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Created January 13, 2020 21:48
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OpType = enum Inc, Move, Loop, Print
Ops = seq[Op]
Op = object
case op: OpType
of Inc, Move: val: int
of Loop: loop: Ops
else: discard
StringIterator = iterator(): char
Tape = object
pos: int
tape: seq[int]
Program = distinct Ops
func initTape(): Tape =
result.pos = 0
result.tape = newSeq[int](1)
proc get(t: Tape): int {.inline.} = t.tape[t.pos]
proc inc(t: var Tape, x: int) {.inline.} = t.tape[t.pos] += x
proc move(t: var Tape, x: int) {.inline.} =
t.pos += x
while t.pos >= t.tape.len:
t.tape.setLen 2 * t.tape.len
func newStringIterator(s: string): StringIterator =
result = iterator(): char =
for i in s:
yield i
func parse(iter: StringIterator): Ops =
for i in iter():
case i
of '+': result.add Op(op: Inc, val: 1)
of '-': result.add Op(op: Inc, val: -1)
of '>': result.add Op(op: Move, val: 1)
of '<': result.add Op(op: Move, val: -1)
of '.': result.add Op(op: Print)
of '[': result.add Op(op: Loop, loop: parse iter)
of ']': break
else: discard
func parse(code: string): Program =
let iter = newStringIterator code
result = Program parse iter
var output: string
proc run(ops: Ops, t: var Tape) =
for op in ops:
case op.op
of Inc: op.val
of Move: t.move op.val
of Loop:
while t.get() > 0: run(op.loop, t)
of Print:
output.add t.get().chr()
proc run(ops: Program) =
var tape = initTape()
run Ops ops, tape
echo output
A mandelbrot set fractal viewer in brainf*** written by Erik Bosman
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