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Pairing queues with linear interface
{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language LinearTypes #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language KindSignatures #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Pairing heap loosely based on one Donnacha Oisín Kidney wrote for
-- 'Data.Sequence.unstableSortBy'. This one is more general (it can be empty),
-- but it's probably also slower.
module Data.Linear.Pairing where
import Data.Unrestricted.Linear
import qualified Data.List.Linear as LL
import Prelude hiding (Foldable (..))
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Functor.Linear as LF
import qualified Data.Monoid.Linear as LM
import qualified Prelude.Linear as PL
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
data PQueue a where
Empty :: PQueue a
Q :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(NEQueue a) -> PQueue a
data NEQueue a where
NEQ :: !a -> !(NEQList a) -> NEQueue a
data NEQList a where
Nil :: NEQList a
NEQCons :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(NEQueue a)
-> !(NEQList a)
-> NEQList a
withPQueueFromList :: Ord a => [Ur a] %1-> (PQueue a %1-> Ur r) %1-> Ur r
withPQueueFromList as f = f (fromList as)
withNEQueueFromNonEmpty :: Ord a => NonEmpty (Ur a) %1-> (NEQueue a %1-> Ur r) %1-> Ur r
withNEQueueFromNonEmpty as f = f (fromNonEmptyNE as)
withEmptyPQueue :: Ord a => (PQueue a %1-> Ur r) %1-> Ur r
withEmptyPQueue f = f Empty
withNEQueueFromSingleton :: Ord a => a -> (NEQueue a %1-> Ur r) %1-> Ur r
withNEQueueFromSingleton a f = f (singletonNEQ a)
fromAscList :: [Ur a] %1-> Ur (PQueue a)
fromAscList [] = Ur Empty
fromAscList (x : xs) = case fromAscNonEmptyNEh x xs of
Ur r -> Ur (Q r)
fromAscNonEmptyNE :: NonEmpty (Ur a) %1-> Ur (NEQueue a)
fromAscNonEmptyNE (x :| xs) = fromAscNonEmptyNEh x xs
fromAscNonEmptyNEh :: Ur a %1-> [Ur a] %1-> Ur (NEQueue a)
fromAscNonEmptyNEh (Ur a) [] = Ur (NEQ a Nil)
fromAscNonEmptyNEh (Ur a) (b : bs) = case fromAscNonEmptyNEh b bs of
Ur r -> Ur (NEQ a (NEQCons r Nil))
instance Consumable (PQueue a) where
consume Empty = ()
consume (Q _) = ()
instance Ord a => Dupable (PQueue a) where
dupR q = case move q of
Ur q' -> LF.pure q'
instance Ord a => Semigroup (PQueue a) where
x <> y = merge x y
instance Ord a => Semigroup (NEQueue a) where
x <> y = mergeNEQ x y
instance Ord a => Monoid (PQueue a) where
mempty = empty
instance Ord a => LM.Semigroup (PQueue a) where
x <> y = merge x y
instance Ord a => LM.Semigroup (NEQueue a) where
x <> y = mergeNEQ x y
instance Ord a => LM.Monoid (PQueue a) where
mempty = empty
instance Ord a => Eq (PQueue a) where
p == q = toPlainList p == toPlainList q
instance Ord a => PL.Eq (PQueue a) where
p == q = toList p PL.== toList q
instance Ord a => Ord (PQueue a) where
p `compare` q = toPlainList p `compare` toPlainList q
instance Ord a => PL.Ord (PQueue a) where
p `compare` q = toList p `` toList q
-- | Rebalances the queue in \(O(n \log n)\) time so subsequent operations are
-- cheap.
instance Ord a => Movable (PQueue a) where
move q = fromAscList (toList q)
instance Consumable (NEQueue a) where
consume (NEQ _ _) = ()
instance Ord a => Dupable (NEQueue a) where
dupR q = case move q of
Ur q' -> LF.pure q'
-- | Rebalances the queue in \(O(n \log n)\) time so subsequent operations are
-- cheap.
