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Last active December 15, 2015 23:09
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Why jistsu not ok ?
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu trebormat
info: jitsu v0.12.10-1, node v0.8.22
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
info: Analyzing application dependencies in node express/app.js
warn: Local package version appears to be old
warn: The package.json version will be incremented automatically
warn: About to write node_install\pack
data: {
data: engines: { node: '0.8.x' },
data: name: 'intervenants',
data: MONGOLAB_URI: 'mongodb://',
data: version: '0.0.0-21',
data: subdomain: 'tedxlarochelle',
data: dependencies: {
data: mongoose: '~3.5.5',
data: bcrypt: '~0.7.3',
data: jake: '~0.5.8',
data: ejs: '>= 0.0.0',
data: passport: '~0.1.15',
data: express: '>= 0.0.0',
data: passport-local: '~0.1.6',
data: parseq: '~0.2.0',
data: connect-flash: '~0.1.0'
data: },
data: scripts: { start: 'node express/app.js' }
data: }
prompt: Is this ok?: (yes)
info: Creating snapshot 0.0.0-22
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '**************************************************
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
debug: 'Content-Length': 2640456 },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
info Uploading: [=============================] 100%
debug: { statusCode: 201,
debug: result:
debug: { snapshot:
debug: { id: '0.0.0-22',
debug: md5: 'a3e154b3262efef8d6ee904a06c956c9',
debug: filename: 'trebormat-intervenants-0.0.0-22.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1365439853664 } } }
info: Updating app intervenants
debug: { method: 'PUT',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '**************************************************
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{"name":"intervenants","subdomain":"tedxlarochelle","MONGOLAB_
.com:51977/nodejitsu_trebormat_nodejitsudb7220564114","scripts":{"start":"node e
"express":">= 0.0.0","ejs":">= 0.0.0","passport":"~0.1.15","passport-local":"~0.
nnect-flash":"~0.1.0"}}' }
debug: { statusCode: 204, result: undefined }
info: Activating snapshot 0.0.0-22 for intervenants
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '**************************************************
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { active:
debug: { id: '0.0.0-22',
debug: md5: 'a3e154b3262efef8d6ee904a06c956c9',
debug: filename: 'trebormat-intervenants-0.0.0-22.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1365439853664,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false } } }
info: Starting app intervenants
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '**************************************************
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { endpoints:
debug: { joyent:
debug: { 'us-east-1': '',
debug: 'us-sw-1': '',
debug: 'eu-ams-1': '' },
debug: telefonica:
debug: { 'eu-lon-1': '',
debug: 'eu-mad-1': '' } } } }
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '**************************************************
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 500,
debug: result:
debug: { message: 'haibu Error (500): Internal Server Error',
debug: stack: 'Error: haibu Error (500): Internal Server Error\n at Re
quest.Client._request [as _callback] (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_mo
dules/haibu-api/lib/client/client.js:95:15)\n at Request.init.self.callback (
/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/request/main.js:119:22)\n at
Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17)\n at Request.<anonymous> (/root/n
odejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/request/main.js:521:16)\n at Request
.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)\n at IncomingMessage.Request.start.self.
req.self.httpModule.request.buffer (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_modu
les/request/main.js:483:14)\n at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js
:126:20)\n at IncomingMessage._emitEnd (http.js:366:10)\n at
rserOnMessageComplete [as onMessageComplete] (http.js:149:23)\n at Socket.soc
ketOnData (http.js:1447:20)',
debug: result:
debug: { error:
debug: { message: 'Error spawning drone: no matching engine found',
debug: stack: 'Error: Error spawning drone: no matching engine foun
d\n at getSpawnOptions (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/co
re/spawner.js:35:17)\n at getSpawnOptions (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules
/haibu/lib/haibu/plugins/useraccounts.js:40:31)\n at Spawner.spawn (/root/hai
bu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/core/spawner.js:174:30)\n at Spawne
r.trySpawn (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/core/spawner.js:1
35:12)\n at Tar.init (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/repo
sitories/tar.js:70:11)\n at ChildProcess.useraccounts.attach.haibu.common.npm
.install (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/plugins/useraccount
s.js:257:15)\n at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17)\n at Pr
ocess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:678:10)',
debug: blame:
debug: { type: 'user',
debug: message: 'Repository configuration' },
debug: event: 'error:service' } },
debug: status: '500' } }
error: Error running command deploy
error: Nodejitsu Error (500): Internal Server Error
error: There was an error while attempting to deploy the app
error: Error spawning drone: no matching engine found
error: Repository configuration
error: This type of error is usually a user error.
error: Error output from Haibu:
error: Error: Error spawning drone: no matching engine found
error: at getSpawnOptions (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/ha
error: at getSpawnOptions (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/ha
error: at Spawner.spawn (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haib
error: at Spawner.trySpawn (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/h
error: at Tar.init (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/rep
error: at ChildProcess.useraccounts.attach.haibu.common.npm.install (/root
error: at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17)
error: at Process._handle.onexit (child_process.js:678:10)
help: For help with this error contact Nodejitsu Support:
help: webchat: <>
help: irc: <irc://>
help: email: <>
help: Copy and paste this output to a gist (
info: Nodejitsu not ok
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