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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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PeripheralSocketManager class, from the HouseKeeping chapter
// AppDelegate.swift
// MOPeripheral
// Created by travis on 2015-07-17.
// Copyright (c) 2015 C4. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
public class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
//default iOS, needs to be here
public var window: UIWindow?
public var socketManager = PeripheralSocketManager()
public func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
return true
// PeripheralSocketManager.swift
// MOPeripheral
// Created by travis on 2015-07-22.
// Copyright (c) 2015 C4. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import C4
public class PeripheralSocketManager : NSObject, NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate, NSNetServiceDelegate, GCDAsyncSocketDelegate {
//the browser will look for the core
public var netServiceBrowser : NSNetServiceBrowser?
//a variable to store a local version of the core's service
var coreService : NSNetService?
//a list of addresses that point to a broadcast NSNetService
var serverAddresses : [NSData]?
//the socket that will be used to connect to the core app
var localSocket : GCDAsyncSocket?
var coreSocket : GCDAsyncSocket?
public override init() {
//create the browser, it will look for the core
netServiceBrowser = NSNetServiceBrowser()
//set its delegate
netServiceBrowser?.delegate = self
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "handle:", name: "tap", object: nil)
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "handle:", name: "longpress", object: nil)
public func startSearching() {
//start searching for services
netServiceBrowser?.searchForServicesOfType("_m-o._tcp.", inDomain: "local.")
public func stopSearching() {
//start searching for services
//MARK: NetServiceBrowser Delegate Methods
public func netServiceBrowser(aNetServiceBrowser: NSNetServiceBrowser, didFindDomain domainString: String, moreComing: Bool) {
public func netServiceBrowser(aNetServiceBrowser: NSNetServiceBrowser, didFindService aNetService: NSNetService, moreComing: Bool) {
if coreService != nil {
coreService?.delegate = nil
coreService = aNetService;
coreService?.delegate = self
public func netServiceBrowser(aNetServiceBrowser: NSNetServiceBrowser, didNotSearch errorDict: [NSObject : AnyObject]) {
println("\(__FUNCTION__) error: \(errorDict)")
public func netServiceBrowser(aNetServiceBrowser: NSNetServiceBrowser, didRemoveDomain domainString: String, moreComing: Bool) {
public func netServiceBrowser(aNetServiceBrowser: NSNetServiceBrowser, didRemoveService aNetService: NSNetService, moreComing: Bool) {
public func netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch(aNetServiceBrowser: NSNetServiceBrowser) {
public func netServiceBrowserWillSearch(aNetServiceBrowser: NSNetServiceBrowser) {
public func netServiceDidResolveAddress(sender: NSNetService) {
//if there are any addresses left over from a previous connection
if serverAddresses != nil {
//remove them
serverAddresses?.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
} else {
//otherwise, create a new array to hold incoming addresses
serverAddresses = [NSData]()
//if the net service that was found has addresses
if let count = sender.addresses?.count,
//and the addresses are not nil (i.e. we can extract them)
let addresses = sender.addresses as? [NSData] {
//then cycle through all the addresses and append them to the local array
for i in 0..<count {
//create a new socket if it hasn't yet been created
if (localSocket == nil) {
localSocket = GCDAsyncSocket(delegate: self, delegateQueue: dispatch_get_main_queue())
public func netService(sender: NSNetService, didNotResolve errorDict: [NSObject : AnyObject]) {
public func connectToNextAddress() {
//variable representing the socket's attempt to connect to an address
var done = false
//loop through all the addresses until we either run out, or have connected to one of them
while !done && serverAddresses?.count > 0 {
//grab the first address
var address = serverAddresses?[0]
//remove it from the list
//try connecting to the first address
var error : NSError?
if let response = localSocket?.connectToAddress(address , error: &error) {
//if the socket connects, mark done
done = response
//MARK: GCDAsyncSocket Delegate Methods
public func socket(sock: GCDAsyncSocket!, didConnectToHost host: String!, port: UInt16) {
coreSocket = sock
writeTo(coreSocket!, message: "handshake-from-peripheral")
public func socket(sock: GCDAsyncSocket!, didReadData data: NSData!, withTag tag: Int) {
//extracts the data, converts it to a string
if let message = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
println("\(__FUNCTION__) message: \(message)")
coreSocket?.readDataWithTimeout(-1, tag: 0)
public func socket(sock: GCDAsyncSocket!, didWriteDataWithTag tag: Int) {
//MARK: Custom
func writeTo(sock: GCDAsyncSocket, message: String) {
//converts the message to data
let data = NSMutableData(data: message.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)!)
//appends an extra bit of data that acts as an "end point" for reading
//writes the full data to the socket
sock.writeData(data, withTimeout: -1, tag: 0)
//tells the socket to read until it reaches the "end point"
sock.readDataToData(GCDAsyncSocket.CRLFData(), withTimeout: -1, tag: 0)
func handle(notification: NSNotification) {
//checks to see if the notification is down or dragged
if == "tap" || == "longpress" {
//if so, attempt to convert the notification's userInfo into a dictionary with the right types
if let info = notification.userInfo as? Dictionary<String,String> {
//check to see if the "event" actually exists
if let location = info["location"],
let state = info["state"] {
else {
println("no value for 'event'")
} else {
println("wrong userInfo type")
func relayGesture(message: String) {
if let sock = coreSocket {
writeTo(sock, message: message)
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