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jQuery: Using and Manipulating Select Lists
//Get the currently selected option's value
//Get the currently selected option's title
//Set the currently selected option to the supplied value
//Get an option with a specified value
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this);
//Reset select list to first value
$(this).val(''); //this doesn't work in IE
//Reset the select list to the first value
$(this).val($('option:first', this).val());
//Reset select list to blank option
//Add an option onto the top of a select list
$(this).prepend('<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>');
//Add an option onto the end of a select list
$(this).append('<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>');
//Add an option before a certain option in a select list
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this).before('<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>');
//Add an option after a certain option in a select list
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this).after('<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>');
//Remove an option from a select list by value
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this).remove();
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