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Last active August 30, 2021 14:30
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directive @connection(key: String!, filters: [String], handler: String, dynamicKey_UNSTABLE: String) on FIELD
directive @stream_connection(
key: String!
filters: [String]
handler: String
initial_count: Int!
if: Boolean = true
use_customized_batch: Boolean = false
dynamicKey_UNSTABLE: String
) on FIELD
directive @deleteRecord on FIELD
directive @deleteEdge(connections: [ID!]!) on FIELD
directive @appendEdge(connections: [ID!]!) on FIELD
directive @prependEdge(connections: [ID!]!) on FIELD
directive @appendNode(connections: [ID!]!, edgeTypeName: String!) on FIELD
directive @prependNode(connections: [ID!]!, edgeTypeName: String!) on FIELD
directive @inline on FRAGMENT_DEFINITION
directive @match(key: String) on FIELD
directive @module(name: String!) on FRAGMENT_SPREAD
enum RequiredFieldAction {
directive @required(action: RequiredFieldAction!) on FIELD
directive @refetchable(queryName: String!) on FRAGMENT_DEFINITION
directive @relay(
# Marks a fragment as being backed by a GraphQLList.
plural: Boolean
# Marks a fragment spread which should be unmasked if provided false
mask: Boolean = true
directive @raw_response_type on QUERY | MUTATION | SUBSCRIPTION
directive @relay_test_operation on QUERY | MUTATION | SUBSCRIPTION
directive @DEPRECATED__relay_ignore_unused_variables_error on QUERY | MUTATION | SUBSCRIPTION
# (@cvle) This is just a hack until full relay support comes to graphql.vscode-graphql :-)
input ArgIntType {
type: String!
defaultValue: Int
input ArgCursorType {
type: String!
defaultValue: String
directive @arguments(
first: Int
after: Int
before: String
cursor: String
last: Int
count: Int
photoId: ID
photoType: PhotoType
directive @argumentDefinitions(
first: ArgIntType
after: ArgCursorType
before: ArgCursorType
cursor: ArgCursorType
last: ArgIntType
count: ArgIntType
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