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Last active January 6, 2023 10:35
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  • Save travelhawk/c1b0b16ed2fe1be43e1a3301ff137863 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save travelhawk/c1b0b16ed2fe1be43e1a3301ff137863 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install and update windows software via chocolatey
::Install chocolatey from first
::Run following commands as administrator
::Update your software with choco upgrade all
cinst -y adobereader
cinst -y googlechrome
cinst -y adblockpluschrome
cinst -y skype
cinst -y 7zip
cinst -y winscp
cinst -y putty
cinst -y notepadplusplus
cinst -y evernote
cinst -y steam
cinst -y keepass
cinst -y virtualbox
cinst -y xming
cinst -y jdk8
cinst -y vlc
cinst -y spotify
cinst -y win32diskimager
cinst -y advanced-ip-scanner
cinst -y chocolateygui
cinst -y treesizefree
cinst -y intellijidea-community
cinst -y webstorm
cinst -y unity-hub
cinst -y python3
cinst -y git
cinst -y blender
cinst -y obs-studio
cinst -y imageresizeapp
cinst -y nodejs
cinst -y sendtokindle
cinst -y calibre
cinst -y sysinternals
::Install chocolatey from first
::Run following commands as administrator
::Update your software with choco upgrade all
cinst -y office365business
cinst -y adobereader
cinst -y googlechrome
cinst -y adblockpluschrome
cinst -y skype
cinst -y microsoft-teams
cinst -y 7zip
cinst -y notepadplusplus
cinst -y jdk8
cinst -y vlc
cinst -y gimp
cinst -y inkscape
cinst -y chocolateygui
cinst -y treesizefree
cinst -y sysinternals
cinst -y intellijidea-community
cinst -y unity-hub
cinst -y python3
cinst -y git
cinst -y keepass
cinst -y virtualbox
cinst -y blender
cinst -y obs-studio
cinst -y nodejs
cinst -y make
cinst -y hwmonitor
cinst -y ffmpeg
cinst -y advanced-ip-scanner
cinst -y androidstudio
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