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Last active December 13, 2023 15:12
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Fast total sorting of arbitrary Traversable containers

UPDATE: This gist is now available as a proper git repository.

Will Fancher recently wrote a blog post (see also the Reddit thread) about sorting arbitrary Traversable containers without any of the ugly incomplete pattern matches that accompany the well-known technique of dumping all the entries into a list and then sucking them back out in State. Fancher used a custom applicative based on the usual free applicative. Unfortunately, this type is rather hard to work with, and Fancher was not immediately able to find a way to use anything better than insertion sort. This gist demonstrates an asymptotically optimal heap sort using a heap-merging applicative.

The three modules:

  • BasicNat: unary natural numbers, singletons, and properties
  • IndexedPairingHeap: size-indexed pairing heaps
  • HSTrav: the big payoff: heap-sorting anything

Note: If you came here from Reddit, be aware that I've updated this gist a drop based on comments there, rendering some of the comments a bit outdated. Nothing major has changed, just:

  • The Heap field of Sort is now strict.
  • Some functions are now marked INLINABLE or INLINE.
  • The explanation of why the Applicative instance is valid has been simplified and is also now more complete.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, GADTs,
ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
-- | Type-level natural numbers and singletons, with proofs of
-- a few basic properties.
module BasicNat (
-- | Type-level natural numbers
Nat (..)
, type (+)
-- | Natural number singletons
, Natty (..)
, plus
-- | Basic properties
, plusCommutative
, plusZero
, plusSucc
, plusAssoc
) where
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce
-- | Type-level natural numbers
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- | Type-level natural number addition
type family (+) m n where
'Z + n = n
'S m + n = 'S (m + n)
-- | Singletons for natural numbers
data Natty n where
Zy :: Natty 'Z
Sy :: Natty n -> Natty ('S n)
-- | Singleton addition
plus :: Natty m -> Natty n -> Natty (m + n)
plus Zy n = n
plus (Sy m) n = Sy (plus m n)
-- Proofs of basic arithmetic
-- The legitimate proofs are accompanied by rewrite rules that
-- effectively assert termination. These rules prevent us from
-- actually having to run the proof code, which would be slow.
plusCommutative :: Natty m -> Natty n -> (m + n) :~: (n + m)
plusCommutative Zy n = case plusZero n of Refl -> Refl
plusCommutative (Sy m) n =
case plusCommutative m n of { Refl ->
case plusSucc n m of Refl -> Refl }
{-# NOINLINE plusCommutative #-}
plusZero :: Natty m -> (m + 'Z) :~: m
plusZero Zy = Refl
plusZero (Sy n) = case plusZero n of Refl -> Refl
{-# NOINLINE plusZero #-}
plusSucc :: Natty m -> proxy n -> (m + 'S n) :~: ('S (m + n))
plusSucc Zy _ = Refl
plusSucc (Sy n) p = case plusSucc n p of Refl -> Refl
{-# NOINLINE plusSucc #-}
plusAssoc :: Natty m -> p1 n -> p2 o -> (m + (n + o)) :~: ((m + n) + o)
plusAssoc Zy _ _ = Refl
plusAssoc (Sy m) p1 p2 = case plusAssoc m p1 p2 of Refl -> Refl
{-# NOINLINE plusAssoc #-}
"plusCommutative" forall m n. plusCommutative m n = unsafeCoerce (Refl :: 'Z :~: 'Z)
"plusZero" forall m . plusZero m = unsafeCoerce (Refl :: 'Z :~: 'Z)
"plusSucc" forall m n. plusSucc m n = unsafeCoerce (Refl :: 'Z :~: 'Z)
"plusAssoc" forall m p1 p2. plusAssoc m p1 p2 = unsafeCoerce (Refl :: 'Z :~: 'Z)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, TypeOperators,
RankNTypes, InstanceSigs, DataKinds #-}
module HSTrav where
import IndexedPairingHeap (Heap, Sized (..), empty, singleton, merge, minView)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:) (..))
import BasicNat (type (+), Nat (..), plusAssoc, plusZero)
-- | A heap of some size whose element have type @a@ and a
-- function that, applied to any heap at least that large,
-- will produce a result and the rest of the heap.
data Sort a r where
Sort :: (forall n. Proxy n -> Heap (m + n) a -> (Heap n a, r))
-> !(Heap m a)
-> Sort a r
instance Functor (Sort x) where
fmap f (Sort g h) =
Sort (\p h' -> case g p h' of (remn, r) -> (remn, f r)) h
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Ord x => Applicative (Sort x) where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
