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Created August 17, 2020 15:22
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Typed Datalog API
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Control.Monad.ST ( RealWorld )
import Control.Monad ( guard )
import Data.Functor.Const ( Const(..) )
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Context
import qualified Data.Parameterized.HashTable as PH
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Nonce as PN
-- | A relation has a name and is represented by its type (which is an
-- assignment of run-time type representatives)
data Relation r tps where
Relation :: String
-> Assignment r tps
-> Assignment (Const String) tps
-> Relation r tps
data Term r a tp where
LogicVar :: r tp -> String -> Term r a tp
BindVar :: Binder r tp -> Term r a tp
Anything :: Term r a tp
Atom :: r tp -> a tp -> Term r a tp
-- | A clause is a sequence of terms (with types congruent with the relation backing the term)
data Clause r a tps where
Clause :: Relation r tps -> Assignment (Term r a) tps -> Clause r a tps
data Adornment tp where
Free :: Int -> Adornment tp
BoundAtom :: Adornment tp
Bound :: Int -> Adornment tp
data AdornedClause r a tps where
AdornedClause :: Relation r tps
-> Assignment (Term r a) tps
-> Assignment Adornment tps
-> AdornedClause r a tps
data Literal clause r a tps where
Literal :: clause r a tps -> Literal clause r a tps
NegatedLiteral :: clause r a tps -> Literal clause r a tps
ConditionalClause :: (Assignment a tps -> Bool)
-> Assignment (Term r a) tps
-> Literal clause r a tps
-- FIXME: The Clause needs to become an AdornedClause once we have enough
-- information from the Body to determine variable bindings
-- Note: Adornments are only computed during the magic sets transformation,
-- which maybe isn't needed initially
-- Question: What do the magic sets clauses look like? Can we generate them in a
-- type-safe way? That could get very complicated. Or it might be very easy.
data Rule r a where
Rule :: Relation r tps
-> Assignment (Binder r) tps
-> Assignment (Literal Clause r a) ctx
-> Rule r a
data TupleStore r a tps =
TupleStore { tsRelation :: Relation r tps
, tsData :: [Assignment a tps]
-- ^ Original (base) data
, tsTuples :: PH.HashTable RealWorld (Assignment a) (Const ())
-- ^ Tuples generated during evaluation; they are in a hash table
-- for easy uniqueness
, tsDelta :: [Assignment a tps]
data Database r a = Database (MapF.MapF (Relation r) (TupleStore r a))
{- Tuple Creation
- Tuples for relation `Relation r tps` will be of type `Assignment a tps`
- We will create each new tuple via Assignment.generate
- Create a skeleton of value extractors for each Rule (extractors will be
in terms of Index, to make things total)
- Join becomes creation of an Assignment mirroring the structure of the
list of literals in the target rule (generate then becomes an easy thing)
data Binder r tp where
Binder :: r tp -> String -> Binder r tp
instance (TestEquality r) => TestEquality (Binder r) where
testEquality (Binder r1 s1) (Binder r2 s2) = do
guard (s1 == s2)
Refl <- testEquality r1 r2
return Refl
-- | Assert a rule
-- The LHS is a relation with binding variables
-- The RHS is the body, which is a conjunction of body literals that bind
-- the same number (and types) of variables as the LHS
(|-) :: (Relation r tps, Assignment (Binder r) tps)
-> Assignment (Literal Clause r a) ctx
-> Rule r a
(rel, binders) |- body = Rule rel binders body
infixr 0 |-
lit :: Relation r tps -> Assignment (Term r a) tps -> Literal Clause r a tps
lit r ts = Literal (Clause r ts)
negLit :: Relation r tps -> Assignment (Term r a) tps -> Literal Clause r a tps
negLit r ts = NegatedLiteral (Clause r ts)
-- | Conditions can have both literals and variables (e.g., X < 5 is a reasonable condition)
cond :: String
-> (Assignment a tps -> Bool)
-> Assignment (Term r a) tps
-> Literal Clause r a tps
cond _ p ts = ConditionalClause p ts
-- To query, provide a relation and a "list" of binding variables and atoms
-- query :: Relation r tps -> ??? -> Assignment a tps
-- Testing to see if these types are actually usable
data TestTypes = TInt
| TString
| TCity
data TestAtom (tp :: TestTypes) where
AInt :: Int -> TestAtom 'TInt
AString :: String -> TestAtom 'TString
ACity :: String -> TestAtom 'TCity
data TestRepr (tp :: TestTypes) where
IntRepr :: TestRepr 'TInt
StringRepr :: TestRepr 'TString
CityRepr :: TestRepr 'TCity
instance TestEquality TestRepr where
testEquality IntRepr IntRepr = Just Refl
testEquality StringRepr StringRepr = Just Refl
testEquality CityRepr CityRepr = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
test :: IO ()
test = do
let cityR = Relation "City" (Empty :> CityRepr :> IntRepr :> IntRepr)
(Empty :> Const "City" :> Const "TimeZone" :> Const "Population")
let adjacentR = Relation "Adjacent" (Empty :> CityRepr :> CityRepr :> IntRepr)
(Empty :> Const "Source" :> Const "Source" :> Const "Distance")
-- Every pair of cities that is adjacent and in the same timezone
let sameTZAdjacentR = Relation "SameTZAdjacent" (Empty :> CityRepr :> CityRepr)
(Empty :> Const "City1" :> Const "City2")
-- A city binder, to be referenced on the LHS
let city1B = Binder CityRepr "city1"
let city2B = Binder CityRepr "city2"
let tz = LogicVar IntRepr "TZ"
let r = (sameTZAdjacentR, Empty :> city1B :> city2B) |-
:> lit adjacentR (empty :> BindVar city1B :> BindVar city2B :> Anything)
:> lit cityR (empty :> BindVar city1B :> tz :> Anything)
:> lit cityR (empty :> BindVar city2B :> tz :> Anything)
_ <- undefined r
return ()
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