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Created March 26, 2023 04:15
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total_time <- Sys.time()
options(warn = 1)
do_gc <- function() {
if (utils::compareVersion(as.character(getRversion()), "3.5.0") != -1) {
gc(full = TRUE)
} else {
# because sourceCpp uses setwd, we need absolute path to R_TESTS when run within R CMD check
R_TESTS <- Sys.getenv("R_TESTS") # startup.Rs
if (nzchar(R_TESTS)) {
R_TESTS_absolute <- normalizePath(R_TESTS)
Sys.setenv(R_TESTS = R_TESTS_absolute)
sourceCpp(code="#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
// [[Rcpp::export(rng=false)]]
CharacterVector splitstr(std::string x, std::vector<double> cuts){
CharacterVector ret(cuts.size() - 1);
for(uint64_t i=1; i<cuts.size(); i++) {
ret[i-1] = x.substr(std::round(cuts[i-1])-1, std::round(cuts[i])-std::round(cuts[i-1]));
return ret;
// [[Rcpp::export(rng=false)]]
int setlev(SEXP x, int i) {
return SETLEVELS(x,i);
// [[Rcpp::export(rng=false)]]
void setobj(SEXP x, int i) {
return SET_OBJECT(x, i);
// [[Rcpp::export(rng=false)]]
List generateList(std::vector<int> list_elements){
auto randchar = []() -> char
const char charset[] =
const size_t max_index = (sizeof(charset) - 1);
return charset[ rand() % max_index ];
List ret(list_elements.size());
std::string str(10,0);
for(size_t i=0; i<list_elements.size(); i++) {
switch(list_elements[i]) {
case 1:
ret[i] = R_NilValue;
case 2:
std::generate_n( str.begin(), 10, randchar );
ret[i] = str;
case 3:
ret[i] = rand();
case 4:
ret[i] = static_cast<double>(rand());
return ret;
if (nzchar(R_TESTS)) Sys.setenv(R_TESTS = R_TESTS)
args <- commandArgs(T)
if (nzchar(R_TESTS) || ((length(args) > 0) && args[1] == "check")) { # do fewer tests within R CMD check so it completes within a reasonable amount of time
mode <- "filestream"
reps <- 2
test_points <- c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 2^5 - 1, 2^5 + 1, 2^5, 2^8 - 1, 2^8 + 1, 2^8, 2^16 - 1, 2^16 + 1, 2^16, 1e6)
test_points_slow <- c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 2^5 - 1, 2^5 + 1, 2^5, 2^8 - 1, 2^8 + 1, 2^8, 2^16 - 1, 2^16 + 1, 2^16) # for Character Vector, stringfish and list
max_size <- 1e6
} else {
if (length(args) == 0) {
mode <- "filestream"
reps <- 3
} else {
mode <- args[1] # fd, memory, HANDLE
reps <- as.numeric(args[2])
test_points <- c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 2^5 - 1, 2^5 + 1, 2^5, 2^8 - 1, 2^8 + 1, 2^8, 2^16 - 1, 2^16 + 1, 2^16, 1e6, 1e7)
test_points_slow <- test_points
max_size <- 1e7
myfile <- tempfile()
obj_size <- 0
get_obj_size <- function() {
get("obj_size", envir = globalenv())
set_obj_size <- function(x) {
assign("obj_size", get_obj_size() + as.numeric(object.size(x)), envir = globalenv())
random_object_generator <- function(N, with_envs = FALSE) { # additional input: global obj_size, max_size
if (sample(3, 1) == 1) {
ret <- as.list(1:N)
} else if (sample(2, 1) == 1) {
ret <- as.pairlist(1:N)
} else {
ret <- as.pairlist(1:N)
setlev(ret, sample(2L^12L, 1L) - 1L)
setobj(ret, 1L)
for (i in 1:N) {
if (get_obj_size() > get("max_size", envir = globalenv())) break;
otype <- sample(12, size = 1)
z <- NULL
is_attribute <- ifelse(i == 1, F, sample(c(F, T), size = 1))
if (otype == 1) {z <- rnorm(1e4); set_obj_size(z);}
else if (otype == 2) { z <- sample(1e4) - 5e2; set_obj_size(z); }
else if (otype == 3) { z <- sample(c(T, F, NA), size = 1e4, replace = T); set_obj_size(z); }
else if (otype == 4) { z <- (sample(256, size = 1e4, replace = T) - 1) %>% as.raw; set_obj_size(z); }
else if (otype == 5) { z <- replicate(sample(1e4, size = 1), {rep(letters, length.out = sample(10, size = 1)) %>% paste(collapse = "")}); set_obj_size(z); }
else if (otype == 6) { z <- rep(letters, length.out = sample(1e4, size = 1)) %>% paste(collapse = ""); set_obj_size(z); }
else if (otype == 7) { z <- as.formula("y ~ a + b + c : d", env = globalenv()); attr(z, "blah") <- sample(1e4) - 5e2; set_obj_size(z); }
else if (with_envs && otype %in% c(8, 9)) { z <- function(x) {x + runif(1)} }
# else if(with_envs && otype %in% c(10,11)) { z <- new.env(); z$x <- random_object_generator(N, with_envs); makeActiveBinding("y", function() runif(1), z) }
else { z <- random_object_generator(N, with_envs) }
if (is_attribute) {
attr(ret[[i - 1]], runif(1) %>% as.character()) <- z
} else {
ret[[i]] <- z
rand_strings <- function(n) {
s <- sample(0:100, size = n, replace = T)
x <- lapply(unique(s), function(si) {
stringfish::random_strings(sum(s == si), si, vector_mode = "normal")
}) %>% unlist %>% sample
x[sample(n, size = n/10)] <- NA
