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Created February 27, 2014 18:45
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(extend-type ParseObject
(-lookup [obj key]
(case key
:id (.-id obj)
;; wrap dates so they're easier to serialize
:createdAt (js/Date. (.-createdAt obj))
:updatedAt (js/Date. (.-updatedAt obj))
(.get obj (name key))))
(-equiv [o other] (and (instance? (type o) other) (= (.-id o) (.-id other))))
(-hash [o] (hash (str (.-className o)"-"(.-id o))))
(-js->clj [parse-object {:keys [keywordize-keys] :as options}]
(reduce (fn [m key] (assoc m
(if keywordize-keys (keyword key) key)
(apply js->clj (.get parse-object key) (flatten (vec options)))))
(.keys js/Object (.toJSON parse-object)))))
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