab>: defines a unique index
  • belongs<tab>: defines a "belongs to" relationship
  • many<tab>: defines a "has many" relationship
  • enum<tab>: defines an enum

Converted to VS Code using convert-snippets

Prisma snippets for VS Code
To Install:
1. Open command palette: CMD+Shift+P
2. Choose "Configure User Snippets"
3. Choose "Prisma" (prisma.json)
4. Copy and paste this file
"model": {
"prefix": "model",
"body": "model ${1:Name} {\n\tid Int @id @default(autoincrement())\n\t${2}\n\n\tcreatedAt DateTime @default(now())\n\tupdatedAt DateTime @updatedAt\n}",
"description": "define a model"
"enum": {
"prefix": "enum",
"body": "enum ${1:Name} {\n\t${2:VALUE}\n}",
"description": "define an enum"
"field": {
"prefix": "field",
"body": "${1:name} ${2:String}",
"description": "define a field"
"many": {
"prefix": "many",
"body": "${1:authors} ${2:Author}[]",
"description": "define a has many relationship"
"belongs": {
"prefix": "belongs",
"body": "${1:author} ${2:Author} @relation(fields: [$1Id], references: [id])\n$1Id Int",
"description": "define a belongs to relationship"
"index": {
"prefix": "index",
"body": "@@index([${1:field}])",
"description": "define an index"
"unique": {
"prefix": "unique",
"body": "@@unique([${1:field}])",
"description": "define a unique index"
# Prisma snippets for VIM
# To install:
# Copy this file to ~/.vim/snippets/prisma.snippets
snippet model "define a model"
model ${1:Name} {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
snippet enum "define an enum"
enum ${1:Name} {
snippet field "define a field"
${1:name} ${2:String}
snippet many "define a has many relationship"
${1:authors} ${2:Author}[]
snippet belongs "define a belongs to relationship"
${1:author} ${2:Author} @relation(fields: [$1Id], references: [id])
$1Id Int
snippet index "define an index"
snippet unique "define a unique index"
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