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Last active May 28, 2022 19:33
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My customizations for the stem-minds eduponics mini


This is my customized eduponics mini firmware, it might not be compatible with the official app.

The main change I made is to use asyncio for the main loop. I did this so that I can more easily turn on water for just a few seconds.

The other main change is instead of generating a unique UUID I use the device's unique MAC address. Every device as a unique MAC address at creation, so this will still be globally unique but will be a lot less to type in.

I've also included a node-red control panel. I use the aedes broker you can install directly into node-red.


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from Eduponics import umqttsimple,bh1750,bme280
import machine
import time
import json
import uasyncio
import network, ubinascii
import ntptime
print("Couldn't set time from time server")
# set adc (analog to digital) on pin 35
adc = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(35))
# set 11dB input attenuation (voltage range roughly 0.0v - 3.6v)
# Configure light sensor
light_sensor = bh1750.BH1750()
# Configure BME280
# setup I2C connection
i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(15), sda=machine.Pin(4))
# Initialize BME280 object with default address 0x76
bme_sensor = bme280.BME280(i2c=i2c)
# initialize dht object, DHT11 coonected to IO19
#d = dht.DHT11(machine.Pin(19))
# define water level sensor as INPUT on IO pin number 21
water_level = machine.Pin(21, machine.Pin.IN)
# define pump on pin IO23 as OUTPUT, define pump state
pump = machine.Pin(23, machine.Pin.OUT)
pump_state = False
# MQTT Unique ID
UUID = ubinascii.hexlify(network.WLAN().config('mac'),':').decode() #"planter_1"
# MQTT Topics
topics = ["plants/soil","plants/environment","plants/water",]
def handle_water_level(pin):
global pump_state
global water_task
# water level triggered, turn off the pump
# wait for 0.3 seconds to make sure it's just a little below the water sensor
# else the pump might become unstable
pump_state = False
if water_task: water_task.cancel()
client.publish("%s/plants/water" % UUID, str({"status":"no_water"}).replace("'",'"'))
def get_soil_moisture():
# sensor min and max values
# can be changed and callibrated
minVal = 500
maxVal = 4095
# read soil moisture sensor data
val =
# scale the value based on maxVal and minVal
scale = 100 / (minVal - maxVal)
# get calculated scale
normal_reading = int((val - maxVal) * scale)
# we can also get inverted value if needed
inverted_reading = ("%s%s" % (int((minVal - val) * scale),"%"))
# for this example we'll return only the normal reading
# put everything in a JSON format suitable for the eduponics app
plant = {
"raw_moisture": val
# return the data
return str(plant).replace("'",'"')
def get_environmental_data():
# get light from the light sensor
lux = int(light_sensor.readLight())
# get bme280 sensor data
bme280_values = bme_sensor.values
temperature = bme280_values[0].replace("C","")
pressure = bme280_values[1]
humidity = bme280_values[2].replace("%","")
# get DHT11 sensor data
# measure sensor data
# get temperature and humidity
#temperature = d.temperature()
#humidity = d.humidity()
# get water quantity
water_quantity = water_level.value()
# put all this data into a JSON object
data = {
return str(data).replace("'",'"')
async def water_plant(seconds):
print("Watering plants")
global pump_state
if water_level.value() == 1:
# turn off the pump
pump_state = False
# turn on the pump
pump_state = True
client.publish("%s/plants/water" % UUID, str({"status":"pending","remaining":seconds}).replace("'",'"'))
for i in range(int(seconds)):
await uasyncio.sleep(1)
pump_state = False
client.publish("%s/plants/water" % UUID, str({"status":"ok","lastrun":time.time()}).replace("'",'"'))
return True
def on_message_callback(topic, msg):
this is a callback, will be called when the app asks for certain information
such as to water the plants when the watering button pressed
global water_task
# convert topic and message byte to string
topic = str(topic, 'utf-8')
msg = json.loads(str(msg, 'utf-8'))
print("Couldn't parse",msg,"at",topic)
if(topic == "%s/plants/soil" % UUID or topic == "%s/plants/environment" % UUID):
# Do nothing, we only publish to those topics
elif(topic == "%s/plants/water" % UUID):
# when the app request for plant watering it goes here
if("time" in msg):
# valid request, let's process it
print("starting plant water")
#Cancal old task.
if water_task: water_task.cancel()
# it's waiting for us to water it, let's water it
water_task = uasyncio.create_task(water_plant(msg["time"]))
print((topic, msg))
def connect_and_subscribe():
print("[-] Connecting to MQTT client ...")
# set the MQTT broker object
client = umqttsimple.MQTTClient(server="",ssl=False)
# set a callback for incoming messages (subscribed topics)
# connect to the broker
# subscribe to the topics
for topic in topics:
client.subscribe("%s/%s" % (UUID,topic))
print("[-] Subscribed to %s successfully" % topic)
print("[-] Connected to %s MQTT broker successfully" % client.server)
return client
def restart_and_reconnect():
# something went wrong, reconnect in 5 seconds ...
print('[-] Failed to connect to MQTT broker. Reconnecting...')
client = connect_and_subscribe()
except OSError as e:
from boot import station
import os
def system_info():
data = {
"freq": machine.freq(),
"time": time.time(),
"mem_free": gc.mem_free(),
"mem_used": gc.mem_alloc(),
return str(data).replace("'",'"')
async def main():
# configure few variables
last_message = 0
message_interval = 5
# set callback on the water level sensor, if no water stop the pump
water_level.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=handle_water_level)
while True:
# check if there are new messages pending to be processed
# if there are, redirect them to callback on_message_callback()
# check if the last published data wasn't less than message_interval
if (time.time() - last_message) > message_interval:
# get soil moisture
soil_moisture = get_soil_moisture()
# publish soil moisture data
client.publish("%s/plants/soil" % UUID, soil_moisture)
#print("[-] published soil moisture")
# update environmetal data
env = get_environmental_data()
client.publish("%s/plants/environment" % UUID, env)
client.publish("%s/plants/system" % UUID, system_info())
#print("[-] published evironmental data")
# update last message timestamp
last_message = time.time()
except OSError as e:
# if something goes wrong, reconnct to MQTT server
await uasyncio.sleep(0.5)
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Mostly the difference is that you need to send a message like {"time": 5} to {UUID}/plants/water in order to get it to run the pump for 5 seconds, or 10 for ten seconds, etc. Changing water/ to "{"status": "Pending"}" will do nothing.

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