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Forked from RobThree/SoapClientTimeout.class.php
Created August 20, 2012 18:56
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PHP SoapClient with timeout
// Drop-in replacement for PHP's SoapClient class supporting connect and response/transfer timeout
// Usage: Exactly as PHP's SoapClient class, except that 3 new options are available:
// timeout The response/transfer timeout in milliseconds; 0 == default SoapClient / CURL timeout
// connecttimeout The connection timeout; 0 == default SoapClient / CURL timeout
// sslverifypeer FALSE to stop SoapClient from verifying the peer's certificate
// 2012-08-20 - treehousetim added an additional option to support api key auth
// ->extraGet
// used like this:
// authenticate using an API key
$client->extraGet = '?Header_Username=' $apiKey );
// 2012-08-20 - treehousetim also added custom exceptions so that the different errors can be caught using multiple catch levels
// used like this:
// instantiate client and call wsdl method here
catch( stConnectionException $e )
// handle connection timeout here
catch( stOperationException $e )
// handle operation timeout here
class SoapClientTimeout extends SoapClient
private $timeout = 10;
private $connecttimeout = 3;
private $sslverifypeer = true;
public $extraGet = '';
public function __construct($wsdl, $options) {
//"POP" our own defined options from the $options array before we call our parent constructor
//to ensure we don't pass unknown/invalid options to our parent
if (isset($options['timeout'])) {
if (isset($options['connecttimeout'])) {
if (isset($options['sslverifypeer'])) {
//Now call parent constructor
parent::__construct($wsdl, $options);
public function __setTimeout($timeoutms)
if (!is_int($timeoutms) && !is_null($timeoutms) || $timeoutms<0)
throw new Exception("Invalid timeout value");
$this->timeout = $timeoutms;
public function __getTimeout()
return $this->timeout;
public function __setConnectTimeout($connecttimeoutms)
if (!is_int($connecttimeoutms) && !is_null($connecttimeoutms) || $connecttimeoutms<0)
throw new Exception("Invalid connecttimeout value");
$this->connecttimeout = $connecttimeoutms;
public function __getConnectTimeout()
return $this->connecttimeout;
public function __setSSLVerifyPeer($sslverifypeer)
if (!is_bool($sslverifypeer))
throw new Exception("Invalid sslverifypeer value");
$this->sslverifypeer = $sslverifypeer;
public function __getSSLVerifyPeer()
return $this->sslverifypeer;
public function __doRequest( $request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = FALSE)
if (($this->timeout===0) && ($this->connecttimeout===0))
// Call via parent because we require no timeout
$response = parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way);
// Call via Curl and use the timeout
$curl = curl_init($location . $this->extraGet );
if ($curl === false)
throw new Exception('Curl initialization failed');
$options = array(
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(sprintf('Content-Type: %s', $version == 2 ? 'application/soap+xml' : 'text/xml'), sprintf('SOAPAction: %s', $action)),
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => $this->sslverifypeer
if (defined('CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS')) { //Timeout in MS supported?
$options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS] = $this->timeout;
} else { //Round(up) to second precision
$options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = ceil($this->timeout/1000);
if (defined('CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS')) { //ConnectTimeout in MS supported?
$options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS] = $this->connecttimeout;
} else { //Round(up) to second precision
$options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = ceil($this->connecttimeout/1000);
if (curl_setopt_array($curl, $options) === false)
throw new Exception('Failed setting CURL options');
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$errNo = curl_errno($curl);
if ( $errNo )
if ( $errNo == 7 )
throw new stConnectionException( curl_error( $curl ) );
if ( $errNo == 28 )
throw new stOperationException( curl_error( $curl ) );
// failsafe
throw new stGeneralException( curl_error( $curl ) );
// Return?
if (!$one_way)
return ($response);
// custom exceptions for soap timeout by tim gallagher "treehousetim" everywhere
interface stIException
/* Protected methods inherited from Exception class */
public function getMessage(); // Exception message
public function getCode(); // User-defined Exception code
public function getFile(); // Source filename
public function getLine(); // Source line
public function getTrace(); // An array of the backtrace()
public function getTraceAsString(); // Formated string of trace
/* Overrideable methods inherited from Exception class */
public function __toString(); // formated string for display
public function __construct( $message = null, $code = 0 );
abstract class stException extends Exception implements stIException
protected $message = 'Generic SoapTimeout Exception'; // Exception message
private $string; // Unknown
protected $code = 0; // User-defined exception code
protected $file; // Source filename of exception
protected $line; // Source line of exception
private $trace; // Unknown
protected $errno; // error number aka error level - integer
public function __construct( $message = null, $code = 0 )
if ( ! $message )
throw new $this( 'Unknown '. get_class( $this ) );
parent::__construct( $message, $code );
public function __toString()
return PHP_EOL . get_class( $this ) .
":\n{$this->message}\n\nin {$this->file}({$this->line})\n" .
// now the actual custom exceptions
class stGeneralException extends stException { }
class stConnectionException extends stException { }
class stOperationException extends stException { }
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