-- Question: Is it possible to be more conservative? This always generates a
-- perfectly balanced queue, but it's not obvious to me that we need to go
-- that far.
instance Ord a => Movable (NEQueue a) where
move q = fromAscNonEmptyNE (toNonEmptyNE q)
mergeNEQ :: Ord a => NEQueue a %1-> NEQueue a %1-> NEQueue a
mergeNEQ (NEQ x1 ts1) (NEQ x2 ts2)
| x1 <= x2
= NEQ x1 (NEQ x2 ts2 `NEQCons` ts1)
| otherwise
= NEQ x2 (NEQ x1 ts1 `NEQCons` ts2)
merge :: Ord a => PQueue a %1-> PQueue a %1-> PQueue a
merge Empty q = q
merge q Empty = q
merge (Q ne1) (Q ne2) = Q (mergeNEQ ne1 ne2)
singletonNEQ :: a -> NEQueue a
singletonNEQ a = NEQ a Nil
singleton :: a -> PQueue a
singleton a = Q (singletonNEQ a)
popMinNEQ :: Ord a => NEQueue a %1-> (Ur a, PQueue a)
popMinNEQ (NEQ x xs) = (Ur x, mergeNEQs xs)
mergeNEQs Nil = Empty
mergeNEQs (t `NEQCons` ts) = Q $ go t ts
go t Nil = t
go t1 (t2 `NEQCons` Nil) = t1 <+> t2
go t1 (t2 `NEQCons` (t3 `NEQCons` ts)) = (t1 <+> t2) <+> go t3 ts
(<+>) = mergeNEQ
minViewNE :: Ord a => NEQueue a %1-> (Ur a, Maybe (NEQueue a))
minViewNE ne = case popMinNEQ ne of
(ua, Empty) -> (ua, Nothing)
(ua, Q ne') -> (ua, Just ne')
minView :: Ord a => PQueue a %1-> Maybe (Ur a, PQueue a)
minView Empty = Nothing
minView (Q ne) = case popMinNEQ ne of
(the_min, the_rest) -> Just (the_min, the_rest)
{-# INLINE minView #-}
insert :: Ord a => a -> PQueue a %1 -> PQueue a
insert a q = merge (singleton a) q
empty :: PQueue a
empty = Empty
fromList :: Ord a => [Ur a] %1-> PQueue a
fromList = LL.foldl' (\acc (Ur a) -> insert a acc) empty
fromNonEmptyNE :: Ord a => NonEmpty (Ur a) %1-> NEQueue a
fromNonEmptyNE (Ur a :| as) = case fromList as of
Empty -> NEQ a Nil
Q ne -> NEQ a (NEQCons ne Nil)
fromListNonLinear :: Ord a => [a] -> PQueue a
fromListNonLinear = F.foldl' (\acc a -> insert a acc) empty
fromNonEmptyNonLinearNE :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> NEQueue a
fromNonEmptyNonLinearNE (a :| as) = NEQ a $
case fromListNonLinear as of
Empty -> Nil
Q ne -> NEQCons ne Nil
foldrNonLinear :: forall a b. Ord a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PQueue a -> b
foldrNonLinear c n = \q -> go q
go :: PQueue a -> b
go q = case minView q of
Nothing -> n
Just (Ur a, q') -> a `c` go q'
foldr :: forall a b. Ord a => (a -> b %1 -> b) -> b %1 -> PQueue a %1 -> b
foldr c = \n q -> go n q
go :: b %1-> PQueue a %1-> b
go n q = case minView q of
Nothing -> n
Just (Ur a, q') -> a `c` go n q'
foldrNE1 :: forall a b. Ord a => (a -> b %1 -> b) -> (a -> b) %1 -> NEQueue a %1 -> b
foldrNE1 c = \n q -> go n q
go :: (a -> b) %1-> NEQueue a %1-> b
go n q = case popMinNEQ q of
(Ur a, Empty) -> n a
(Ur a, Q more) -> a `c` go n more
foldl' :: forall a b. Ord a => (b %1-> a -> b) -> b %1-> PQueue a %1-> b
foldl' f b q = foldr (\a r !acc -> r (f acc a)) (\x -> x) q b
-- | Lazily convert a 'PQueue` to a list.
toList :: Ord a => PQueue a %1-> [Ur a]
toList = foldr (\a r -> Ur a : r) []
toNonEmptyNE :: Ord a => NEQueue a %1-> NonEmpty (Ur a)
toNonEmptyNE ne = case popMinNEQ ne of
(ura, q) -> ura :| toList q
toPlainNonEmptyNE :: Ord a => NEQueue a %1-> NonEmpty a
toPlainNonEmptyNE ne = case popMinNEQ ne of
(Ur a, q) -> a :| toPlainList q
-- | Less powerful than 'toList', but easier to handle in non-linear code.
toPlainList :: Ord a => PQueue a %1-> [a]
toPlainList = foldr (:) []
instance (Show a, Ord a) => Show (PQueue a) where
showsPrec p q = showParen (p > 10) (showString "fromAscList " . showList (toPlainList q))
instance (Show a, Ord a) => Show (NEQueue a) where
showsPrec p q = showParen (p > 10) (showString "fromAscNonEmptyNE " . shows (toPlainNonEmptyNE q))
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