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Rsync daemon mode over ssh

rsync daemon mode over ssh

There are several common ways to do rsync backups of hosts over ssh:

  1. As a non-root user. Upsides: very secure. Downside: cannot back up sensitive files.
  2. As root, with a public key. Downsides: Whoever has the private key has full root access to the host being backed up.
  3. As root, with a public key and a "forced command". Upsides: Restricts access to the server. Downsides: Requires either careful matching of rsync options (which might change over time), or "validator" scripts. Neither idea sounds very appealing to me.
  4. Running rsync in daemon mode on the host being backed up. Upsides: Lots of useful options, like read-only mode, running as a different user if required, server-side excludes/includes, etc. Downsides: Opens up a TCP port that has full filesystem read access and is hard to secure (Ideally you could make the rsync daemon use a unix socket instead, that could be secured by filesystem permissions, but I haven't found a way to do that).

Here is another option that I haven't found much information on, but that I think combines the best aspects of solutions 3 and 4: using rsync daemon mode over ssh.

This is based on a relatively obscure feature mentioned in the rsync(1) man page under "USING RSYNC-DAEMON FEATURES VIA A REMOTE-SHELL CONNECTION":

It is sometimes useful to use various features of an rsync daemon (such as named modules) without actually allowing any new socket connections into a system (other than what is already required to allow remote-shell access). Rsync supports connecting to a host using a remote shell and then spawning a single-use "daemon" server that expects to read its config file in the home dir of the remote user.

The part about the configuration file is not correct, the daemon will look for /etc/rsyncd.conf instead. Or maybe it's a compile-time option, but at least on Ubuntu and CentOS the file is looked up in /etc. This is not a problem though, as we can override the location via a commandline option.

This allows us to set up the following:

  • A special rsyncd.conf file on the host to be backed up that provides a read-only view of the filesystem, with optional includes/excludes (see the rsync man page for details). Example:

    # /root/rsyncd.conf
    uid = root
    gid = root
    log file = /var/log/rsyncd.backup.log
        path = /home/
        read only = true
        exclude = lost+found/
  • A key that is restricted to running rsync in daemon mode with the above config file:

    # /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    command="rsync --config=/root/rsyncd.conf --server --daemon .",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa ...
  • And to restrict the ssh access of the root user to forced commands only:

    # /etc/sshd_config
    PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only
  • On the host doing the backup, we trigger daemon mode over ssh by using rsync daemon notation for the source combined with the --rsh=ssh option, as described in the rsync man page:

    # rsync -av --rsh=ssh remote_host::home destination/

    When using rsnapshot, the correct backup line for /etc/rsnapshot.conf is:

    backup	remote_host::home	destination/home/	+rsync_long_args=--rsh=ssh

    Note that you have to specify the directory name again on the destination side, and of course use tabs to separate everything.

    When using swiftbackup, the format for the backup option is:

    backup =
        remote_host::home --rsh=ssh

What happens now is that rsync connects via ssh to the remote host, where the forced command starts an rsync daemon for the lifetime of the ssh connection that does not listen on a TCP port and only talks to the rsync process on the local side. We won't have to change the authorized_keys file if we change rsync options on the client, and as an added bonus the rsync access is read-only.

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pklapperich commented Mar 15, 2018

Another option based on forced commands is rrsync script (debian installs as in /usr/share/doc/rsync/scripts/rrsync.gz)

I uncompressed the rrsync script to /usr/local/bin/rrsync and made it executable. I also made a /root/backup_jail folder, which rrsync will use as a chroot. Bind mount then makes folders of interest available to the chroot.

It looks like this:

# /etc/fstab
/etc       /root/backup_jail/etc       none   ro,bind 0 0
/var/www   /root/backup_jail/var/www   none   ro,bind 0 0
/var/log   /root/backup_jail/var/log   none   ro,bind 0 0 

the same sshd_config

# /etc/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only

but the command I force is a little different:

# /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 
command="/usr/local/bin/rrsync -ro /root/backup_jail/",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa [...]

and to backup I use a command like this:

$ rsync -e 'ssh -i identity_file' root@remote_host:/ destination/

Due to the chroot, / is actually /root/backup_jail and destination will get only {/etc,/var/www,/var/log}. Files are made read-only both due to the bind-mount and rrsync's own enforcing.

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zoechi commented May 1, 2019

Thanks, that was helpful :)

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RomainTT commented Feb 25, 2020

I used this idea to make backups of my NextCloud server, thanks !

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I thought this was great and tested it on one of our cloud server, where it worked like a charm.

On re-reading the rsync man page, though, I noticed what appeared to be slightly simpler and equally secure method, and am curious about your thoughts.

If you
a) set "hosts deny=" and "hosts allow=<remote_host_IP_address>" in rsyncd.conf;
b) "ssh -L <some_local_port>:localhost:873>" to create an ssh tunnel;

then you can "rsync rsync://<remote_host:<some_local_port>/" to connect to the rsyncd on the remote host using the ssh tunnel, while denying the rest of the world access. This avoids modifying the sshd_config and authorized_key files.

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very nicely done, thanks for this.

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