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Save treasonx/8418685 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixed errors in handling of child widget removed from grid on destroy.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test Programmatic Dijit Layout</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=570">
@import "../../dijit/themes/claro/document.css";
@import "../../dijit/themes/claro/claro.css";
@import "../css/skins/claro.css";
html, body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#bc {
height: 100%;
.bcLeft {
width: 300px;
.dijitDialog {
width: 500px;
<script src="../../dojo/dojo.js"
data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
// callbacks for button clicks
function showProgContentDialog(){;
//dlgProgContent.content.startup(); //this is a workaround
], function(Grid, Selection, DijitRegistry, editor, Dialog, lang, declare, BC, TC, Toolbar, Button, TextBox, testStore){
gridCols = window.gridCols = {
col1: {name: "Column 1"},
col2: {name: "Column 2", sortable: false},
col3: "Column 3",
col4: "Column 4"
CustomGrid = declare([Grid, Selection, DijitRegistry]),
gridLeft = new CustomGrid({
id: "gridLeft",
className: "bcLeft",
store: testStore,
columns: lang.clone(gridCols),
selectionMode: "single",
region: "left",
splitter: true
gridTab1 = new CustomGrid({
id: "gridTab1",
store: testStore,
closable: true,
columns: {
col1: editor({name: "Column 1", editorArgs: {
destroy: function(){
this.inherited("destroy", arguments);
console.log("editor destroy()");
postCreate: function(){
this.inherited("postCreate", arguments);
}}, TextBox),
col2: {name: "Column 2", sortable: false},
col3: "Column 3",
col4: "Column 4"
selectionMode: "single",
title: "Tab 1"
gridTab2 = new CustomGrid({
id: "gridTab2",
store: testStore,
columns: lang.clone(gridCols),
selectionMode: "single",
title: "Tab 2"
var bc = new BC({
design: "headline"
}, "bc");
// Toolbar
var tb = new Toolbar({
id: "tbTop",
region: "top"
tb.addChild(new Button ({
id: "btnDialog",
label: "Programmatic dialog w/ dgrid",
onClick: showProgContentDialog
// TabContainer
var tc = new TC({
id: "tab",
"class": "bcCenter",
region: "center"
gridTab1.onClose = function(){
console.log("on close");
console.log("grid destroyed");
console.log("Was first TextBox in grid 'gridTab1' destroyed? If yes, TextBox is not available in Registry and next value will be NULL:", dijit.registry.byId("dijit_form_TextBox_0"));
return true;
// test setting a dgrid as content of a dialog programmatically
window.dlgProgContent = new Dialog({
content: new CustomGrid({
id: "gridDlgProgContent",
store: testStore,
columns: lang.clone(gridCols),
selectionMode: "single"
<body class="claro">
<div id="bc"></div>
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