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Last active November 24, 2020 02:58
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Triple Pendulums are Chaotic

Extending this double pendulum to a triple pendulum. Showing the sensitive dependence to initial conditions, 20 triple pendulums at very slightly different starting positions. Click to restart with a new starting angle.

To make the math easier, all masses and lengths are assumed to be 1, and I switched from a Hamiltonian formulation to a Lagrangian formulation, gleaning insight from Diego Assencio's blog post.

Inspired by this triple pendulum GIF

var nPendulums = 20;
var pendulums = d3.range(nPendulums).map(x => new Pendulum({theta1: 0.75 * Math.PI + 0.00001*x/nPendulums}))
var fadeBackground = true;
var svg ="svg")
width = +svg.attr("width"),
height = +svg.attr("height"),
g = svg.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + width*.5 + "," + height*.5 + ")");
color = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateRainbow).domain([0, nPendulums]);
svg.on('click', e => {
var mousePos = d3.mouse(svg.node());
var canvas ="canvas");
var context = canvas.node().getContext('2d');
var scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,1.5]).range([0,100])
var path = d3.line()
.x(function(d) { return scale(d.l1*Math.sin(d.theta1)+d.l2*Math.sin(d.theta2)); })
.y(function(d) { return scale(d.l1*Math.cos(d.theta1)+d.l2*Math.cos(d.theta2)); })
var update = function() {
var oldCoords = => p.getCoords());
pendulums.forEach(p => p.time_step(0.005));
var coords = => p.getCoords());
draw(oldCoords, coords);
var trailOpacity = 1;
var maxThetaDelta = 0;
var opacityScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 2*Math.PI]).range([1, 0])
var draw = function(oldCoords, coords) {
if (maxThetaDelta < 2*Math.PI) {
if (fadeBackground) {
maxThetaDelta = Math.max(maxThetaDelta, Math.abs(d3.max(pendulums, d => d.theta1) - d3.min(pendulums, d => d.theta1)))
//trailOpacity -= maxThetaDelta / 1500;
trailOpacity = opacityScale(maxThetaDelta)
//trailOpacity = opacityScale(Math.abs(pendulums[nPendulums - 1].theta1 - pendulums[0].theta1))
}'opacity', trailOpacity);
for (var i = coords.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
context.strokeStyle = color(i);
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.moveTo(scale(oldCoords[i].x3) + width/2, scale(oldCoords[i].y3) + height/2);
context.lineTo(scale(coords[i].x3) + width/2, scale(coords[i].y3) + height/2);
var pendulum = g.selectAll(".pendulum").data(coords, function(d, i) { return i; })
var pendulumEnter = pendulum.enter()
pendulumEnter.append("line").attr("class", "firstShaft shaft")
pendulumEnter.append("line").attr("class", "secondShaft shaft")
pendulumEnter.append("line").attr("class", "thirdShaft shaft")
pendulumEnter.append("circle").attr("class", "firstBob bob").attr("r",3)
pendulumEnter.append("circle").attr("class", "secondBob bob").attr("r",3)
pendulumEnter.append("circle").attr("class", "thirdBob bob").attr("r",7)
var shaft1 =".firstShaft")
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("y1", 0)
.attr("x2", d => scale(d.x1))
.attr("y2", d => scale(d.y1))
.attr('stroke', (d, i) => color(i))
var shaft2 =".secondShaft")
.attr("x1", d => scale(d.x1))
.attr("y1", d => scale(d.y1))
.attr("x2", d => scale(d.x2))
.attr("y2", d => scale(d.y2))
.attr('stroke', (d, i) => color(i))
var shaft3 =".thirdShaft")
.attr("x1", d => scale(d.x2))
.attr("y1", d => scale(d.y2))
.attr("x2", d => scale(d.x3))
.attr("y2", d => scale(d.y3))
.attr('stroke', (d, i) => color(i))
var bob1 =".firstBob")
.attr("cx", d => scale(d.x1))
.attr("cy", d => scale(d.y1))
.attr('fill', (d, i) => color(i))
.attr('opacity', 1)
var bob2 =".secondBob")
.attr("cx", d => scale(d.x2))
.attr("cy", d => scale(d.y2))
