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Created November 16, 2012 08:08
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1.1.1. Running the examples on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
Still refers to ant usage. There probably won't be any ant build option in WFK 2.1.0. This section should describe maven usage anyway.
AFAIK War examples are now deployed as /${name}-web and not /jboss-seam-example.
1.1.2. Running the example tests
Still refers to ant usage, should be maven instead.
Integration tests does not come with TestNG, but with JUnit and Arquillian.
In examples/readme.txt is no section about running tests from IDE. This was removed. The entity bean:
Comment #7 below the class snippet still contains @Length instead of @Size.
Example 1.2.
Formatting still does not look well in html version The Seam component deployment descriptor: components.xml
The end of this section is talking about @ symbols, but there are no such symbols in the code snippet.
Example 1.8. faces-config.xml
There is no view-handler definition in faces-config.xml anymore.
1.3.1. Understanding the code
„and one JSP“ - IMHO there is no JSP, but JSF
Example 1.13.
Comment #5 below code snipet contains also sentence „The first time we navigate to the JSP page“. Should be JSF instead.
Example 1.16.
Formatting still does not look well in html version
Example 1.17. main.xhtml
Formatting of inline describing numbers is not aligned and in general is not place correctly.
There is no <a:support> tag, should be probably <a:ajax> instead. This first comment is describing wrong ajax attributes at all.
Example 1.18.
formatting seems broken for some annotations in the HTML formatted docs
Example 1.19.
formatting seems broken for some annotations in the HTML formatted docs
Example 1.22. 
Broken formatting
2.2.4. Using compatible JNDI for resources
First code snipet in this section has weird alignment in html version. Should be aligned to the left.
2.5. Dependency changes when using Maven
There is typo (distrubuted) in the last sentence of this section.
Chapter 3. Getting started with seam-gen
In third paragraph in preface there is following sentence: „but this tutorial focuses on using seam-gen with Eclipse for debugging and integration testing.“
AFAIK There is nothing about integration testing and debugging from Eclipse anymore.
3.1. Before you start
„If you are running the standalone profile of JBoss from the command line, you can configure the JVM options in bin/standalone.xml.“
Well sorry, it isn't bin/standalone.xml, but bin/standalone.conf.
3.2. Setting up a new project
Wrong alignment in first code snipet in html version.
Few issues in following paragraph: „The persistence-test.xml and import-test.sql files are used when running the TestNG unit tests against HSQLDB. The database schema and the test data in import-test.sql is always exported to the database before running tests. The myproject-dev-ds.xml, persistence-dev.xmland import-dev.sql files are for use when deploying the application to your development database“
There are no TestNG tests anymore and the default database provider is h2 so hsqldb can be little bit confusing. It is same with files names. In text above project called helloworld was created and now it is mentioning myproject-dev-ds.xml. This can be little bit confusing too.
5.1. Seam contexts
„One you may not have encountered previously are the conversation context.“
I guess there should be „is“ instead of „are“.
5.1.9. Concurrency model
Typo in very last sentence: „So @Synchronized annotation is ignored on Statefull session beans.“ It is Stateful session beans.
5.2.7. Component names
These two following rows should be removed from components.xml code snipet:
6.5. Using XML Namespaces
Still wrong namespaces in almost all code snipets in this chapter. should be changed to
7.2. Page actions
Third code snipet still contains this:
<page view-id="/hello.jsp"> shoud be changed to
<page view-id="/hello.xhtml">
7.3.1. Mapping request parameters to the model
Same as one issue above. Again: view-id="/hello.jsp" and also in text „However we arrive at /hello.jsp“
7.4. Propagating request parameters
Same as previous comment. hello.jsp again in code snipet
7.6. Conversion and Validation
calculator.jsp in first two code snipets
7.8. Fine-grained files for defining navigation, page actions and parameters
calculator.jsp in text
8.3. Starting conversations with GET requests
Parameter pageflow="AddItem" should be removed from the third code snipet.
8.10. Workspace management
„Include one or more workspace switcher JSP or Facelets“. It would be better to use JSF instead of JSP and Facelets.
8.10.2. The conversation switcher
„Including the following fragment in your JSP or Facelets“. Same as previous comment.