nested_tibble <- function() {
sub_tibble <- function(nr = 600, nc = 4) {
z <- lapply(1:nc, function(i) rand_strings(nr)) %>%
setNames(make.unique(paste0(sample(letters, nc), rand_strings(nc)))) %>%
bind_cols %>%
col1 = rand_strings(100),
col2 = rand_strings(100),
col3 = lapply(1:100, function(i) sub_tibble(nr = 600, nc = 4)),
col4 = lapply(1:100, function(i) sub_tibble(nr = 600, nc = 4)),
col5 = lapply(1:100, function(i) sub_tibble(nr = 600, nc = 4))
) %>% setNames(make.unique(paste0(sample(letters, 5), rand_strings(5))))
printCarriage <- function(x) {
cat(x, "\r")
serialize_identical <- function(x1, x2) {
identical(serialize(x1, NULL), serialize(x2, NULL))
qsave_rand <- function(x, file) {
alg <- sample(c("lz4", "zstd", "lz4hc", "zstd_stream", "uncompressed"), 1)
# alg <- "zstd_stream"
nt <- sample(5,1)
sc <- sample(0:15,1)
cl <- sample(10,1)
ch <- sample(c(T,F),1)
if (mode == "filestream") {
qsave(x, file = file, preset = "custom", algorithm = alg,
compress_level = cl, shuffle_control = sc, nthreads = nt, check_hash = ch)
} else if (mode == "fd") {
fd <- qs:::openFd(myfile, "w")
qsave_fd(x, fd, preset = "custom", algorithm = alg,
compress_level = cl, shuffle_control = sc, check_hash = ch)
} else if (mode == "handle") {
h <- qs:::openHandle(myfile, "w")
qsave_handle(x, h, preset = "custom", algorithm = alg,
compress_level = cl, shuffle_control = sc, check_hash = ch)
} else if (mode == "memory") {
.sobj <<- qserialize(x, preset = "custom", algorithm = alg,
compress_level = cl, shuffle_control = sc, check_hash = ch)
} else {
stop(paste0("wrong write-mode selected: ", mode))
qread_rand <- function(file) {
ar <- sample(c(T,F),1)
nt <- sample(5,1)
if (mode == "filestream") {
x <- qread(file, use_alt_rep = ar, nthreads = nt, strict = T)
} else if (mode == "fd") {
if (sample(2,1) == 1) {
fd <- qs:::openFd(myfile, "r")
x <- qread_fd(fd, use_alt_rep = ar, strict = T)
} else {
x <- qread(file, use_alt_rep = ar, nthreads = nt, strict = T)
} else if (mode == "handle") {
if (sample(2,1) == 1) {
h <- qs:::openHandle(myfile, "r")
x <- qread_handle(h, use_alt_rep = ar, strict = T)
} else {
x <- qread(file, use_alt_rep = ar, nthreads = nt, strict = T)
} else if (mode == "memory") {
x <- qdeserialize(.sobj, use_alt_rep = ar, strict = T)
} else {
stop(paste0("wrong read-mode selected: ", mode))
for (q in 1:reps) {
cat("Rep", q, "of", reps, "\n")
# String correctness
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points) {
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- rep(letters, length.out = tp) %>% paste(collapse = "")
x1 <- c(NA, "", x1)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("strings: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time), 4)))
# Character vectors
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points_slow) {
for (i in 1:3) {
# qs_use_alt_rep(F)
x1 <- rep(as.raw(sample(255)), length.out = tp*10) %>% rawToChar
cuts <- sample(tp*10, tp + 1) %>% sort %>% as.numeric
x1 <- splitstr(x1, cuts)
x1 <- c(NA, "", x1)
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Character Vectors: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time), 4)))
# stringfish character vectors -- require R > 3.5.0
if (utils::compareVersion(as.character(getRversion()), "3.5.0") != -1) {
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points_slow) {
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- rep(as.raw(sample(255)), length.out = tp*10) %>% rawToChar
cuts <- sample(tp*10, tp + 1) %>% sort %>% as.numeric
x1 <- splitstr(x1, cuts)
x1 <- c(NA, "", x1)
x1 <- stringfish::convert_to_sf(x1)
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Stringfish: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time), 4)))
# Integers
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points) {
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- sample(1:tp, replace = T)
x1 <- c(NA, x1)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Integers: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time), 4)))
# Doubles
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points) {
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- rnorm(tp)
x1 <- c(NA, x1)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Numeric: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time), 4)))
# Logical
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points) {
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- sample(c(T, F, NA), replace = T, size = tp)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Logical: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time),4)))
