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User 1
1. Would be nice to see the details for each adoption.
2. Youtube video is a great touch. Very helpful.
User 2
1. Possibly add a link [to Petfinder] so you can see everything about the dog.
User 3
travelingtonic / tk-api-capstone
Created December 10, 2018 16:40
API Hack Capstone
Find A Furry Friend (F3)
F3 helps users find a new dog close to them by breed, combining data from the Dog API, Dog CEO, and Petfinder.
travelingtonic / Simple-Gets
Created December 6, 2018 03:44
Simple GET Requests Assignments
1. Create an app that lets users choose to display between 1 and 50 random dog images, then prints the results to the console. The app should feature a form with a required input where users indicate the number of images to retrieve, and the input should default to 3. Use the endpoint described in the "DISPLAY MULTIPLE RANDOM IMAGES FROM ALL DOGS COLLECTION" section of this page of the DogAPI docs.
2. Building on the previous app, create an app that lets users choose to display between 1 and 50 random dog images, then loads the images in the console. This app should adhere to all of the requirements from the first one, in addition to displaying the images in the DOM.
3. Create an app that loads a single random image for a specific breed. This app should account for the happy case when the breed is found, as well as the unhappy case when it is not. Use the endpoint described in th
travelingtonic / Meetup-Api-Review
Created December 6, 2018 01:24
Meetup API Documentation Review
Assignment 1
Visit the YouTube API documentation discussed above and find the subscription list endpoint documentation. List 1 required parameter and 2 optional parameters for this endpoint. For each parameter listed, state the data type and give an example of the allowed values.
Endpoint documentation:
Required: myRecentSubscribers; boolean; true
maxResults; integer; 10
order; string; relevance
Assignment 2
1. Write an analogy to describe the relationship between clients and servers.
Clients make requests and servers respond to requests. Think of a client like a student and a server like a teacher. First the student must know which classroom they want to go to (the url domain). They ask a hall attendant (DNS server) where the classroom is and the hall attendent looks up the room number (IP address) for them. Student then goes to that classroom (open connection).
To get the information they want to learn, the student will ask a question (request) of the teacher (server). The teacher will then answer the student's question (response). If the student needs more information, they ask another question (request) and the teacher gives them another answer (response) until the student knows everything they want to know.
2. Draw a diagram of the request/response cycle.
travelingtonic / Practice Mock Interview
Last active December 1, 2018 14:39
Throwaway thinkful mock interview practice
General questions
What are your greatest strengths as a web developer?
// I like to learn and try new things. When I'm coding I like to think of multiple approaches to tackling a feature.
What experience do you have working in a fast-paced environment?
// Currently working for a healthcare IT company. Requires responsiveness because someone's health is waiting on our ability to deliver.
// Previously worked for an eCommerce company. Time is money so systems had to post data quickly and accurately to get the most sales.
What technologies are you most excited to learn?
// React - it's used in my company by our frontend teams to build patient and provider portals.
Technical questions
travelingtonic / event-listeners
Created October 27, 2018 21:18
Event Listeners Drill
travelingtonic / virtual-pet-lunar
Created October 25, 2018 16:57
My Virtual Pet
Toni's pet:!/lunar-whippet?path=public/client.js:38:25
Original Source code:!/cherry-restaurant?path=public/client.js:1:0
travelingtonic / objChallenge
Created October 25, 2018 12:03
Object Challenge
Get all the text and convert to lower case then remove? any punctuation marks.
create an array to store all the words in the text
loop through the text array and if a given word is already in the text count array increment its count by 1. If a given word is not already in the text count array then add it to the array with a count of 1.
set first item in word count array as the highest max word and count
loop through each word in the word count array against the current highest and if higher count than current set highest to new current word
At end of loop return back the highest count word and its count
travelingtonic / object-drills
Created October 23, 2018 14:36
Object Drills 1 and 2
Drill 1:
Drill 2: