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Created June 28, 2011 18:10
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Injecting Message Information in Lokad CQRS v2
public static class ExtendImmutableEnvelope
public static Guid GetGuid(this ImmutableEnvelope envelope, string key)
return Get(envelope, key, s =>
Guid result;
return Guid.TryParse(s, out result) == false ? Guid.Empty : result;
public static int GetInt(this ImmutableEnvelope envelope, string key)
return Get(envelope, key, s =>
int result;
return int.TryParse(s, out result) == false ? 0 : result;
public static string GetString(this ImmutableEnvelope envelope, string key)
return Get(envelope, key, s => s);
private static T Get<T>(this ImmutableEnvelope envelope, string key, Func<string, T> convert)
ImmutableAttribute attribute =
envelope.GetAllAttributes().Where(a => a.Key == key).FirstOrDefault();
return convert(attribute == null ? string.Empty : attribute.Value);
public class MyCommandHandler : Define.Handle<MyCommand>
private readonly Func<MyCustomContext> contextFactory;
public MyCommandHandler(Func<MyCustomContext> contextFactory)
this.contextFactory = contextFactory;
#region Implementation of IConsume<in Command>
public void Consume(MyCommand message)
var context = contextFactory();
public class MyCustomContext
[DataMember(Order = 1)]
public int TenantId { get; set; }
public static MyCustomContext Factory(ImmutableEnvelope envelope, ImmutableMessage message)
return new MyCustomContext
TenantId = envelope.GetInt("TenantId")
IMessageSender sender is injected;
sender.SendOne(new MyCommand(), b => b.AddString("TenantId", "123"));
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