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Travis Dahlke travisdahlke

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travisdahlke /
Created November 7, 2014 18:57
Ledger to Beancount
import ledger
import sys
import re
def account_name(post):
account = post.account.fullname().replace(" ","").replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("'","")
return re.sub(r'\:(\d)',r':X\1', account)
travisdahlke / gist:7107244
Last active December 26, 2015 06:19
Ruby variable scoping can be tricky sometimes. Ruby will initialize the local variable 'foo' even though that line is never executed. Since it's now in the local scope, the method 'foo' doesn't get run during the second if.
class Thing
def foo
def bar
puts foo
if foo.nil?
foo = "bar"
# This option has the most clarity, but I generally hate local variables in a
# method, preferring to use tap.
def calculated_foo
available_foos = []
available_foos << bar
available_foos << baz.qux if baz
# It's a little less clear, unless you know what tap is, and `end.max` is
travisdahlke / mongo_add_test.js
Created March 19, 2013 20:11
Mongo 2.4 $add nulls test
use agg_test;
test_add = function() {
var t = db.things;
t.insert({a: 2, b: 3});
var total1 = t.aggregate({$project:{total:{$add:["$a","$b"]}}}).result[0].total;
print("a + b = " + total1);
var total2 = t.aggregate({$project:{total:{$add:["$a","$b","$c"]}}}).result[0].total;
print("a + b + c = " + total2);
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