.attr('fill', (d, i) => color(i))
.attr('opacity', 1)
var bob2 =".thirdBob")
.attr("cx", d => scale(d.x3))
.attr("cy", d => scale(d.y3))
.attr('fill', (d, i) => color(i))
.attr('stroke', (d, i) => d3.color(color(i)).darker())
.attr('stroke-width', 2)
var reset = function(mousePos) {
var theta = 0.5*Math.PI + Math.atan2(height/2 - mousePos[1], mousePos[0] - width/2)
trailOpacity = 1;
maxThetaDelta = 0;
pendulums = d3.range(nPendulums).map(x => new Pendulum({theta1: theta + 0.00001*x/nPendulums, theta2:theta, theta3:theta}));
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
var run = setInterval(() => { update() }, 2);
.shaft {
stroke-width: 2px;
svg {
canvas {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./triple_pendulum.js"></script>
<!-- <script src="./double_pendulum.js"></script> -->
<canvas width="960" height="500"></canvas>
<svg width="960" height="500"></svg>
<script src="app.js"></script>
class Pendulum {
constructor(opts) {
['G','theta1','theta2','theta3','theta1dot','theta2dot','theta3dot'].map(k => opts[k] ? this[k] = opts[k] : null)
state() {
A(theta1 = this.theta1, theta2 = this.theta2, theta3 = this.theta3) {
return [
[1, 2/3 * Math.cos(theta1 - theta2), 1/3 * Math.cos(theta1 - theta3)],
[Math.cos(theta2 - theta1), 1, 1/2 * Math.cos(theta2 - theta3)],
[Math.cos(theta3 - theta1), Math.cos(theta3 - theta2), 1]
Ainv(theta1 = this.theta1, theta2 = this.theta2, theta3 = this.theta3) {
return math.inv(this.A(theta1, theta2, theta3))
B(theta1 = this.theta1, theta2 = this.theta2, theta3 = this.theta3, theta1dot = this.theta1dot, theta2dot = this.theta2dot, theta3dot = this.theta3dot) {
var G = this.G;
return [
2/3 * Math.sin(theta2 - theta1) * theta2dot ** 2 + 1/3 * Math.sin(theta3 - theta1) * theta3dot ** 2 + G * Math.sin(theta1),
Math.sin(theta1 - theta2) * theta1dot ** 2 + 0.5 * Math.sin(theta3 - theta2) * theta3dot ** 2 + G * Math.sin(theta2),
Math.sin(theta1 - theta3) * theta1dot ** 2 + Math.sin(theta2 - theta3) * theta2dot ** 2 + G * Math.sin(theta3)
lagrange_rhs([theta1 = this.theta1, theta2 = this.theta2, theta3 = this.theta3, theta1dot = this.theta1dot, theta2dot = this.theta2dot, theta3dot = this.theta3dot]) {
var AinvB = math.multiply(this.Ainv(theta1, theta2, theta3), this.B(theta1, theta2, theta3, theta1dot, theta2dot, theta3dot))
return [theta1dot, theta2dot, theta3dot, AinvB[0], AinvB[1], AinvB[2]]
time_step(dt) {
var y = [this.theta1, this.theta2, this.theta3, this.theta1dot, this.theta2dot, this.theta3dot]
var k1 = this.lagrange_rhs(y)
var k2 = this.lagrange_rhs([
y[0] + 0.5 * dt * k1[0],
y[1] + 0.5 * dt * k1[1],
y[2] + 0.5 * dt * k1[2],
y[3] + 0.5 * dt * k1[3],
y[4] + 0.5 * dt * k1[4],
y[5] + 0.5 * dt * k1[5]
var k3 = this.lagrange_rhs([
y[0] + 0.5 * dt * k2[0],
y[1] + 0.5 * dt * k2[1],
y[2] + 0.5 * dt * k2[2],
y[3] + 0.5 * dt * k2[3],
y[4] + 0.5 * dt * k2[4],
y[5] + 0.5 * dt * k2[5]
var k4 = this.lagrange_rhs([
y[0] + dt * k3[0],
y[1] + dt * k3[1],
y[2] + dt * k3[2],
y[3] + dt * k3[3],
y[4] + dt * k3[4],
y[5] + dt * k3[5]
var R = [
1/6 * dt * (k1[0] + 2*k2[0] + 2*k3[0] + k4[0]),
1/6 * dt * (k1[1] + 2*k2[1] + 2*k3[1] + k4[1]),
1/6 * dt * (k1[2] + 2*k2[2] + 2*k3[2] + k4[2]),
1/6 * dt * (k1[3] + 2*k2[3] + 2*k3[3] + k4[3]),
1/6 * dt * (k1[4] + 2*k2[4] + 2*k3[4] + k4[4]),
1/6 * dt * (k1[5] + 2*k2[5] + 2*k3[5] + k4[5]),
this.theta1 += R[0]
this.theta2 += R[1]
this.theta3 += R[2]
this.theta1dot += R[3]
this.theta2dot += R[4]
this.theta3dot += R[5]
getCoords() {
return {
'x2':Math.sin(this.theta1) + Math.sin(this.theta2),
'y2':Math.cos(this.theta1) + Math.cos(this.theta2),
'x3':Math.sin(this.theta1) + Math.sin(this.theta2) + Math.sin(this.theta3),
'y3':Math.cos(this.theta1) + Math.cos(this.theta2) + Math.cos(this.theta3)
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