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Forked from jphenow/conditional_array.rb
Last active December 21, 2015 03:19
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# This option has the most clarity, but I generally hate local variables in a
# method, preferring to use tap.
def calculated_foo
available_foos = []
available_foos << bar
available_foos << baz.qux if baz
# It's a little less clear, unless you know what tap is, and `end.max` is
# painful to look at.
def calculated_foo
[].tap do |available_foos|
available_foos << bar
available_foos << baz.qux if baz
# This avoids the painful `end.max` for a more-common `}.max`, but goes against
# the culture of using do/end for multi-line blocks.
def calculated_foo
[].tap { |available_foos|
available_foos << bar
available_foos << baz.qux if baz
# Perly
def calculated_foo
((baz ? [baz.qux] : []) + [bar]).max
# ternary? ? && : ||
def calculated_foo
((baz && [baz.qux] || []) + [bar]).max
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