12.2. Home objects
editPerson.jsp in code snipet
12.3. Query objects
multiple *.jsp references (searchPerson.jsp, editPerson.jsp) in code snipets
Chapter 13. Seam and JBoss Rules
I wouldn't mention jBPM at all, since it is not supported in Seam/WFK.
14.3.1. Configuring an Authenticator component
Old schema location in components.xml snipet. -> ->* ->*
15.1.1. Application server configuration
Text refers to JBoss AS and Jboss AS 7.1.1. This should be replaced with Enterprise Application Platform.
15.3.1. Defining labels
Multiple references to jsp pages (hello.jsp) in the end of chapter. Should be replaced with hello.xhtml
15.5. Themes
There is following sentence in the text: „Now we can use these entries in our JSP or Facelets pages“. I would rather use JSF instead of JSP or Facelets.
17.1. Using PDF Support
Following sentence "Future versions of the library may also support the use of JSP." was not removed!
18.1. Microsoft Excel support
Link to nonexisting url
18.4. Worksheets
Same as problem above – there is link with text jxl.format.PaperSize refering to nonexisting url
This can be probably replaced by following url, but I am not currently sure about version's number:
Exactly same problem with urls is in Number masks (jxl.write.NumberFormats) and Date masks (jxl.write.DecimalFormats)
18.14.2. Fonts
There are many wrong links in the tables (same as above) with jxl.format.* text from this chapter to 18.14.7. The datatable exporter
19.1. Creating a message
Old namespace in first code snipet -
19.1.7. Other Headers
Again - Old namespace in first code snipet -
Same problem also in JNDI look up in EAP, Seam-configured Session and 19.3. Tags
21.1. Using Caching in Seam
Refers to JBoss community version in "Infinispan 5.x (suitable for use in JBoss AS 7.1.x or later and other containers) " EAP would be better.
Text in Note section also uses JBoss AS7.
Text still refers to JBossCachce occasionally.
24.3. Hooking up a GWT widget to the Seam component
Last sentence of this chapter refers to remoting/gwt examples in Seam distribution. The example is not part of distribution anymore.
25.1. Injecting Seam components into Spring beans
Wrong schema location in first code snippet: -> ttp://
25.5. Using Spring PlatformTransactionManagement
Not working link to Spring documentation
25.8. Spring Application Context as a Seam Component -> -> ttp://
26.3. Usage
Nonexisting link to reference documentation -
27.1.1. Integrating Seam with JSF and your servlet container
Not working link in "See this specification issue for details" -
27.1.4. Integrating Seam with your EJB container
Typo in "You must tell seam where to find session beans in JNDI." Seam should start with capital letter.
Next issue is talking about jee5/booking. It should probably be just jee6 (there is no subdirectory booking).
27.3.1. Packaging
jBPM still mentioned in "If you want to use jBPM or Drools, you must include the needed jars in the EAR's lib directory. "
27.6. Deployment in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
Referencing AS7 in "There is a significant enhancement for speed up the application deployment in AS 7".
27.7. Configuring SFSB and Session Timeouts in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
Referencing JBoss Application Server in " JBoss Application Server has a default session bean timeout of 30 minutes, which ..."
28.1. Annotations for component definition
Following annotations still refers to jBPM or BPM somehow:
@Scope(APPLICATION) @Startup(depends="org.jboss.seam.bpm.jbpm")
Example 33.1.
Poor formatting of example in HTML version.
33.2.1. Configuration
Talking about JBoss AS7 in "Assuming you are using Maven as your build tool and want run your tests on JBoss AS 7...". EAP would be better.
33.2.3. Integration testing Seam application user interactions
AFAIK There are now no instructions how to run tests from Eclipse or another IDE. So following sentence should be rearranged or removed: "There are instructions for running these tests using Maven, or using the JUnit plugin for eclipse:"
IMO also the picture with tests bar in Eclipse should be removed. Integration Testing with Mock Data
Wrongly formatted word CAUTION in HTML version.
34.2.1. Core
jboss-seam-rss.jar is not available in WFK, so it should be removed from the table.
34.2.5. Seam RSS support
This should be removed completely too.
34.3. Dependency Management using Maven
Dependencies for seam-rss and seam-wicket should be removed:
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