# List
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points_slow) {
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- generateList(sample(1:4, replace = T, size = tp))
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("List: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time),4)))
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- rep( replicate(1000, { rep(letters, length.out = 2^7 + sample(10, size = 1)) %>% paste(collapse = "") }), length.out = 1e6 )
x1 <- data.frame(str = x1,num = runif(1:1000), stringsAsFactors = F)
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
cat("Data.frame test")
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- rep( replicate(1000, { rep(letters, length.out = 2^7 + sample(10, size = 1)) %>% paste(collapse = "") }), length.out = 1e6 )
x1 <- data.table(str = x1,num = runif(1:1e6))
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
stopifnot(all(z == x1))
cat("Data.table test")
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- rep( replicate(1000, { rep(letters, length.out = 2^7 + sample(10, size = 1)) %>% paste(collapse = "") }), length.out = 1e6 )
x1 <- tibble(str = x1,num = runif(1:1e6))
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
cat("Tibble test")
# Encoding test
if ([['sysname']] != "Windows") {
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- "己所不欲,勿施于人" # utf 8
x2 <- x1
Encoding(x2) <- "latin1"
x3 <- x1
Encoding(x3) <- "bytes"
x4 <- rep(x1, x2, length.out = 1e4) %>% paste(collapse = ";")
x1 <- c(x1, x2, x3, x4)
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage("Encoding test")
} else {
printCarriage("(Encoding test not run on windows)")
# complex vectors
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (tp in test_points) {
for (i in 1:3) {
re <- rnorm(tp)
im <- runif(tp)
x1 <- complex(real = re, imaginary = im)
x1 <- c(NA_complex_, x1)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Complex: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time), 4)))
# factors
for (tp in test_points) {
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- factor(rep(letters, length.out = tp), levels = sample(letters), ordered = TRUE)
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Factors: %s, %s s",tp, signif(mean(time), 4)))
# Random objects
time <- vector("numeric", length = 8)
for (i in 1:8) {
# qs_use_alt_rep(sample(c(T, F), size = 1))
obj_size <- 0
x1 <- random_object_generator(12)
printCarriage(sprintf("Random objects: %s bytes", object.size(x1) %>% as.numeric))
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Random objects: %s s", signif(mean(time), 4)))
# nested attributes
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- as.list(1:26)
attr(x1[[26]], letters[26]) <- rnorm(100)
for (i in 25:1) {
attr(x1[[i]], letters[i]) <- x1[[i + 1]]
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Nested attributes: %s s", signif(mean(time), 4)))
# alt-rep -- should serialize the unpacked object
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- 1:max_size
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
printCarriage(sprintf("Alt rep integer: %s s", signif(mean(time), 4)))
# Environment test
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- new.env()
x1[["a"]] <- 1:max_size
x1[["b"]] <- runif(max_size)
x1[["c"]] <- stringfish::random_strings(1e4, vector_mode = "normal")
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
stopifnot(identical(z[["a"]], x1[["a"]]))
stopifnot(identical(z[["b"]], x1[["b"]]))
stopifnot(identical(z[["c"]], x1[["c"]]))
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
printCarriage(sprintf("Environment test: %s s", signif(mean(time), 4)))
time <- vector("numeric", length = 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
x1 <- nested_tibble()
time[i] <- Sys.time()
qsave_rand(x1, file = myfile)
z <- qread_rand(file = myfile)
stopifnot(identical(z, x1))
time[i] <- Sys.time() - time[i]
printCarriage(sprintf("nested tibble test: %s s", signif(mean(time), 4)))
# some one off tests
# test 1: alt rep implementation
# stringfish character vectors -- require R > 3.5.0
if (utils::compareVersion(as.character(getRversion()), "3.5.0") != -1) {
x <- data.table(x = 1:26, y = letters)
qsave(x, file = myfile)
xu <- qread(myfile, use_alt_rep = T)
data.table::setnames(xu, 1, "a")
stopifnot(identical(c("a", "y"), colnames(xu)))
data.table::setnames(xu, 2, "b")
stopifnot(identical(c("a", "b"), colnames(xu)))
cat("tests done\n")
rm(list = setdiff(ls(), c("total_time", "do_gc")))
total_time <- Sys.time() - total_time
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