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Last active May 17, 2019 09:06
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Bulk Windows Install using Boxstarter and chocolatey
# Windows Install using Boxstarter and chocolatey
# You can use the Install script or install it manually using chocolatey
Set-ExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtension -DisableOpenFileExplorerToQuickAccess
cinst adobereader
cinst flashplayerplugin
cinst adobeair
cinst googlechrome
cinst adblockpluschrome
cinst firefox
cinst imageresizerapp
cinst skype
cinst git
cinst office365proplus
cinst 7zip
cinst vlc
cinst spotify
cinst winscp
cinst putty
cinst notepadplusplus
cinst gimp
cinst inkscape
cinst evernote
cinst steam
cinst keepass
cinst everything
cinst dropbox
cinst yed
cinst ccleaner
cinst dotnet4.5
cinst intellijidea-community
cinst jdk8
cinst conemu
:: basic build
:: change gists url for other builds
:: default: basic build url
Set-ExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtension -DisableOpenFileExplorerToQuickAccess
# software
cinst adobereader
cinst googlechrome
cinst adblockpluschrome
cinst firefox
cinst imageresizerapp
cinst skype
cinst git
cinst office365proplus
cinst 7zip
cinst winscp
cinst putty
cinst notepadplusplus
cinst evernote
cinst steam
cinst keepass
cinst everything
cinst dropbox
cinst yed
cinst ccleaner
cinst virtualbox
cinst xming
# software platforms / runtimes
cinst dotnet4.5
cinst flashplayerplugin
cinst adobeair
cinst jdk8
# media software
cinst vlc
cinst spotify
cinst gimp
cinst inkscape
cinst pencil
cinst youtube-dl
# tools
cinst win32diskimager
cinst angryip
cinst openssh
cinst fiddler4
cinst chocolateygui
cinst pdfcreator
cinst treesizefree
cinst conemu #cmd console
cinst ilspy # C# assembly browsing / decompilation
cinst wireshark
cinst autohotkey.portable
cinst sikulix # automate based on image recognition
# development stuff
cinst intellijidea-community
cinst unity
cinst unitywebplayer
cinst dotpeek
cinst postgresql
cinst python3
cinst pip
cinst android-sdk
cinst r.project
cinst visualstudio2017community
cinst opencv
cinst lyx #WYSIWYG latex editor
cinst git
# design, 3D design
cinst blender
cinst makehuman
cinst sketchup
cinst meshlab
# Scala, Play
cinst scala
cinst sbt
cinst play
# security, antivir
cinst peerblock
cinst spybot
# download
cinst freenet
cinst qbittorrent
# only possible with Hyper-V (Windows Pro Version)
cinst docker-for-windows
# possible with any Windows (use kitematic too)
cinst docker-toolbox
Set-ExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtension -DisableOpenFileExplorerToQuickAccess
# software
cinst adobereader
cinst googlechrome
cinst adblockpluschrome
cinst firefox
cinst imageresizerapp
cinst skype
cinst office365proplus
cinst 7zip
cinst winscp
cinst putty
cinst notepadplusplus
cinst evernote
cinst steam
cinst keepass
cinst everything
cinst dropbox
cinst yed
cinst ccleaner
cinst virtualbox
cinst xming
# software platforms / runtimes
cinst dotnet4.5
cinst flashplayerplugin
cinst adobeair
cinst jdk8
# media software
cinst vlc
cinst spotify
cinst gimp
cinst inkscape
cinst pencil
cinst youtube-dl
# tools
cinst win32diskimager
cinst angryip
cinst openssh
cinst fiddler4
cinst chocolateygui
cinst pdfcreator
cinst treesizefree
cinst conemu #cmd console
cinst ilspy # C# assembly browsing / decompilation
cinst autohotkey.portable
cinst sikulix # automate based on image recognition
# development stuff
cinst intellijidea-community
cinst unity
cinst unitywebplayer
cinst dotpeek
cinst postgresql
cinst python3
cinst pip
cinst android-sdk
cinst r.project
cinst visualstudio2017community
cinst opencv
cinst lyx #WYSIWYG latex editor
cinst git
# design, 3D design
cinst blender
cinst makehuman
cinst sketchup
cinst meshlab
# Scala, Play
cinst scala
cinst sbt
cinst play
# security, antivir
cinst spybot
# only possible with Hyper-V (Windows Pro Version)
#cinst docker-for-windows
# possible with any Windows (use kitematic too)
cinst docker-toolbox
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