{-# INLINABLE (<*>) #-}
pure x = Sort (\_ h -> (h, x)) empty
-- Combine two 'Sort's by merging their heaps and composing
-- their functions.
(<*>) :: forall a b . Sort x (a -> b) -> Sort x a -> Sort x b
Sort f (xs :: Heap m x) <*> Sort g (ys :: Heap n x) =
Sort h (merge xs ys)
h :: forall o . Proxy o -> Heap ((m + n) + o) x -> (Heap o x, b)
h p v = case plusAssoc (size xs) (size ys) p of
Refl -> case f (Proxy :: Proxy (n + o)) v of { (v', a) ->
case g (Proxy :: Proxy o) v' of { (v'', b) ->
(v'', a b)}}
-- Produce a 'Sort' with a singleton heap and a function that will
-- produce the smallest element of a heap.
liftSort :: Ord x => x -> Sort x x
liftSort a = Sort (\_ h -> case minView h of (x, h') -> (h', x)) (singleton a)
{-# INLINABLE liftSort #-}
-- Apply the function in a 'Sort' to the heap within, producing a
-- result.
runSort :: forall x a . Sort x a -> a
runSort (Sort f xs) = case plusZero (size xs) of
Refl -> snd $ f (Proxy :: Proxy 'Z) xs
-- | Sort an arbitrary 'Traversable' container using a heap.
sortTraversable :: (Ord a, Traversable t) => t a -> t a
sortTraversable = runSort . traverse liftSort
{-# INLINABLE sortTraversable #-}
-- | Sort an arbitrary container using a 'Traversal' (in the
-- 'lens' sense).
sortTraversal :: Ord a => ((a -> Sort a a) -> t -> Sort a t) -> t -> t
sortTraversal trav = runSort . trav liftSort
{-# INLINABLE sortTraversal #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, GADTs, RoleAnnotations #-}
module IndexedPairingHeap (
, Sized (..)
, empty
, singleton
, insert
, merge
, minView
) where
import BasicNat
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
-- | Okasaki's simple representation of a pairing heap, but with
-- a size index.
data Heap n a where
E :: Heap 'Z a
T :: a -> HVec n a -> Heap ('S n) a
-- Coercing a heap could destroy the heap property, so we declare both
-- type parameters nominal.
type role Heap nominal nominal
-- | A vector of heaps whose sizes sum to the index.
data HVec n a where
HNil :: HVec 'Z a
HCons :: Heap m a -> HVec n a -> HVec (m + n) a
class Sized h where
-- | Calculate the size of a structure
size :: h n a -> Natty n
instance Sized Heap where
size E = Zy
size (T _ xs) = Sy (size xs)
instance Sized HVec where
size HNil = Zy
size (HCons h hs) = size h `plus` size hs
-- Produce an empty heap
empty :: Heap 'Z a
empty = E
-- Produce a heap with one element
singleton :: a -> Heap ('S 'Z) a
singleton a = T a HNil
-- Insert an element into a heap
insert :: Ord a => a -> Heap n a -> Heap ('S n) a
insert x xs = merge (singleton x) xs
{-# INLINABLE insert #-}
-- Merge two heaps
merge :: Ord a => Heap m a -> Heap n a -> Heap (m + n) a
merge E ys = ys
merge xs E = case plusZero (size xs) of Refl -> xs
merge h1@(T x xs) h2@(T y ys)
| x <= y = case plusCommutative (size h2) (size xs) of Refl -> T x (HCons h2 xs)
| otherwise = case plusSucc (size xs) (size ys) of Refl -> T y (HCons h1 ys)
{-# INLINABLE merge #-}
-- Get the smallest element of a non-empty heap, and the rest of
-- the heap
minView :: Ord a => Heap ('S n) a -> (a, Heap n a)
minView (T x hs) = (x, mergePairs hs)
{-# INLINABLE minView #-}
mergePairs :: Ord a => HVec n a -> Heap n a
mergePairs HNil = E
mergePairs (HCons h HNil) = case plusZero (size h) of Refl -> h
mergePairs (HCons h1 (HCons h2 hs)) =
case plusAssoc (size h1) (size h2) (size hs) of
Refl -> merge (merge h1 h2) (mergePairs hs)
{-# INLINABLE mergePairs #-}

It is not immediately obvious that Sort is a lawful Applicative at all. Let's see if we can figure it out! The indices just get in the way here, so let's clean up the Applicative instance a bit. It won't compile like this, but that doesn't matter.

pure x = Sort (\_ h -> (h, x)) empty

(<*>) :: forall a b . Sort x (a -> b) -> Sort x a -> Sort x b
Sort f xs <*> Sort g ys =
  Sort h (merge xs ys)
    h :: forall o. Proxy o -> Heap ((m + n) + o) x -> (Heap o x, b)
    h p v = case f Proxy v of { (v', a) ->
              case g Proxy v' of { (v'', b) ->
                (v'', a b)}}

As "paf31" noted, Sort a is (indices, proxies, and strictness annotation aside) the Product of two applicative functors:

Sort a ~= Product (State (Heap a)) (Const (Heap a))

with precisely the Applicative instance that suggests.

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