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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Sass - Install/Uninstall Bleeding Edge

Just a note

Reason for problem,

This came about resulting in an issue I had trying to install bower to launch a angular server.

This reference link pointed me in the right direction:

Had to reinstall my NMP becuase it wound't let me download...

curl -O -L sudo sh

To uninstall:

➜ u4m git:(final) ✗ sudo gem uninstall sass Password:

Select gem to uninstall:

  1. sass-3.2.5
  2. sass-3.2.9
  3. sass-3.2.12
  4. sass-3.3.0.rc.1
  5. All versions

4 Successfully uninstalled sass-3.3.0.rc.1

// This will take you back to the version right before it: ➜ u4m git:(final) ✗ sass -v Sass 3.2.12 (Media Mark)

To re-install:

sudo gem install sass --pre

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