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Created November 12, 2018 11:59
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This is php script that get longitude and latitude via google map api
ini_set( 'max_execution_time', 33600 );
$m = new Mongo( "mongodb://" );
// print_r($m->getConnections());
// var_dump($m);
$db = $m->selectDB( 'Nosa' );
$db->authenticate( "nosavnnet", "nsvn6688" );
//connect collection
$collectionWard = new MongoCollection( $db, 'Ward' );
$collectionDistrict = new MongoCollection( $db, 'District' );
$collectionProvince = new MongoCollection( $db, 'Provincial' );
//end connect collection
$longitude = 0;
$latitude = 0;
function cal_LatAndLong( $ward="", $district="", $province="" ) {
global $longitude, $latitude;
$address = $ward;
if( $district != "" ) $address .= ", " . $district;
if( $province != "" ) $address .= ", " . $province;
// echo $address;
// 'Phúc Xá, Ba Đình, Hanoi, Vietnam';
//$url = file_get_contents("".urlencode($address)."&sensor=false");
$url = file_get_contents( "" . urlencode( $address ) . "&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyAP-4ax535sASPvI37YvJcm9h4TdKjcZ6s" );
$response = json_decode($url);
if ($response->status == 'OK') {
$latitude = $response->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
$longitude = $response->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
// echo 'Latitude: ' . $latitude;
// echo '<br />';
// echo 'Longitude: ' . $longitude;
} else {
//$cursor = $collectionWard->find();
// $cursor = $collectionDistrict->find();
$cursor = $collectionWard->find( array( "_id" => "05494" ) );
// $cursor = $collectionDistrict->find(array("_id"=>"001"));
foreach( $cursor as $doc ) {
$id = ( int )$doc[ "_id" ];
//if($id<=5494 || $id>10000) continue;
// $provinceData = $collectionProvince->findone(array("_id"=>$doc["IdProvince"]));
$districtData = $collectionDistrict->findone( array( "_id" => $doc[ "IdDistrict" ] ) );
$provinceData = $collectionProvince->findone( array( "_id" => $districtData[ "IdProvince" ] ) );
$wardname = $doc[ "Name" ];
$districtName = $districtData[ "Name" ];
$provinceName = $provinceData[ "Name" ];
// $districtName = $doc["Name"];
// $provinceName = $provinceData["Name"];
$longitude = null;
$latitude = null;
// while($longitude==null || $longitude==null)
// cal_LatAndLong("",$districtName,$provinceName);
while( $longitude == null || $longitude == null ) {
echo $count__ . ") " . $doc[ "_id" ] . " " . $doc[ "Name" ] . " " . $latitude . " " . $longitude . " Impossible to get</br>";
ob_flush( );
flush( );
if ( $errcount > 5 ) die( "PROBABLY LIMIT REACHED" );
cal_LatAndLong( $wardname, $districtName, $provinceName );
// if($latitude==null || $longitude==null)
$collectionWard->update( array ( "_id" => $doc[ "_id" ] ),
array ( '$set' => array( "Long" => $longitude, "Lati" => $latitude ) ) );
// var_dump($doc);
echo $count__ . ") " . $doc[ "_id" ] . " " . $doc[ "Name" ] . " " . $latitude . " " . $longitude . "</br>";
ob_flush( );
flush( );
// echo date('h:i:s');
// $cursorone = $collectionWard->findone(array("_id"=>"00001"));
// var_dump($cursorone);
// var_dump($cursorone);
// cal_latandlong("Phúc Xá","Ba Đình","Hanoi");
// echo $latitude;
// echo $longitude;
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